Is it appropriate


Well-Known Member
for a single Christian woman to participate in exotic fitness classes/dvds like Flirty Girl Fitness or Carmen Electra's Aerobic Striptease??

Although the emphasis is on fitness, these types of classes/dvds do also encourage sexiness and sensuality with the claim that you can get fit and also spice up your sex life...

I'm asking because a few young ladies from my church frequently participate in classes like these which also include pole dancing. In this group of about 8 ladies, only one is married and the rest are single and not currently involved but they have the mentality that they are preparing for their husbands...

I'm just wondering if this type of activity would be more appropriate and beneficial for a married woman to participate in because of its sensual, sexy nature, or even a woman who is engaged.

What do you ladies think?
You might check out the "Saved and Sexy?" thread where this was discussed at length. Drama warning.
for a single Christian woman to participate in exotic fitness classes/dvds like Flirty Girl Fitness or Carmen Electra's Aerobic Striptease??

Although the emphasis is on fitness, these types of classes/dvds do also encourage sexiness and sensuality with the claim that you can get fit and also spice up your sex life...

I'm asking because a few young ladies from my church frequently participate in classes like these which also include pole dancing. In this group of about 8 ladies, only one is married and the rest are single and not currently involved but they have the mentality that they are preparing for their husbands...

I'm just wondering if this type of activity would be more appropriate and beneficial for a married woman to participate in because of its sensual, sexy nature, or even a woman who is engaged.

What do you ladies think?

I'll be back sometime later. I'm too sleepy to give the reply that's in my heart. Plus I need to hear how the Lord wants me to respond to this.

I normally go off of my own convictions in this manner: 9 times out of 10 when I have to ask if something is appropriate or not, there is a slight conviction that I already feel. I'm either looking for someone just to say it's wrong or looking for the go ahead when I still may know it is wrong.
Satan has become quite crafty and deceptive with slipping perverted things into the church. We must be watchful and careful because we serve a holy God.
I don't believe that singles should be doing this to prepare for a spouse- what are they actually preparing for by spinning on a pole?
Getting the heart and spirit right is most important.
If I were the one married lady in that group, I would be so ashamed of myself. This is just me, esp with these other singles.
Doing this as a group activity seems like it is tapping into some other things.... that's it for now...
for a single Christian woman to participate in exotic fitness classes/dvds like Flirty Girl Fitness or Carmen Electra's Aerobic Striptease??

Although the emphasis is on fitness, these types of classes/dvds do also encourage sexiness and sensuality with the claim that you can get fit and also spice up your sex life...

I'm asking because a few young ladies from my church frequently participate in classes like these which also include pole dancing. In this group of about 8 ladies, only one is married and the rest are single and not currently involved but they have the mentality that they are preparing for their husbands...

I'm just wondering if this type of activity would be more appropriate and beneficial for a married woman to participate in because of its sensual, sexy nature, or even a woman who is engaged.

What do you ladies think?

No, no and no again.
I normally go off of my own convictions in this manner: 9 times out of 10 when I have to ask if something is appropriate or not, there is a slight conviction that I already feel. I'm either looking for someone just to say it's wrong or looking for the go ahead when I still may know it is wrong.
Satan has become quite crafty and deceptive with slipping perverted things into the church. We must be watchful and careful because we serve a holy God.
I don't believe that singles should be doing this to prepare for a spouse- what are they actually preparing for by spinning on a pole?
Getting the heart and spirit right is most important.
If I were the one married lady in that group, I would be so ashamed of myself. This is just me, esp with these other singles.
Doing this as a group activity seems like it is tapping into some other things.... that's it for now...

I agree with this in its entiretly.
The answer is 'no'. It is NOT appropriate and it never will be :nono:

Coming from me it may seem like a contradiction because I am in the Arts and surrounded in a lot of this. I still say, 'No', it is NOT appropriate and it never will be. :nono: :nono: :nono:

Why would a single woman subject herself to this when she is not married to place it in it's appropriate setting, mindset, or mood?

