Is anyone using MN straight? Why all the mixing?


Well-Known Member
Hi, I'm a newbie and its my first post. THIS IS A WONDERFUL SITE BTW!!! I have been lurking for a few months and was searching for some growth aides to try out and came upon the Monistat. I'd rather use that the MTG, and the cayenne pepper was great on my scalp but also burned the mess out of my neck and shoulders when rinsing out in the SHOWER!!! :wallbash: (Tip: When rinsing out your cayenne pepper/olive oil mix, do it in the sink with your eyes tightly shut.) I may try it again with a few alterations.:spinning:

Anyway, the point of my post is to ask why is everyone mixing their MT with other oils, butters? I read about the headaches and the smell but is that the main reason or do you feel it would be more effective with other products? It seems to me if the MT is what is contributing to faster growth, why add so many other things? I wouldn't mind trying it alone unless there is some hazard to doing so that I'm unaware of.

TIA(Thanks in Advance) I don't know if that is an official abbreviation.:grin:

Just some info on me-I'm grazing shoulder length now, and plan on starting a fotki so ya'll can get to know me and help a sista out. I don't feel official without a fotki lol. Besides that will be more motivation when I can visualize my commitment and progress. I'm 4a/4b and medium-stranded. Imma get a signature and incorporate my regimen/products etc...I feel at home here!!!
When I was using MN daily I was using it straight. I think people add butters and oils to it so they can get more out of it. I lil 1 oz. tube costs like $3 so they want to get their money's worth ya know?!
Welcome! I know some of the ladies add EO's to MTG because they don't like the smell when it's "uncut". Also, some of the oils (like Rosemary and Peppermint) are added to help stimulate the scalp even more. Hope this helps.
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Hi, I'm a newbie and its my first post. THIS IS A WONDERFUL SITE BTW!!! I have been lurking for a few months and was searching for some growth aides to try out and came upon the Monistat. I'd rather use that the MTG, and the cayenne pepper was great on my scalp but also burned the mess out of my neck and shoulders when rinsing out in the SHOWER!!! :wallbash: (Tip: When rinsing out your cayenne pepper/olive oil mix, do it in the sink with your eyes tightly shut.) I may try it again with a few alterations.:spinning:

Anyway, the point of my post is to ask why is everyone mixing their MT with other oils, butters? I read about the headaches and the smell but is that the main reason or do you feel it would be more effective with other products? It seems to me if the MT is what is contributing to faster growth, why add so many other things? I wouldn't mind trying it alone unless there is some hazard to doing so that I'm unaware of.

TIA(Thanks in Advance) I don't know if that is an official abbreviation.:grin:

Just some info on me-I'm grazing shoulder length now, and plan on starting a fotki so ya'll can get to know me and help a sista out. I don't feel official without a fotki lol. Besides that will be more motivation when I can visualize my commitment and progress. I'm 4a/4b and medium-stranded. Imma get a signature and incorporate my regimen/products etc...I feel at home here!!!

GIRL HEY! Im new today too!:drunk:
When I was using MN daily I was using it straight. I think people add butters and oils to it so they can get more out of it. I lil 1 oz. tube costs like $3 so they want to get their money's worth ya know?!

Why did you stop and what were your results?
I don't use MN straight because it gives me really massive headaches but when I mix it with oils and moisturizers, it's fine.
MN straight gave me headaches but mixed with butters and oils no headaches, while I was doing the MN I was getting great growth but I got lazy and I just got tired of taking the time to put it on everynight and day so I slacked off. I think when you first start here you want to try everything and you get an overload and so now I am just trying to KISS and my hair is growing well but I may start back doing my MN mixture cause I have some left that I need to use up. :grin:

I have never tried MN so I can't comment, I just wanted to say

WELCOME TO THE BOARD!!!!!!!!!!!!:wave:
Muchos Gracias ladies and thankyou all for welcoming me. This site is a Godsend to black women all over the world.

Ok so I run out to one of the dollar stores in my area, Fred's and picked up a tube for $5. Came home and applied it. And you were both right Aggie and Kat25, I have a headache as I'm typing this. The only good thing about that is atleast I know I picked up the right thing.:perplexed

I will be adding some WGO or Olive Oil to the mix for sure next time.

