is any amount of breakage normal????


New Member
I ask because my breakage has reduced significantly but it has not stopped. Instead of my bathroom sink full of hair I see a few pieces on my shoulders.

Has anyone successfully curbed ALL breakage??
I do get a small amount of breakage, especially when I comb while dry. This is why I try to comb only once a week, twice at the most. I believe that my hair is in optimal health right now... it's getting tons of moisture, adequate protein, and all the TLC I can provide. Its thicker than its ever been.... and its growing. But from time to time I may comb too carelessly and will see a little piece of hair in the comb or in the sink. It is painful to see, trust me (lol), but I have come to terms with the realization that some breakage is normal, for me. So I wouldnt freak out too much..... you say that the breakage has decreased dramatically, so that sounds good to me.