Whatever she 'inhales' into her spirit in these classes, she takes with her when she leaves and to whom she has made contact with, even with a 'smile.' For it is that 'spirit' that smiles with her.

By 'nature' single women (and especially those in Church -- I'll come back to this comment, later), are most susceptible to the spirit of sensuality and it will not lie dormant within them. This spirit is going to want to take 'action' upon what it is and what it does, which is to express itself 'fully' and subtlety to whomever will yield to them. It's like that!

I'm telling you what I know and what I've witnessed and what I've learned to 'outgrow'. I see it everyday and so do each of us on a daily basis.

Pole dancing
I'll defend 'partially' for one reason only. Many of the students that take this particular class are in it for strength training, not seduction. It's a wonderful core exercise which does not have to be seductive. It did not originate in strip clubs for strip clubs. :nono: But of course the enemy has come in to make it what it's not.

As for the other activities mentioned. There's absolutely 'no' denial of what it is and no Christian single woman should be taking these classes for any reason. It's a lure to the flesh which will lead them into temptation.

I'm just going to put it out there. The 'flesh' still wants to be appeased and this is actually a 'sexual outlet', a form of sexual release for they are bringing to arousal their sexual emotions rather than placing and keeping them under submission.

Paul says in the Word of God, that he 'buffets' his body daily. These are feelings that are not going to 'end'. They must be kept under submission (not suppression) for they've been brought to the surface by way of these classes, to be explored and expressed and eventually they are going to seek a release in one form or another.

It's a sexual 'set-up'. Sooner or later, these women are going to give into it; hopefully it will be with their husbands. But even then, I would not want my husband to be seduced by a spirit that has seduced me to such a reduction.

Here's what I'm trying to say:

I've never felt right about these classes and I've walked away from it. There's something that I cannot bring myself to be around them. It's no different to having sexual foreplay with the mind and spirit of a woman's soul. Even if I were a married woman, I would not want to be in these classes. There's a spirit behind it that I cannot describe in words, but when I'm around it, I know it's not God and it's not for me to be there. There's a cloud of darkness around it and it's not I would venture into.

We have to guard our spirit from whom we partake instructions from. "Deep calls unto Deep" and that can mean the 'deep of good or evil. I don't wish to be pulled into an abyss of darkness where God does not inhabit and I'm without access to His presence.

Ladies, I'm going to tell you straight out, there are things as a Dancer, that I can do with my body that I'd never do in public. When you learn to Dance, it just comes naturally. But some folks just go way to far with it and have the wrong spirit behind it.

I have to finish this later tonight. I have to take care of something for my boss before I leave the office at 5. I'll be back. In the meantime, think about and make a list of what you've observed with folks who participate in these activities.
By 'nature' single women (and especially those in Church -- I'll come back to this comment, later), are most susceptible to the spirit of sensuality and it will not lie dormant within them. This spirit is going to want to take 'action' upon what it is and what it does, which is to express itself 'fully' and subtlety to whomever will yield to them. It's like that!


I'm just going to put it out there. The 'flesh' still wants to be appeased and this is actually a 'sexual outlet', a form of sexual release for they are bringing to arousal their sexual emotions rather than placing and keeping them under submission.

Paul says in the Word of God, that he 'buffets' his body daily. These are feelings that are not going to 'end'. They must be kept under submission (not suppression) for they've been brought to the surface by way of these classes, to be explored and expressed and eventually they are going to seek a release in one form or another.

It's a sexual 'set-up'. Sooner or later, these women are going to give into it; hopefully it will be with their husbands. But even then, I would not want my husband to be seduced by a spirit that has seduced me to such a reduction.

So, so true. I think this point has to be taken very seriously.

ETA: Sexuality should not be "repressed" in single women. But if you feed into it it will only grow stronger. If you put energy into it, it will gain strength. If you focus your energy in non-sexual directions, it will be much easier to be single without being distracted or overcome by sexual desire.
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for a single Christian woman to participate in exotic fitness classes/dvds like Flirty Girl Fitness or Carmen Electra's Aerobic Striptease??

