Is it just me or am I stuck??? (pic heavy)


Well-Known Member
I slept for the better part of the evening....and now I'm up alone, DH and DD have long since gone to bed....I was looking through a few photos and noticed, other than my thickness my hair seems to get stuck at a little past SL.

I wanted to post this for one so I could have a vivid record of my hair through out the years...and two so that I could see if I am wrong when I tell folks, my hair seems to grow out rather than down....does that make sense?:ohwell:

This thread is pic heavy, I wonder if it's just me, please feel free to give your honest opinion....

The 2nd to last pic from Feb this year is what I call my true start to my HHJ. Thats when I started stalking Sylver2's fotki and a few others and changed my practices and regimen drastically. All pics prior to that 6 (younger photos) - 10 (later photos) week stretches between relaxers (if you can really call those early ones stretches)

We'll start here at 4th grade (pressed)

5th grade (anything but pressed)

10th grade (relaxed I threw this in for comic releif)

I spent the next year in bobbed tapered styles and grew it to here
12th grade (relaxed flat wrap '95)

In college I cut it to a tapered bob a few more times, couldnt find a photo...
we'll jump to 2005 just before I burned my hair out to a horribly shaped bowl cut:

After a year of going to salon to get it back healthy I was here 2006

After 1 1/2 more years I was here 2007;

Spring '08 (April)

Fall '08 (Aug-Sept purple shirt is before first dominican blow out gray shirt is the morning after)

Winter '08 (Nov-Dec red/white shirt is after a dominican blow out green shirt is after doing my hair myself)

1st Qtr and 2nd Qtr 09


Today after Flexi Rod Set:
I don't know but from the pictures it looks as if you always wear your hair down. Do you protective stye often? That may be the problem.
Your hair is definitely thicker in the pic from today...but I can't really compare because one is curly and one is straight. It actually looks longer to me than the February picture, but again, I can't be sure without a straight picture. I agree you should PS more...if you're used to wearing it down, maybe just try twice a week to start. Your hair is very pretty, regardless.
You are 5 months post. You won't be able to truly tell you length until you straighten or relax.
It definately looks like it got longer Feb - April. Can't tell with the most recent one.
it looks like it is getting longer, but you should continue to get rod sets or wear more protective styles. do you like run a comb through your hair often or the flat iron? when you wear your hair down, do you wrap it in the same direction all of the time? those could be your issues. put that hair up for the rest of the summer or just keep getting flexi rods and i promise you your hair will be longer by the winter.
it looks like it is getting longer, but you should continue to get rod sets or wear more protective styles. do you like run a comb through your hair often or the flat iron? when you wear your hair down, do you wrap it in the same direction all of the time? those could be your issues. put that hair up for the rest of the summer or just keep getting flexi rods and i promise you your hair will be longer by the winter.

Before I started my HHJ in Feb, I'd wrapped my hair everynight in the same direction, I combed my hair daily, but I have not used a flat iron on my hair since the burn out experience (burned it from shoulder length to just below ear length)....ITA that the wrapping and combing were probably my main issues as well, that's why I stopped, especially after stalking Sylver2's fotki and learning to only comb under water loaded with Con, that is the only way I comb now. I'm going to contiue with the flexi rods and bun more..
It definately looks like it got longer Feb - April. Can't tell with the most recent one.

Your hair is definitely thicker in the pic from today...but I can't really compare because one is curly and one is straight. It actually looks longer to me than the February picture, but again, I can't be sure without a straight picture. I agree you should PS more...if you're used to wearing it down, maybe just try twice a week to start. Your hair is very pretty, regardless.

Thank you ladies, I beleive I may have early signs of Hair Anorexia...If there is a difference in length I'd have to attribute it to the fact that I stopped combing and wrapping in Feb. I knew we wouldn't be able to see the length difference in the pic of my hair yesterday, I just added so the change in thickness could be seen plus my lovely NG (lol)

The general consensus is to protective style more, so I'm going to commit to bunning at least 3 times a week, currently I may bun once or twice a week.