Is it Ok to ask God Why???? Need Comfort


Well-Known Member
I am about to vent yall. Sorry...

I need to talk right now I am in shock. I feel nothing. Is this God's way of giving me peace or am I just in shock? First I'll start by saying there was a horrible murder in my city

As I was coimg home from work I was just looking at the front page of the paper and saying Lord why?

Then I get home to more bad news. I was supposed to go to the ballet tonight. I called my sister from work to ask her what time we were leaving and she was tripping. It was really getting on nerves she kept saying she would talk about it later. We'll talk about it when I get to house all kind of crazy talk. I called at 4:00 she still is talking crazy. Then she called and asked me to meet her at a hotel and that she could not explain why. I was thinking what is going on? Is it a surpirse?

Long story short when I get to the hotel I see my God Sister outside getting out of her car. So I said Hi what are you doing here? She did not hear me as she was carrying things.

As I enter the hotel lobby I see my God Mother, Mom and Sister. They have bags, and are putting them on the brass cart that the bell hop uses.

So I am thinking, "How cool is this? We are having a girls night out. I have a big smile on my face then my Mom comes up to me and says, "the house burned down" When she said this I was just looking at her and I felt absolutely nothing which I still don't. Then she said my God-mother who lives 2 doors over. So I am still like what?? She says don't talk about it. So here I am just arriving from work and they tell me the house that I spent most of my life in, most of my Christmas Like this past Christmas. (Ok it's hitting me now as I type and I am kind of spasing).

The house that I sat in this past Sunday for an hour and talked to my Godmother. The house where I made fruit cake. The house where My God-mothter just taught me sunday how to make homemade icing. The house were I learned a lot. The home where just this past Sunday a homeless guy came to the door and asked for food and she heated food for him that was her Sunday Dinner with a big ole piece of Cornbread, wrapped it up real good and gave it to him.

I don't understand:( :confused:

I was kidding with someone today and telling him he would understand something By and By. I guess that was for me. I don't understand. Prov 3:5,6 just came to me does that apply now?

She loves the Lord and does her best to to live like it.... She is no joke saved!

I just need words of comfort. I am just kind of shocked right now.
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Sweetheart, I'm so sorry to hear about all of these things happening in your life. I will pray for you and your family through this difficult time. I believe it is okay to ask God 'why?' because He wants us to cast our cares on Him. He knows us better than we know ourselves when it comes to our hearts.

The good news is that is sounds like none of your loved ones were harmed in this fire and I'm grateful about that. Sometimes what looks like 'evil' can turn into the most wonderful blessing and the lessons we learn through these trials can be very powerful. Joy in life does not come in what we have because possessions are fleeting. What gives our lives meaning is the relationships we have with our God and with those around us. The "mortar and bricks" of your house my be gone, but the joy and the life that your family lived in that home can never be erased. Those memories and those times will be all the more precious to you. So you take those good things, use them as stepping stones to the next good thing the Lord has in store for you and your family.

The numbness you're feeling right now is normal and natural. It's our heart's overload switch I think. The horror of those murders...I can only say that the hearts of men are evil; we need a savior. Praise God that He paid that price for our salvation.

So, place your hand and your heart in God's hands, pour out your heart to Him and He will bring you and your family through this. You are in my prayers!

You are in my prayers. I am sorry to hear that you are going through this situation. I really don't know what to tell you concerning is it OK to ask God Why? What I do know is that even in this moment when it seems that everything is wrong you have things to be thankful for. It seems that you and your family are safe and unharmed and that is a blessing in itself. I know how you feel b/c in the last couple of months I have been put in situtations where I felt the exact same way. You want to know why this is happening to you and your family, everything feels to unreal and then it all hits you at once, trust me I know. It is in those time that I just start sending up praises for what I do have. I am sure that God has a plan for you and your family and that you will be alright.

I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers and please keep us updated, hon. You know your whole LHCF family will be sending up prayers for you.
Thanks Fro-Ever. I am not angry with God or anything, just wondering. I am like a little Gyrl (daddy, why?) I really can't even pray righ now. I mean I can but I can't. I love the Lord. All I can think of is Job and how God does not put more on us than we can bear. Then I hear the remix of Jeus can work it out playing in my head.