Although the emphasis is on fitness, these types of classes/dvds do also encourage sexiness and sensuality with the claim that you can get fit and also spice up your sex life...

I'm asking because a few young ladies from my church frequently participate in classes like these which also include pole dancing. In this group of about 8 ladies, only one is married and the rest are single and not currently involved but they have the mentality that they are preparing for their husbands...

I'm just wondering if this type of activity would be more appropriate and beneficial for a married woman to participate in because of its sensual, sexy nature, or even a woman who is engaged.

What do you ladies think?

I think it depends on the mind and heart of the single. I am a single christian and I would love to take a pole dancing class-those women have great arms. I also like a challenge and that looks challanging. My mind set would not be trying to be sexy. It would be fitness. I also know that I can feel sexy without running out and doing something about. Some women cannot go there at all and I respect that. My female only gym had a strip aerobics class and it was anything but sexy. There was so much giggling and laughing and joking you would have thought that it was a sleep over for a bunch of teenage girls. Most women were surprised about how inflexable they were and how hard the dance moves were. The class was anything but sexy-it was just a ploy to get women to take the class. Before you judge the atmosphere of the class you need to know exactly what is going on there and what the participants and instructors are going for.
I think it depends on the mind and heart of the single. I am a single christian and I would love to take a pole dancing class-those women have great arms. I also like a challenge and that looks challanging. My mind set would not be trying to be sexy. It would be fitness.

Before you judge the atmosphere of the class you need to know exactly what is going on there and what the participants and instructors are going for.
I have yet to learn or attempt Pole Dancing, but I do support the 'fitness' aspects of it. I feel 'cheated' that Pole Dancing has taken the 'turn' that it has, from 'fitness' to strip joint association. Especially since it's origin and purpose is not anything associated with strippers.

If anyone has ever been to a Circus and have watched and been amazed with the beauty and skill of the Aerialist and the Trapese Artists, this is the same principle as the 'Pole'.

The Cirque de Solie (sp?) is an excellent example that stripping has nothing to do with this type of fitness training. Look at the skill of this man on the wheel. It's amazing and he's not a stripper. :lol: :lachen:

As for class atmosphere, it doesn't take much to discern the spirit, just from the name Carmen Electra (her rep alone speaks for itsself); Flirty Girl aerobics, same thing. It's out there and folks know what it's about. :yep: The mind and the heart of a Christian simply will not want to do it.
I have yet to learn or attempt Pole Dancing, but I do support the 'fitness' aspects of it. I feel 'cheated' that Pole Dancing has taken the 'turn' that it has, from 'fitness' to strip joint association. Especially since it's origin and purpose is not anything associated with strippers.

If anyone has ever been to a Circus and have watched and been amazed with the beauty and skill of the Aerialist and the Trapese Artists, this is the same principle as the 'Pole'.

The Cirque de Solie (sp?) is an excellent example that stripping has nothing to do with this type of fitness training. Look at the skill of this man on the wheel. It's amazing and he's not a stripper. :lol: :lachen:

As for class atmosphere, it doesn't take much to discern the spirit, just from the name Carmen Electra (her rep alone speaks for itsself); Flirty Girl aerobics, same thing. It's out there and folks know what it's about. :yep: The mind and the heart of a Christian simply will not want to do it.

I see where you are coming from. My point is that sometimes the name doesn't fit the atmosphere. The strip aerobics class I attended was more for fun and laughs more than anything else. Everyone was talking the next day how sore they were from doing the moves.
So, so true. I think this point has to be taken very seriously.
It's very true and it has absolutely nothing to do with the strength of the mind of the individual. satan seeks to deceive even the very elect of God, A mind is a terrible thing to waste, so it's too risky to submit to the world's teachers. Students form a bond with their teachers and 0% of these instructors have a relationship with the Lord.

