Is anyone using henna?


New Member
I know there was some discussion about henna, but I haven't heard much about it in a while. I ordered a sample to do a strand to test to see how it will impact my hair. Is anyone using henna? If so, please tell me about your experience.
How did your strand test go?

I recently bought Avigal Henna (at Trina's in L.A.) in Brown and I'm doing a strand test myself. I don't know why it's so hard to get info on how to use it, how to prepare it, who uses it, and their results on the web... but it is. I will definitely post how mine goes.
I just used it tonight and it work wonderfully. I used colora henna! My hair came out a beautiful black that looks natural. My hair feels wonderful and is not dry!
My strand test went well. The hair felt soft and seemed to have more sheen. I was hoping for some color (red) and was disappointed there was no color change. I have since learned that there will likely be no change for my dark hair using red henna.

Sweetyb: let us know how the strand test goes
brittanynic16: how long did you keep the henna on before rinsing it out? Were you able to apply it without making a huge mess? If so, how?

I am excited to use the henna because everyone I have asked indicates henna will make the hair easier to comb and will add some weight and sheen. I plan to use it late December--after finals.
Sweetyb: I've found two sites run by very helpful and informative ladies. One is "everydayhenna" and the other is "reverendbunny".
Tchutchuca -I used a brand called colora henna. I applied it with my hands. Then I put my hair in a shower cap for a little over an hour. Then it rinsed it out. The only problem I had was getting the little granuals out of my hair and shampooing did not do the job. So, to get them out I blow dried my hair with a comb attachment and they all came out. HTH

KinkyCurly - I kept it on my hair for about an hour and 10min. Sorry, I can't say that is wasn't a messy process but it was my first time so I expectd it to get a little wild
. I just cleaned up after myself.
I use henna, but I leave it on over night. The color I use is indigo which makes your hair a blue/black. I didn't have to order it because you can't be sure that it is the safe henna, the one without the PPD. I live near quite a few East Indian stores, so I just run over a pick up a few containers. At least there you are pretty sure that you are buying the real henna. I know that if your hair is dark and you are looking to go lighter you must be careful because the end results will be a brassy orange.
I'm so glad for the replys... thanks KinkyCurly for the links!! I couldn't get the second one to work, though.

I performed my "strand" test by mixing up 2 tablespoons worth of the Henna mixture and applying it to the last 1" of all of my hair--incase there was a color change, I didn't want the color to be in one area. I mixed it with a little bit of my conditioner and used hot tap water. Because this was just a "strand" test, I didn't use foil, I just wore a plastic shower cap for an hour.

I didn't see any difference, really. After washing and air drying my hair, I saw no color difference or difference in the feel of my ends. I'm just glad it didn't turn <font color="green"> green </font>! After finals
, I'll try mixing the whole pouch and do the real thing .

Q: on my instructions it said for medium thick hair I should use 16oz, but the pouch is 3oz... do they expect you to buy as many pouches that are required?
Sweetyb what kind of henna are you using? May sure you are not using anything with PPD or you will just be using regular regular die. What color is the stuff you are using? If it is black that is not a good sign. It should be green because there is no such thing as black henna (if that is what you are using). Natural black henna is really indigo.
The Avigal Henna that I bought was a dark green mixture. It was 100% Henna.

I did the real application this weekend and still did not see any color change. I followed the directions and everything, but my hair did not take in the color. I saw slight signs of brown color in the bottom of my mixing bowl and when rinsing out in the tub so I know it was there. Funny thing is, the instructions recommended 16oz of henna for medium hair, but I only used the 6oz pouch it came in. When applying the mix to my head, it felt really heavy, so I wonder how I would be able to get 16oz in my hair??

As for the conditioning part, my hair felt frightingly crunchy when I rinsed everything out--I think because I had to rinse over and over again. So I slapped on some deep conditioner, wrapped with foil, and rinsed out 4 hours later. My hair felt nice and soft afterwards.

