Is grapeseed oil the best heat protectant?


Well-Known Member
I flat ironed my bangs to blend with my wig today and instead of using my silk elements heat or ic protectant I used grapeseed oil. Normally I have burnt hair smell up until wash day and it would still have that faint odor. To my surprise not only did my hair straightened easier, my hair had shine, and NO BURNT HAIR SMELL :grin:!!!

Any of you ladies experienced the same results using grapeseed oil or some other oil thats good for heat styling?
Did your curls come back once you washed your hair?
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OP, did you suffer any apparent heat damage from just using grapeseed oil and not a heat protectant? If you have washed your hair since you flat ironed it, did it revert back to its curly state?

thanks in advance for your response,
I thought it was not good to use oil when pressing or flat ironing. Its was too my understanding that you need a heat protectant preferably with some type of cone. If oil was in it then it needed to be lower on the ingredients list.
OP, did you suffer any apparent heat damage from just using grapeseed oil and not a heat protectant? If you have washed your hair since you flat ironed it, did it revert back to its curly state?

thanks in advance for your response,

morehairplease I haven't washed my hair yet but my hair has reverted from me washing my face, with all the splashing water. My curls are back just like normal. I've recieved heat damage with using heat protectants somehow...I don't flat iron often at all and only my bang area, about a half inch back, and I do one pass only, no blow drying just stretch it over night with flat twists or something.

I thought it was not good to use oil when pressing or flat ironing. Its was too my understanding that you need a heat protectant preferably with some type of cone. If oil was in it then it needed to be lower on the ingredients list.

GIJane I have to disagree, grapeseed oil has a high smoke point so since I only do one pass with medium/high heat I don't get product oil burn off....not even a sizzle sound like with my ic heat protectant and glosser. The grapeseed oil to me gave me much better results, more movement and the best part was my hair doesn't smell burned up!
I know that grapeseed oil has done some great things for my hair (not unlike some other oils), but I haven't used it for flat ironing. However, I have flat -ironed with some other oils with complete reversion on my 4a hair. I know it can be hard to believe alot of things people say, but sistawithrealhair (on youtube)-I see- has been a topic on here lately and you may want to check her out. Personally, I believe her, but to each it's own. She does NOT use heat protectant.

ETA: Said all that to say-my experience is, I am a weekly heat user and with protein and moisture balance, for the past 2+ years I get complete reversion.
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@GIJane I have to disagree, grapeseed oil has a high smoke point so since I only do one pass with medium/high heat I don't get product oil burn off....not even a sizzle sound like with my ic heat protectant and glosser. The grapeseed oil to me gave me much better results, more movement and the best part was my hair doesn't smell burned up!

Well to each its own. Do what works for you. I was actually thinking about letting my hair airdry with grapeseed oil. Then use a heat protectant and flat iron my hair. I am going to try to stay away from the heat protectants that have mineral oil, petroleum, or any type of oil for that matter.

I would like to know because I'm soooo sick of having that stanky smell when I flat-iron my daughter's hair.
I have been looking into this myself, because I wanted to go to a all natural product regimen (and I flat our often, like every two-3 weeks). I tried the grape seed oil the last time i flat ironed my hair and it went well. Like you said there was no sizzle or stinky smell from flat ironing like there is with my fantasia.
I get really good results from using Shea Butter as my heat protectant. It works better than the IC heat protector (pink bottle) that I would get from Sally's. I put it on my hair while it's still wet then a dab after its dry.
I've used it as a heat protectant and it worked better than the Beyond The Zone and other heat protectants I had that were made specifically as a heat protectant. My hair was shiny and didn't feel heavy at all.
I've used it as a heat protectant and it worked better than the Beyond The Zone and other heat protectants I had that were made specifically as a heat protectant. My hair was shiny and didn't feel heavy at all.

I have been looking into this myself, because I wanted to go to a all natural product regimen (and I flat our often, like every two-3 weeks). I tried the grape seed oil the last time i flat ironed my hair and it went well. Like you said there was no sizzle or stinky smell from flat ironing like there is with my fantasia.