This is how I know. It is by what they teach, who they draw their knowledge from, and from what they are teaching others to do. When the world is in their they 'cater' to the world and don't have a 'minute' of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Ghost, within them. The very first thing that a Christian needs to know about a teacher is who is their mentor and what teachings do their cherish?

*sigh* I'm sitting here with my head in my hands, just shaking my head, shaking my head, shaking my head. :nono: :nono: :nono: :nono: :nono: :nono: :nono: :nono: :nono: :nono: :nono: :nono:

Ladies, please don't go to these classes. Please don't get caught up in the hype of them.

Dicapr said it best
in her post. She hit the nail on the head when she said that she could be sexy without going out and doing something about it. She's telling the truth. And I hope she doesn't mind that I quoted her.

Ladies stay away from these classes. Just stay away. There are spirits of witchcraft behind and within the majority of them. And in many of these classes, there are 'women leaving with women', even those who are married. That's not God...that's not God. :nono: :nono: :nono:

You don't want to begin to know what happens in the Dance Communities. The blog and forums that they have are just too much. They have 'no' knowledge of God. None.

My cousin and I (and our classmates) are straight to the core Christians and we have taken Dance classes with teachers from all over this country and all over the world. Germany, Egypt, Persia, India... I've been blessed.

There's so much Beauty in Dancing and other cultures, and yet there's so much evil. We (my cousin and friends) have many invitations and we to make decisions everyday as to whom we will no longer associate ourselves with. It is just that serious and crazy out there. :nono:

Many of these teachers are some of the greatest in their field, they are "Master Teachers" (the highest level), yet we will not be associated with them. They have practices which go against our faith in God. They truly have a spirit of rebellion and even teach it to their students, even without words.

As a Christian woman you do not want to be around that spirit; you do not wish to support it with your attendance neither your money that God has blessed you with.

Even if you are a married woman, do not go to these classes.

It's not a pure environment, no matter how strong you are, why weaken your spirit? Why submit your spirit to such an environment and then expect to worship God in the spirit of holiness right after leaving such a place. It's no different than having been in a strip club. It's not for you or your tabernacle. When you are in those classes you are under the direction of a spirit that is not of God. It's origin is of the enemy and the instruction is coming from him via a teacher whose direction you are under and have submitted yourself to for whatever time the class has allocated.

If I'm sounding too deep........... GOOD! ! ! Because it is just that serious!

Get into an adult ballet class and learn how to move your body in grace and beauty.

Attend a Lyrical Dance class and learn the fluid movements that will glide you in softness.

Attend a Hula class where you can learn the basics of the Dance with the beauty of the hand movements and learn to tell a story of love instead.

Join or start a Praise Dance class in your Church.

There's so much I need to share. And I'm so glad that I have Jesus.

Dicapr, it's true what you said about having a strong mind; you need it and you need to be prayed up. Without my faith I'd be destroyed. But we still have to guard our minds and hearts as God says in His word.

The world out there is truly in need of redemption. Yet, they refuse 'Him'. This is why the world is so messed up.

Ladies: Just know that Dancing is meant to be beautiful. A Christian wife can do many Dances to bring a 'smile' to her husbands face. And it won't be dull and boring. It just has to be done with the right spirit, that's all. :yep:

This is for the 'fitness' girls...


I see where you are coming from. My point is that sometimes the name doesn't fit the atmosphere. The strip aerobics class I attended was more for fun and laughs more than anything else. Everyone was talking the next day how sore they were from doing the moves.
:kiss: You see how I put your name all up in my post above.... :lachen:

I think it depends on the mind and heart of the single. I am a single christian and I would love to take a pole dancing class-those women have great arms. I also like a challenge and that looks challanging. My mind set would not be trying to be sexy. It would be fitness. I also know that I can feel sexy without running out and doing something about. Some women cannot go there at all and I respect that. My female only gym had a strip aerobics class and it was anything but sexy. There was so much giggling and laughing and joking you would have thought that it was a sleep over for a bunch of teenage girls. Most women were surprised about how inflexable they were and how hard the dance moves were. The class was anything but sexy-it was just a ploy to get women to take the class. Before you judge the atmosphere of the class you need to know exactly what is going on there and what the participants and instructors are going for.