After reading another thread, I will try it again with lemon juice and not-so-hot water. I'm gonna give Hennalucent a try, just to get some color in my hair.
I tried to wait until after finals, but I tried henna on my whole head too. Like you Sweetyb I don't see much color change. But my hair feels great. I mixed the henna with lemon juice and a bit of conditioner. Then I did a deep condition with Pantene.

I will say that rinsing the henna out was a nightmare. I know there is still some in my head, but I could not rinse another minute. I have been rinsing everyday to get any residue out.

My edges are lighter than the rest of my hair which I don't mind. The best part is my gray hairs turned bright orange! My husband still laughs when he sees a strand sticking out. I like that henna is a mild protein because my hair sheds so much that I was looking for a protein to add to my routine. After using the henna and combing in the shower, there was virtually no shedding.
I am going to stick with the henna for at least 6 months and then reevaluate f I am going to keep using it. So far the results a re worth 3 or 4 gray strands.

Sweetyb, have you seen your hair in the sunlight? I need to wear it out and have someone tell me is he sees any color difference.
I wanted to bring this thread back up......Has anyone used Henna and gotten a noticeable color change. My hair breaks off with any sort of color treatment BUT....I love color in my hair....henna was my last resort....I went to the natural food store and bought in bulk(where u have to scoop it out yourself).....copper henna, brown henna, red persian henna......I used them all.....still no color change....not even a highlight.....Anyone use 100% henna and got a color change.....what henna recipe did u use?
I used henna several times. When I was natural you could locate an orangeish shine in sunlight. later (then relaxed) I tried black and my overprocessed ends turned green! Next I think natural will do it´s thing on my head
My natural dark dark brown hair showed a color change after I used henna. I noticed it after one use, but others began to notice the tint in the sun after two. It's kind of a dark cherry red.

The red can vary depending on the amount of time you leave it on and the type of henna you use. I left mine on for 5 hours the first time and almost 8 the next.

I'm looking forward to my next treatment this weekend...I love the conditioning henna gives me!
I hennaed my hair about 4-5 weeks ago. My hair is black but you can see a little bit of the colour in sunlight. It sort of looks like a browny-reddish colour. You wont notice a change in colour from the first application. I found this out from on of my somalian friends. You have to keep up the applications to see results.

I want to try henna again but it is a very messy job and it stinks. It took ages to get the little sticks out my hair. I made a mistake of putting a protein conditioner over it and my hair came out really hard. I didn't know henna is a protein conditioner. So I will not be adding a protein conditioner to my hair again if I do henna again.

I want to put a permanent colour over my hair but I don't know if the henna will react to it. Has anyone had any problems colouring with henna on the hair. I last hennaed about 5 weeks ago.
I use Lush's ( Henna (Cacas). It is messy but well worth it. I first newspaper my bathroom, apply vaseline around my hairline. I break the henna down with boiling water and stirring adding water until its texure is like whipping cream. With rubber gloves, I apply it section at a time, put on a baggie and sit under my soft bonnet dryer for about two hours. It takes about three shampoos to get it all out and I follow up with a moisturizing treatment (humectress). I have dark brown hair that gets kind of reddish from my relaxer and the henna makes it a deep rich brown.

I only henna during the week following my relaxer 'cuz the instructions say that the henna can interfere with touch-ups.
I love the LUSH henna. My natural hair color is dark brown with natural reddish highlights. I perfer my hair to be darker. It is a mess putting it in but it doesnt stain on contact like "regular" chemical dyes. The smell is very green - MUCH better than that ammonia crap you get in mainstream haircolor IMO
RoseHair, which one of the Lush hennas do you use? I'm thinking about testing the chestnut color or the brown color.
(bumping an old thread)

My hair has been severely dry and my ends are completely shot, so I thought of using my Avigal Henna for some major conditioning. I remember my hair feeling nicely conditioned after using Henna in the past and hope it does the same once again. I will be adding lemon juice to my mixture and leaving it overnight and hope I will see a change of color in my hair.

Are you ladies still using Henna, and what kind? What have your results been?