Is it crazy that I want to BC but....


Well-Known Member
Is it crazy that I want to BC but still keep my horseshoe....

I'll keep a little horseshoe in the front so I can continue my protective styling option of half wigs. Call me cheap, but I have a ton of half wigs that I haven't used yet and I don't want to see them go to waste. (I really want to get it overwith and do my BC this month) Since my half wigs are the perfect protective styling option that will get me through the short short tiny afro phase that I will end up with, all I'll need is my little horseshoe and I'm good to go; and I can always chop off my horseshoe at a later time when my hair grows out to a legnth that I can at least style, when I get comfortable with the new look or when I'm done with my wigs; whichever happens first.
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If you're going to be wearing your hair hidden under half wigs anyway it kinda doesn't matter. But, the ends of your natural hair are now "protected" by being in the length of your hair instead of exposed as they would be if you BCed. Even with hiding your hair, those ends will get a lil more wear than if you had not cut.
I'd suggest leaving it alone for now, if you're going to be wearing wigs anyway, BUT if you just CANNOT STAND IT ANYMORE...snip snip and enjoy your natural hair and your horseshoe :)
Well some naturals relax their horseshoe and perimeter only and leave the rest of their hair natural to help with blending extension hair so you wouldn't be alone.
@ Whimsy: Thanks,I never thought about that point with the exposure; i thought it would just be safe under the wig but I never thought about the precious ends. I do agree I won't rush the BC, but as soon as I feel like I can take it NO MO', lol, at least i know what the plan will be.

Tiye: Thanks girl, wow, I didn't know that some naturals do that too. I sure thought I was alone in that field, lol. I defintely wouldn't relax the horseshoe, but I would keep it around for a bit just so i'd have some styling options since I'm always under my half wig or weaves anyways. Soon as I get home I always stay take it off so that will give my hair some breathing time.
I actually found a salon that is willing to do it if I'm ready. Ofcourse it didn't come without it's share of laughs in between about my bright idea, lol. But she suggested just to do a mini chop rather than the full big chop.
That's what I did :look:

I left relaxed ends on my horseshow and a little bit on the sides for my sew-in. When I take this out I will let them all go and get it trimmed and shaped.
lol, you're my hair buddy now! That is so funny that someone actually did that. Genius to get the best of both worlds temporarily, lol.