Is it ok to con/wash...deep con...and...


leave-in condition? I noticed that the 2007 Boot Camp states that you must deep condition with each wash. I would like to participate but I'm going to con/wash weekly versus pooing. Wouldn't it be too much conditioning if I did all three, especially since my hair is fine and thin.

alona said:
leave-in condition? I noticed that the 2007 Boot Camp states that you must deep condition with each wash. I would like to participate but I'm going to con/wash weekly versus pooing. Wouldn't it be too much conditioning if I did all three, especially since my hair is fine and thin.


I would say it depends on your hair. I also do CO washes, and I find that deep conditioning EVERY time is too much for my also fine hair. I deep condition once a week (usually after shampooing), and that works well for me.
I cowash during the week and one of those days is when i do my deep conditioner. I shampoo on the weekends and usually do a hot oil treament then. I think once a week dc should be enough for your hair since your cowashing also which is moisturizing HTH.
I co wash, DC, and use leave ins almost every time I wash. I rarely use shampoo. Most of my hairs are fine, and I'm relaxed. I haven't had a lot of problems with build up, or over conditioning. When I feel changes in my hair I either clarify or use protein, depending on what I think my hair needs. So basically, I use protein and shampoo on an as needed basis. So far, this is working for me.