is breakage normal??


New Member
is it okay to see SOME breakage?? or is the goal to have zero breakage.

lately, when i comb, i'll see anywhere from 5-10 broken hairs around the sink. is this something that i should be alarmed about? and is it difficult to get your hair to a point where there is zero breakage? i feel like breakage has always been an issue for me, i just pay more attention to it now.
My personal goal is for zero breakage. I think if your hair is treated right from root to tip for the entire time it's been growing - you shouldn't have breakage.

Shedding, you can't escape. Breakage though? Yeah - it might be a hard road, but I think you should be able to avoid it.
It's my belief that a little breakage is unavoidable if you manipulate your hair in ANY way. The goal is to keep it to a minimum. I think what is "normal" varies from person to person. But if breakage increases, it shouldn't be ignored. Sometimes minor modifications in how you care for you hair make all the difference.
having no breakage at all is always a goal - but an almost unattainable one. just try to minimize it as much as possible. but a few hairs here and there are pretty much unavoidable
Shedding is normal, breakage is like a notification of something wrong be it handling the hair too rough, lack of something, damage, etc.
Good question. My hair seems to be healthy but I always see 2 or 3 broken pieces of hair when I comb very gently. I often wonder if there is such a thing as zero breakage.
I think it's normal. A few broken hairs here and there aren't bad. Something as simply as the wind blowing through your hair, getting caught between your purse strap and your shoulder, combing, brushing, etc. could cause one strand to break. There are some things you can't control. As long as it's not excessive or out of hand I wouldn't worry about it.
Methinks sometimes people confuse shedding with breakage. It's natural to shed hair on a daily basis. Of course, we don't want any breakage, but I don't think that can be avoided. As long as the breakage isn't excessive you really don't have anything to worry about. :yep:
I think any constant manipulation to your hair will eventually cause some breakage. I know i comb everyday so yeah, i see a few pieces of broken hair every now and then. But i have no split ends so i'm okay with it.
Thanx ladies. I feel sooo much better after reading your responses. I was freaking out too. I would comb VEERRRYYY gently and still get a few broken pieces. I was getting mad. lol. Now I see it's normal bc I am manipulating my hair in some fashion.
this thread is right on time. i was JUST thinking about starting a thread like this after i noticed a few strands in my comb this morning.
is it okay to see SOME breakage?? or is the goal to have zero breakage.

lately, when i comb, i'll see anywhere from 5-10 broken hairs around the sink. is this something that i should be alarmed about? and is it difficult to get your hair to a point where there is zero breakage? i feel like breakage has always been an issue for me, i just pay more attention to it now.
girl your hair grew so much in a month it's beautiful
what are you doing?
This happens to me a little when im stretching, in which im in my 5th week post now.:perplexed I get a little sheding. I think you mean sheding right? I'm have the same problem right now.
Even though I know some breakage will occur, I strive for ZERO breakage, esp. from just gently combing. I'd look into that if I were you. A little thing could turn into a big thing down the road...

I use to see 7-10 hairs from the comb each time, thinking it was just my hair. Now I see that many total in one day. Sometimes I comb and it's just shed hair--no breakage at all, and I have fine hair.
I really dont think its anything to worry about...3 hairs out of a possible 180,000-200,000 is nothing to get up in arms about. As long as I dont see tons of tiny hair on the sink after I comb or on my collar Im good.
girl your hair grew so much in a month it's beautiful
what are you doing?

thanks girl! that month i was using MT and i got awesome growth. i've stopped using it due to excessive shedding, though. i co wash every other day and i only use heat one per month.
I think it's normal. A few broken hairs here and there aren't bad. Something as simply as the wind blowing through your hair, getting caught between your purse strap and your shoulder, combing, brushing, etc. could cause one strand to break. There are some things you can't control. As long as it's not excessive or out of hand I wouldn't worry about it.

Maybe I'm being too strict, but imo breakage from your entire list could be AVIODABLE with extra care!

Letting a few broken strands (which may indicate that your hair is weaken) slide DAILY may result in see-thru ends or a thin patch in a few months.

I wouldn't obess about it, but DAILY breakage would cause me to re-evaluate how I'm handling my hair.
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Maybe I'm being too strict, but imo breakge from your entire list could be AVIODABLE with extra care!

Letting a few broken strands (which may indicate that your hair is weaken) slide DAILY may result in see-thru ends or a thin patch in a few months.

I wouldn't obess about, but DAILY breakge would cause me to re-evaluate how I'm handling my hair.

ITA. You and I can be 'too strict' together :look:
Maybe I'm being too strict, but imo breakge from your entire list could be AVIODABLE with extra care!

Letting a few broken strands (which may indicate that your hair is weaken) slide DAILY may result in see-thru ends or a thin patch in a few months.

I wouldn't obsess about, but DAILY breakage would cause me to re-evaluate how I'm handling my hair.

ITA. You and I can be 'too strict' together :look:

Can I join the 'too strict' brigade? :lol: To me, breakage - esp. when you are gently manipulating your hair - indicates that your hair has been weakened, somehow. And weak hair is the antithesis of long hair, so breakage is worrying to me, just period.

Now, me breaking a hair (actually hearing the snap) is a whole different beast - to me, that's a strong hair that was overstressed through some fault of my own - it's a subtle difference, but an important one, to me.
is it okay to see SOME breakage?? or is the goal to have zero breakage.

lately, when i comb, i'll see anywhere from 5-10 broken hairs around the sink. is this something that i should be alarmed about? and is it difficult to get your hair to a point where there is zero breakage? i feel like breakage has always been an issue for me, i just pay more attention to it now.

Me too :( it drives me nuts

Every time i comb (gently) i have like 5-10
I think any constant manipulation to your hair will eventually cause some breakage. I know i comb everyday so yeah, i see a few pieces of broken hair every now and then. But i have no split ends so i'm okay with it.

I tried to be good and wrap every night. I tried it for seven days straight and had broken strands, no matter how gentle I was. I have ditched the wrapping and will be CO washing from now until my next relaxer. My hair can't take that kind of manipulating every day!
I tried to be good and wrap every night. I tried it for seven days straight and had broken strands, no matter how gentle I was. I have ditched the wrapping and will be CO washing from now until my next relaxer. My hair can't take that kind of manipulating every day!
what do you do, instead of wrapping?