Is it normal to....


New Member
Have damp wet hair after baggy. Last night I desided to put Mink Oil on my hair then seal with Natural Oasis oil, then I covered my hair with a shower cap. I woke up in the middle of the night and I felt my hair and it was all dampy and that normal?
I know this has happened to me a couple times. I think its the combo of the moisture plus the steam/heat from the baggy. Someone suggested poking small holes in the baggy to avoid your hair from being SO wet.. HTH! :)
my hair is damp when i wake up in the morning however, after i take off the shower cap it drys under a hour or less. i can say using the baggy method my hair has not been dry it's keeps the moisture.
I put a leave in conditioner on dry hair last night and covered with a plastic cap. woke up this morning, my hair was drenched....but moisturized.
Quite common but by the time I remoisturize, Surge and lightly oil my upsweep after shower it is drier but pliable. I don't mind it at all.
yes...and this is exactly why i don't baggy. maybe i'll try the poking holes in it thing, but anytime i put a plastic cap on my head to sleep (even if I put it on when my hair is completely DRY) i wake up with my hair drenched?! and the only thing i can do to it tht day is put it in a ponytail...:mad: i have pretty much decided baggying is not for me.