I'm still just..... feel nothing ...... I guess you can call it numb.
I am so sorry to hear of your situation. I will be praying for you. I belive it is quite o.k. to ask God why. I struggled with that because the older christian women often says not to. I asked God about it (as I always do when I don't understand something). He reminded me of the story of Rebecca, when she went to inquire of the Lord, her question started with a big WHY. There are other things I was led to like the passage that reminds us that "if we being evil, know how to give good gifts to our children, how much more would our heavenly Father give good things to those who ask" I never had a good biological father but I still could have questioned him and he didn't seem to mind (when he was sober), how much more our heavenly Father. Thing is even if He doesn't give you the answer you are looking for, I can testify He will bring you peace and a way forward. You never know how much good can come out of a tradegy. I know how it feels to loose 'houses' and I can tell you for me it took a lot of praying to get over the losses and right now I live in a place I never dreamed I could ever have.

Pray girl, even if its the one word you can get out, 'why?'
Zeal, I think it is fine to ask God "Why". I think at some point in all of our lives we have done that. There is a lot that goes on that seems unbelievable and is hard to "understand". There are a couple of reasons why "we" don't "understand" a lot of things that go on in the world...God's thoughts are so much higher than ours!!! Another important thing that I had to learn in life is that sometimes God ALLOWS things to happen not as a "pinishment" to that person (like your God-mother), but maybe for a tool against the enemy so that in the end He gets the glory.
My sister-in-law's brother was murdered last year, and she couldn't understand "why" and although I never had the priviledge of meeting him, she said that he was a wonderful and kind person, and she didn't feel he "deserved" what happened to him. But God turned the situation around for "good" because one of her other brothers ended up getting saved after everything happened, and her family which has been very seperated for years, is now very close.
So, I pray that you stay encouraged and know that God KNOWS and understands everything that is going on, and there may be more that will come out of this in the end, and God's hand of mercy, love and grace will be seen to all!!!
And also, as Christians, our faith gets tested constantly, and just know that you can rest asure that God's got your family in His arms.
Be Blessed
Zeal, I'm so sorry to hear this and if it happened to me and my family I would be in shock too! I can also understand when you ask WHY?

You and your family are in my prayers, and I pray that you will get through this. I'm sure you will. They say that God doesn't put more on you than you can handle.
Thanks everyone. I KNOW that God is good. Maybe this will get my Godfather back in Church. as well as the people on the block.

My God parents are in ther 80s. My Godmother is strong and she seems to be handleling it pretty well. My Godfather.... well.... My sister says he cried a lot. He is emotional.

The fire happened at about 2 AM. Praise God that the smoke detectors worked. That is what woke up my God mother. She saw the flames in the kitchen behind the stove, Called 911 went up stairs made sure my Godfather got out. By the time she got back down stairs the entire kitchen was on fire.

I'm just sitting here shaking my head.

I know that all things work together for good for those that love the LORD.
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Zeal, I'm so glad to know your loved ones made it out of that house, the lord was looking out for them in a time of trouble.

Sometimes, the pain and anger becomes too great for us to stand...and in our anguish and pain we cry out "Why? why is this happening to me, to my family, the people I love?"

God understands when we ask him these questions. But the thing is, he doesn't have to answer. It's HIS will be done. That's what I try to remember when I wonder about the heartwrenching circumstances I've had to endure in my life.

But sometimes, those terrible things are lessons to be learned, and help make your faith that much stronger. God is a good God, and won't give you more than you can handle. I believe that more than I've ever believed anything else.
Dearest Zeal, you and your family are in my prayers. I am so thankful no one was hurt. I think it's perfectly fine to ask why. I think that's part of how God helps us define and shape our faith and helps us find our own individual roles in this life - the meaning-making we do. Please take care and know that you are surrounded by love.
Just an update. My God parents are fine. My Mom lives 2 doors away. When you first walk into her house it smells like smoke. It smells of smoke in the master bedroom also. Bad. My Mom has been running cpnstantly since Friday (with my Godmother). She finally rested today. We did not go to church. My mother said she wish she had because her heart was racing and if any of yourad my post she was in the hispital for an irregular heart beat last month for 10 days.

She is stressed because the claim adjusters have to com to the house and it will be somewhat of a stressful situation. Mom told me she and my Godmother went into the house yesterdday and it i hoorrible. She said all the pictures are covered with soot. I believe whe can get those out and clean them up. My Mom said you need a mask to go in there because of the smell. I saw a pair of rubber made gloves that my Mom wore in and they are just... black. Just keep praying for us, and our health. These are stressful times. We are claiming victory.
Oh man what a day. Sorry to hear about your house burning down. Don't ask why. Tell God if it is his will let it be done and keep on trucking. Everythings going to turn around. You will be in my prayer.