[FONT=&quot]I definitely agree about it being about the hearts and mind of the singles. But in regards to this group of ladies, they attend these classes for the specific reason of learning how to sensually and seductively “work the pole.” It started out with the married girl, who at the time of beginning the lessons was bride-to-be, expressing her desire to have a pole in she and her husband’s bedroom. So it was at the suggestion of one of the other ladies in the group, (who is a licensed minister at our church and ironically was involved in exotic dancing, among other sexual perversions, prior to coming to Christ) to take private pole dancing/strip tease “fitness” classes. So the intent and mentality was “we’re gonna support our girl in learning how to turn her husband on and let’s pick up some pointers for ourselves for our future husbands.” [/FONT]
So, so true. I think this point has to be taken very seriously.

ETA: Sexuality should not be "repressed" in single women.

But if you feed into it it will only grow stronger. If you put energy into it, it will gain strength. If you focus your energy in non-sexual directions, it will be much easier to be single without being distracted or overcome by sexual desire

Exactly, sexuality is beautiful in both men and women. It's supposed to be. But it has it's time, manner and place to come to fruition. Single women and single men, should not 'feed' into these feelings. Don't get nuthin' started that you're not supposed to 'finish'.... :nono:
[FONT=&quot]I definitely agree about it being about the hearts and mind of the singles. But in regards to this group of ladies, they attend these classes for the specific reason of learning how to sensually and seductively “work the pole.” It started out with the married girl, who at the time of beginning the lessons was bride-to-be, expressing her desire to have a pole in she and her husband’s bedroom. So it was at the suggestion of one of the other ladies in the group, (who is a licensed minister at our church and ironically was involved in exotic dancing, among other sexual perversions, prior to coming to Christ) to take private pole dancing/strip tease “fitness” classes. So the intent and mentality was “we’re gonna support our girl in learning how to turn her husband on and let’s pick up some pointers for ourselves for our future husbands.” [/FONT]
Your spirit has rightly discerned that their motives are not lead of the Lord. Why on earth are they patronizing the devils workplace and not the House of God with their money? Can you see the picture of this? They are literally taking money and handing it over to the devil's camp. Why don't they 'see' this? ? ?

You know, it's really not that hard to secure a man.

I mean....


It's not. :nono:

Women are misguided into thinking that this will 'keep' her man.

Ummmm, no it won't. :nono: :lachen:

Now it may be exciting and all that and fun, I'll give it that. Okay, yeah, I'll give it that.

But it takes more than a Pole to keep a man happy. You have to be 'fitly' joined unto one another spiritually. The spirit of a man is far stronger than the 'flesh' of a man. The flesh in terms of his moods, desires, ummm, his moods.

There's no harm in wanting to have fun in marriage. It's good, :yep: It really is. But Pole Dancing and stripper club dancing is not going to 'keep' him. Nope....:nono:

Oh, man that was funny.. lol

A young (single) woman was telling me about a pole dancing class that also offers exotic dancing.. I thought about it for a minute. LOL But you're right, things like that won't keep your man that's for sure. But don't forget, they are MEN and wives should always try to keep things interesting.. Christian or not. And that's all Imma say. :lachen:

Your spirit has rightly discerned that their motives are not lead of the Lord. Why on earth are they patronizing the devils workplace and not the House of God with their money? Can you see the picture of this? They are literally taking money and handing it over to the devil's camp. Why don't they 'see' this? ? ?

You know, it's really not that hard to secure a man.

I mean....


It's not. :nono:

Women are misguided into thinking that this will 'keep' her man.

Ummmm, no it won't. :nono: :lachen:

Now it may be exciting and all that and fun, I'll give it that. Okay, yeah, I'll give it that.

But it takes more than a Pole to keep a man happy. You have to be 'fitly' joined unto one another spiritually. The spirit of a man is far stronger than the 'flesh' of a man. The flesh in terms of his moods, desires, ummm, his moods.

