Is glycerin sticky?


New Member
I was turned off from sta-sof-fro, because of its stickiness. But I've seen that many of the ladies here get the benefits of sta-sof-fro without needing to use the product by simply spraying glycerine on their hair. Now I'm wondering- is glycerine sticky? Does it leave a residue on your hair like sta-sof-fro does?
Yes, glycerin is sticky but if you mix it with distilled water and a little evoo in a spray bottle you will get better results. Don't forget to shake it up before spraying to make sure its mixed thoroughly.

I use this spray every night. I simply mist my hair but I spray my ends till they are damp.
I bought the kind that is sold in to cuts and burns section of Walmart. I did not find it very sticky but rather oily and thick. I mixed it with some pure aloe vera gel (from the plant) and i love love love it. My hair feels soft even after the gel evaporates and my hair is not sticky at all. YOU have to try it and see if you would like to mix it with something.