This better work, cause it took a while to apply it, as I usally do not apply anything to my scalp at all. I'll keep ya'll posted.
MN is very drying to the newgrowth when used by itself. I found that my newgrowth would get a little knotty. WHen I added some oil, it was waaaay better. No more dryness.
we are having a lot of newbies. . . tax checks must be coming in:lachen:. . . sike naw, WELCOME BABES!!!!!!!!!!! :spinning:

but I first started using MN, I used it straight. now I use it in an old pure sulphur oil bottle, mixed with a little mtg. . . but this is mostly because I can't have a bunch of coochie cream bottles in my room, i don't need folks lookin @ me crazy. . . and i know the people that work @ the family dollar by my job think i have some sort of TERRIBLE terrible infection. :lachen:

and like everyone said it is pretty dryin on it's own. I tend to use the MN between my rollers, then go over it with mango butter or profectiv
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If I don't use enough oil with my MN, it'll give me a headache. I found that out the hard way yesterday. Instead of my usual Castor Oil & MN mix, I tried to use some Kemi Oyl which is a lot lighter than Castor Oil. Chile, I put that KO/MN mix on my head and 10 minutes later I had a whopper of a headache. So you definitely need something to mix MN with.
straight MN doesn't give me headaches. it doesn't dry out my newgrowth, or do anything else bad when i use it by itself.

to me it seems extremely counterproductive to mix it in with stuff.
i understand that it gives some people headaches, but you're diluting the percentage of miconazole nitrate when you mix it with other stuff!

if one tube of family dollar brand contains 2% miconazole nitrate, and we add it in with, say, 2 ounces of a moisturizer + some essential oil (NOT PEPPERMINT, THAT WILL GIVE YOU HEADACHES), then the entire jar still has only 2% miconazole nitrate, but with each application you're probably only getting .0002% of MN.

i apply it straight because i want more miconazole nitrate in each application. if i want to rub other stuff on my scalp, i'll put that on AFTER using pure MN.
ummmm miss poookie, this is completely off topic, but after stalkin, i mean browsing, your fotki, I noticed that u have the generic version of some stuff. . . where do u get those? I've never seen them, at least not in PG or montgomery county
They sell generic versions of a lot of stuff at Sally's, they have a whole section at the one in Clinton off of Branch Ave(rt. 5)
straight MN doesn't give me headaches. it doesn't dry out my newgrowth, or do anything else bad when i use it by itself.

to me it seems extremely counterproductive to mix it in with stuff.
i understand that it gives some people headaches, but you're diluting the percentage of miconazole nitrate when you mix it with other stuff!

if one tube of family dollar brand contains 2% miconazole nitrate, and we add it in with, say, 2 ounces of a moisturizer + some essential oil (NOT PEPPERMINT, THAT WILL GIVE YOU HEADACHES), then the entire jar still has only 2% miconazole nitrate, but with each application you're probably only getting .0002% of MN.

i apply it straight because i want more miconazole nitrate in each application. if i want to rub other stuff on my scalp, i'll put that on AFTER using pure MN.

Thats along the lines of what I was thinking too Poookie. It seems in my mind that using it with other oils would give you a whole lot lower concentration of the MN with each application than if you were to use it alone. You would be applying this mix every nite thinking your getting 2% and its a lot lower than that. But now seeing how I can't tolerate using it straight regardless, I guess it doesn't much matter for me.:spinning: Plus, if the oils you are using stimulate the scalp it may not be that counterproductive.

I also wanted to know should you stop using MN on the scalp before a touch-up? If so how many days in advance? I've stopped the end of last week and this week because I get a re-touch on the 11th.
ummmm miss poookie, this is completely off topic, but after stalkin, i mean browsing, your fotki, I noticed that u have the generic version of some stuff. . . where do u get those? I've never seen them, at least not in PG or montgomery county

lol :grin:

they sell them at Sally's beauty supply. i haven't even been able to find a sally's anywhere close to where i live (waldorf), but i've been buying the generic versions from sally's while i'm down in southern VA for school.

Sally's now has an online store, though, so i think you can order the generic versions and have them delivered.

hope that helped! :)
How are yall mixing the MN... how much EO do I add to MN to keep away headaches???? Do you empty MN tube and put in another container, then add EO????
Anyway, the point of my post is to ask why is everyone mixing their MTG with other oils, butters? I read about the headaches and the smell but is that the main reason or do you feel it would be more effective with other products? It seems to me if the MT is what is contributing to faster growth, why add so many other things? I wouldn't mind trying it alone unless there is some hazard to doing so that I'm unaware of.

Hello Crystal22 and welcome to LHCF family. :grin:

I use MTG as my growth aide. I mix my MTG with Amla Lite Oil. Only reason why I do this is to mask the stanky bacon liquid smoke smell. The smell made my pillows stink and in the summer time I felt the smell got stronger b/c of the heat. So I stopped using and the bottle sat under my sink for 1 year and a half. But this year I decided to use it again and found out that amla oil frangrance covers the smell completely. So I am happy and hope to reach SL faster in 2008.
Monigirl, I don't think I can take doing my hair everyday!!! But yours is beautiful!!! What do you co-wash with? Doing that daily is not too much manipulation? Do you blow-dry or sit under hood dryer each day? Also what Relaxer do u use?
I heard that white people on TLHS mix theirs with water, and you'd think that it'd dilute it too much but they seem to get good growth. Maybe mixing mine with s-curl and water will still get me growth???