Is anyone else experiencing a growth spurt?

I feel like I am. I'm taking vits but it seems like once the weather warmed it started growing faster. I've also started back on really taking care of my hair so I'm hoping it takes my spurt to whole nother level
Not sure of a true "spurt" but having some good experiance with the hair, skin and nail vitamins :)
I've never experienced one before, but I think I'm having one now...I'm 9 and a half weeks post relaxer and I can't remember ever having this much ng at this point. So I'll see when I get my next relaxer, but I'm just going to focus on retaining everything for now...
Judging by the way you more experienced LHCF'ers talk, I must not be because I don't have "the itchies". Come to think of it, my head is NEVER itchy:perplexed

I hope this isn't a bad sign:ohwell::look:
im definitly ecpecting one, and thats if it hasnt already started.... i had one last year during the summer months, and i tend to go running more since the weather is warmer.. im expecting a spurt of thickness and length in the next 3 months
Judging by the way you more experienced LHCF'ers talk, I must not be because I don't have "the itchies". Come to think of it, my head is NEVER itchy:perplexed

I hope this isn't a bad sign:ohwell::look:

bride91501 Hi! That doesn't mean its not growing....I'm quite sure your hair is growing/Some people experience itching/others don't (it just grows with-out warning)...YOU'LL SEE!

Happy Hair Growing!