Glad to hear others are getting great results as well. Grapeseed oil is making me rethink protectants in general because it works so much better.
Grapeseed oil use to be my heat protectant of choice but my hair would revert back very fast in humid weather. So I decided to try argan oil. My hair stays straighter long and I haven't had any heat damage when I wash my hair. But regardless of what oil I use as a heat protectant, I still follow with a protein treatment after I wash my hair.

eta: Argan oil can weigh your hair down so all you need is a small amount.
Yes grapessed oil is a great heat protectant...
but the "best"? if you haven't tried yet avocado oil and refined safflower oil, you haven't met the best yet :grin: !!!!

you must not forget one thing with using oil as a heat protectant : don't use more degree, with your flat iron than the oil(smoke point) can stand. If you use too much high heat, the oil won't protect hair anymore..

grapeseed oil 's smoke point is 420°F (216°C)
avocado oil's smoke point is 520°F (271°C)
safflower oils's is 516°F (266°C)

I use a mix of avocado/castor oil(because I haven't had anymore some safflower's) and it was great, i'm natural 4B hair and my hair was so SOFT. and revert nicely :yep:
This is interesting. everyone keeps talking about how the hair looks after and also the smoking point but I'm interested in the long term effects on the hair (not just reversion but health of ends, etc, and retention rate ). Wondering if it protects as well (or better) than heat protectant that are engineered in a lab).
Came in here to say that I too have heard great things about grape seed oil and it does have a high smoke point. But i prefer shea butter. i have been using shea butter to blow dry my hair for a year or more now and my hair ALWAYS reverts. When I tried to go back to the pink IC once, that is when I had breakage and shedding and just damage overall.

I am not sure shea butter is good for flat ironing but I never flat iron, but I love my shea butter for my blowdry. Soft shiny hair. I am going to blow dry today with my costal scents shea butter which I have been dying to try in my hair so I might have pics later.
I know this is a pretty old topic but I just found it in a search lol. I found some grapeseed oil in the back of my pantry and was wondering if any of you ladies found out if it is truly better than anything storebought. I'm looking for a good heat protectant because I plan to start blowdrying on warm once per week (no flatiron though). Last time I did that my hair turned out pretty straight and I didn't really see too many ill effects. Only problem is I feel like I need to add something to my combination of Chi Silk Infusion + NTM leave in for more protection
i am confused how an oil can be considered a heat does it protect your hair from heat?:ohwell:
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^^ Yes, I'm skeptical about using oils as a heat protectant as well, but so many people swear by it. I'm not convinced about the high smoke point thing either, because it doesn't take for an oil to reach its smoke point before it starts frying food. :perplexed However, I think if it works for you and you don't experience damage, then that's great. This is one thing I won't be trying though. lol
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i don't get do they mean that since it doesn't smoke or smell it's protecting the hair??? And bc your hair is silky and lightweight while using said oil, it's protecting the hair???

but it's oil though....:nono:
I think the logic behind using it is a little flawed, but there are many who can get away with using it and their hair looks fine. One of my favorite youtubers uses it with no apparent ill effects. I think that for a true heat protectant, how effectively the product lowers the rate of heat transfer between your hair and the heat appliance is most important. In my opinion oils just don't cut it because they tend to have a higher rate of heat transfer than silicones, which do a good job at providing that barrier against the heat. I mean ultimately you still have to watch how high the heat of your flat iron or curling iron is so that you don't burn your hair because a heat protectant can only help so much.
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i don't get do they mean that since it doesn't smoke or smell it's protecting the hair??? And bc your hair is silky and lightweight while using said oil, it's protecting the hair???

but it's oil though....:nono:

Right. I wouldn't trust it. And more importantly, why is there a burning smell? The iron must be turned up too high and you must be burning your hair.
ellebelle88 :kiss: thank you !!! (yes it's me lol)
this is a puff pushed in front, done with blown out hair. hair was blown out by tension method with castor/avocado oil. nothing else was used on this head. no pomade no brush.

I use castor/Avocado as a low heat protectant. it nourishes my hair and left it soft for days after blow out.
today i've used safflower/Avocado but doesn't leave a heavy coat on hair as I like, even by being heavy handed:blush: so i will now do castor/safflower/avocado oil mix.