There's no harm in wanting to have fun in marriage. It's good, :yep: It really is. But Pole Dancing and stripper club dancing is not going to 'keep' him. Nope....:nono:
The answer is 'no'. It is NOT appropriate and it never will be :nono:

Coming from me it may seem like a contradiction because I am in the Arts and surrounded in a lot of this. I still say, 'No', it is NOT appropriate and it never will be. :nono: :nono: :nono:

Why would a single woman subject herself to this when she is not married to place it in it's appropriate setting, mindset, or mood?

Whatever she 'inhales' into her spirit in these classes, she takes with her when she leaves and to whom she has made contact with, even with a 'smile.' For it is that 'spirit' that smiles with her.

By 'nature' single women (and especially those in Church -- I'll come back to this comment, later), are most susceptible to the spirit of sensuality and it will not lie dormant within them. This spirit is going to want to take 'action' upon what it is and what it does, which is to express itself 'fully' and subtlety to whomever will yield to them. It's like that!

I'm telling you what I know and what I've witnessed and what I've learned to 'outgrow'. I see it everyday and so do each of us on a daily basis.

Pole dancing I'll defend 'partially' for one reason only. Many of the students that take this particular class are in it for strength training, not seduction. It's a wonderful core exercise which does not have to be seductive. It did not originate in strip clubs for strip clubs. :nono: But of course the enemy has come in to make it what it's not.

As for the other activities mentioned. There's absolutely 'no' denial of what it is and no Christian single woman should be taking these classes for any reason. It's a lure to the flesh which will lead them into temptation.

I'm just going to put it out there. The 'flesh' still wants to be appeased and this is actually a 'sexual outlet', a form of sexual release for they are bringing to arousal their sexual emotions rather than placing and keeping them under submission.

Paul says in the Word of God, that he 'buffets' his body daily. These are feelings that are not going to 'end'. They must be kept under submission (not suppression) for they've been brought to the surface by way of these classes, to be explored and expressed and eventually they are going to seek a release in one form or another.

It's a sexual 'set-up'. Sooner or later, these women are going to give into it; hopefully it will be with their husbands. But even then, I would not want my husband to be seduced by a spirit that has seduced me to such a reduction.

Here's what I'm trying to say:

I've never felt right about these classes and I've walked away from it. There's something that I cannot bring myself to be around them. It's no different to having sexual foreplay with the mind and spirit of a woman's soul. Even if I were a married woman, I would not want to be in these classes. There's a spirit behind it that I cannot describe in words, but when I'm around it, I know it's not God and it's not for me to be there. There's a cloud of darkness around it and it's not I would venture into.

We have to guard our spirit from whom we partake instructions from. "Deep calls unto Deep" and that can mean the 'deep of good or evil. I don't wish to be pulled into an abyss of darkness where God does not inhabit and I'm without access to His presence.

Ladies, I'm going to tell you straight out, there are things as a Dancer, that I can do with my body that I'd never do in public. When you learn to Dance, it just comes naturally. But some folks just go way to far with it and have the wrong spirit behind it.

I have to finish this later tonight. I have to take care of something for my boss before I leave the office at 5. I'll be back. In the meantime, think about and make a list of what you've observed with folks who participate in these activities.

This response was just EXCELLENT! There's been a slight influx of pole dancing saints in our church as well, and basically, this is just an outward show of their inward condition, and even before they started this, they started to try to be sexy and throw themselves at men, to the point of not only embarrassing themselves, but other people. And then they'd start to link up and always minister to each other at church, and just by watching it, it was honestly like looking at the power rangers coming together to power up or something, lol. And then they'll just get worse & worse. Unfortunately, these were most of the people who were on the praise & worship team. The WHOLE team was sat down, and honestly, things have been so great during service since then, because loving correction is going forth, and God is cleaning up his house, period. But anyway, this post is giving me a lot more clarity, because the situation used to just boggle my mind. Now I see I have more to tell them/ and now what to specifically pray against.
The morality of striptease classes and pole dancing aside, there just seems like there's something backwards about women who aren't even married yet feeling like they have to almost literally jump through hoops in order to be sexually pleasing to their husbands. Maybe I don't know much, but I'm pretty sure it's not supposed to be that complicated.

