Is brushing wet hair damaging?


New Member
i wanted to know because my hair is short, so what I do is wash it, using the wrapping foam, I brush my hair down while wet then put on my wrapping strips, I dont plan on doing this for long, only until I have enough length to begin roller setting.
Brushing it out to detangle is, but gently using the brush to smooth a wrap shouldn't be that bad, however, if in time you can elliminate your brush totally, it will mimimise breakage, I dont even use a comb except for once every 3 weeks on wash days and I hardly ever see a broken hair. Good luck.
I was brushing my hair in a ponytail for about two months and my hairline suffered :cry3: my hair broke off.
I think you will notice that most here dont use a brush and speak against the brushes. I use a brush and can't let it go. I dont brush often. Be very careful brushing wet hair. (skip it if you can.) I pretty much only use my brush on dry hair.

*I only use a boar bristle brush.*
I use a boar bristle brush on wet hair also:look: But it is for smoothing each section of hair i am roller setting, and my hair was detangled before. I have been doing this for years and so has my sister. I don't think our hair has suffered from it.

(i am trying to post a picture here so you can see my hair now, but I don't know how... someone please pm me and help me do this:confused:)
My hair becomes really fragile when wet, so I try to avoid this. Although last night I had to brush it after moisturizing because it was so unruly.:look:
I try not to use the brush much, definatley not on my dry hair. When I wear buns, which is most of the time, I smooth my wet hair with a brush. Very gently though, then put it in a bun. It's been workin great for me and I haven't seen any breakage.
Yes yes and yes. I wish I knew this 2 years ago (instead of 3 days ago). I'd be BSL by now. I have a fear of hair brushes now.
When you brush it causes friction and since it wet it's at it's weakest stage, friction and a weak don't go together
You know what you should do, start off with a clean brush with no hair in it, do your routine and see how many broken hairs you lose. Hopefully your using a soft brush as well.
You know what you should do, start off with a clean brush with no hair in it, do your routine and see how many broken hairs you lose. Hopefully your using a soft brush as well.

I started using my denman brush (with all the rows) to detangle my soaking wet hair during my twice weekly twist outs. I got hooked on the curl definition. Little did I know it was breaking my hair.
I started using my denman brush (with all the rows) to detangle my soaking wet hair during my twice weekly twist outs. I got hooked on the curl definition. Little did I know it was breaking my hair.

Denman scare me anyway, I had got a brush like that once and removed like two rows and I was so scared to use thinking it would rip my hair and it did, the teeth was to close, but naturals seem to like it. How long it took you to notice ? caribeandiva
Denman scare me anyway, I had got a brush like that once and removed like two rows and I was so scared to use thinking it would rip my hair and it did, the teeth was to close, but naturals seem to like it. How long it took you to notice ? caribeandiva

2 years honestly. I always had lots of hair in the brush but I thought they were all shed hairs. I rarely straighten my hair and I wore braids a few times. I assumed everything was ok. I was puzzled as to why my hair wasn't longer. It wasn't until my sister (who's also a natural) mentioned that she loses way more hair using the denman that the light went on! I used that thing at least once a week.