Is BKT good for repairing cuticles? Or is it more for curl? Whats the major benefit?


New Member
I havent researched it since it was first comming out, I know alot of people have tried it now and are well informed so:

Does it repair the cuticle? For how long? How does it do it? (Does it repair a hard protien treatment like Aphogee?)

It loosens the curl for alittle while, thats correct? Why does this happen?

What are other positive bennfits, and negative side effects?

Whats the main reason people are getting it?
Re: Is BKT good for repairing cuticles? Or is it more for curl? Whats the major benef

From what I understand, the keratin in our hair gets stripped from it due to mechanical & chemical manipulation, not to mention age & poor diet. Imagine a strand of hair that has microscopic "chunks" missing from it. This weakens the hair shaft, not to mention making the hair appear dull (as the light does not reflect off it uniformly). This also causes the hair shaft to "catch" on other hair, clothing or whatever else might come in contact with it.

The BKT *coats* the hair in keratin, filling the holes, so to speak, so that the shaft appears to be whole again, either oval or circular (curly hair is oval shaped as it comes out of the follicle; hence the curl- straight hair is round). So when the keratin is sealed onto the shaft via the formaldehyde and heat, it is once again smooth and light reflecting.

My guess is that this also explains why the hair shaft is also much more resistant to humidity.

In terms of the way my hair feels- yes, it feels AND looks healthier. It glides across itself, and is more moisturized to the touch.

I'm using BKT to help stretch my relaxer, but I also BKT to keep my hair feeling healthy, looking healthy, and to cut down drying time. If my hair dries straighter, then there is less heat I have to use to get it straight & smooth.

The downside is that it is EXPENSIVE at a salon, and the product itself isn't cheap (like a relaxer) even when it's DIY. A 33 oz bottle can run you $200-300. AND there is a safety factor: You MUST apply this in a well ventilated area. You do not want to be breathing in formaldehyde fumes. (Even the ones that claim to have "no formaldehydes" DO have "aldehydes" and while it *may*- or may not- be safer, it's not something I want to be breathing.)

The application process can be lengthy even at home, and you cannot wash your hair (with most of the BKTs) for 2-3 days. Nor can you use ANY conditioner or styling product when you apply it. You also have to keep your hair straight for the 3 days the product is setting. (I wrap mine at night anyway & flat iron out any kinks in the morning.)

You Tube has some great videos re: BKT.

I hope this helps!

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Re: Is BKT good for repairing cuticles? Or is it more for curl? Whats the major benef

De nada! If you opt for the BKT, post pics! I love seeing before & afters.