I think that women are feeding into the lusts of men promoted by our culture of pornography, strip clubs, etc., which says that nothing is ever enough. If a woman does x, then after awhile that isn't enough and so she should do y, and then just goes on and on. It reminds me of this woman on Oprah a number of years ago who set up a pornographic website in order to "spice things up" with her husband. They had only been married for 5 years. Oprah or someone in the audience asked, "Well, what are you going to do after 10 years, or 20?"
The morality of striptease classes and pole dancing aside, there just seems like there's something backwards about women who aren't even married yet feeling like they have to almost literally jump through hoops in order to be sexually pleasing to their husbands. Maybe I don't know much, but I'm pretty sure it's not supposed to be that complicated.

I think that women are feeding into the lusts of men promoted by our culture of pornography, strip clubs, etc., which says that nothing is ever enough. If a woman does x, then after awhile that isn't enough and so she should do y, and then just goes on and on.

It reminds me of this woman on Oprah a number of years ago who set up a pornographic website in order to "spice things up" with her husband. They had only been married for 5 years. Oprah or someone in the audience asked, "Well, what are you going to do after 10 years, or 20?"
Nicola, that's exactly what it is ! ! ! :yep: :yep: :yep: So many single women are victims of this. They want so much to get married and to feel loved and desired, they fall into this web of deception.
This response was just EXCELLENT!

There's been a slight influx of pole dancing saints in our church as well, and basically, this is just an outward show of their inward condition, and even before they started this, they started to try to be sexy and throw themselves at men, to the point of not only embarrassing themselves, but other people. And then they'd start to link up and always minister to each other at church, and just by watching it, it was honestly like looking at the power rangers coming together to power up or something, lol. And then they'll just get worse & worse.

Unfortunately, these were most of the people who were on the praise & worship team. The WHOLE team was sat down, and honestly, things have been so great during service since then, because loving correction is going forth, and God is cleaning up his house, period. But anyway, this post is giving me a lot more clarity, because the situation used to just boggle my mind.

Now I see I have more to tell them/ and now what to specifically pray against.
:wave: Hi Royalty. :yep: See, you know and are 'witness' to this. It's the spirit of the world. Folks think that they can still hold onto the world and bring it into the Church and not let go of it.

I attend a lot of Dance shows, and I see so many performers come to these Shows with a 'Date' to show off their new costumes, how 'bare' it is, and how 'daring' their dances are and it's just sad and so obvious.

On stage, they go overboard with the seductive moves and it's sick just to see them make such fools out of themselves. And don't let there be a competition between 2 or more women who are trying to out do each other trying to get the attention of the same man.

It's so unnecessary. :nono: These very women never have a 'man' or 'keep' a man. They depend on their sexuality; and what they don't realize is that 'men' don't want it like that. To them it's scattered dust thrown to the wind and being offered to whoever catches it. Men don't respect that or the women; which is why men never stay. :nono:

What's sad is that there are single Christian women doing this very same thing. Trying to get and hold on to a man with sexuality. But it's taking sexuality to an extreme that gets them nowhere.

I'm all for being soft and feminine, but 'slutty'.... no. There is a major difference. Men love a 'mystery' about a woman. They love to 'anticipate' what may happen. If a woman is single, this is the way to get and keep his attention. Keep him wondering what she has that no other woman does. And please be Godly about it. :yep:

ETA: :rofl: At the comment: " influx of Pole Dancing Saints..." :rofl: :poledancer:


I'll be honest, I'd love to take lessons just for the fitness aspect of it. It really strengthens your core and agility. It bothers me that I cannot take lessons without being associated with seduction. :nono:

There are a lot of precious ladies, Chrisitian and non-Christian who want these classes just for the fitness it gives. They truly do not want to be associated with strippers.
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