Is 10 Weeks a Respectable Stretch In Your Opinion?


New Member
Just thinking about going down to 10 weeks.

Is that respectable in your opinion?

I was talking to my sis (who had the same breakage issues as me) and she dropped her stretch and now her hair is full and healthy and fully recovered from her breakage. So I think along with cutting out baggying, adding protein treats, and very gentle detangling, I think I may drop 2 weeks off of my stretch.

I think I'm going to take a couple of weeks off of mine.

After I relax, I'll see the progress, and take it from there. But I might just keep it at 3 months instead of close to 4
I always thought the amount of newgrowth should be a better determining factor than the length of time, anyway. I think 10 weeks is fine as long as the newgrowth is substantial enough where overlapping/overprocessing does not become an issue.

Good luck to you!
LocksOfLuV said:
Just thinking about going down to 10 weeks.

Is that respectable in your opinion?

I was talking to my sis (who had the same breakage issues as me) and she dropped her stretch and now her hair is full and healthy and fully recovered from her breakage. So I think along with cutting out baggying, adding protein treats, and very gentle detangling, I think I may drop 2 weeks off of my stretch.

To me, stretching time depends on each individuals hair. Some people's hair grow faster and require less stretching. Some people's new growth are more manageable and can stretch longer.

To determine stretch time, you should check how your much breakage you have when as you go longer without a relaxer, and how long it takes you to grow enough hair to relax without overlapping. 10 weeks may be good enough for some but not good enough for others.
Kimberly said:
I always thought the amount of newgrowth should be a better determining factor than the length of time, anyway. I think 10 weeks is fine as long as the newgrowth is substantial enough where overlapping/overprocessing does not become an issue.

Good luck to you!

ITA! And I think what 'the amount' of newgrowth that qualifies is diff. for each person. 10 weeks is usually good for me. I think your plan sounds good.
Kimberly said:
I always thought the amount of newgrowth should be a better determining factor than the length of time, anyway. I think 10 weeks is fine as long as the newgrowth is substantial enough where overlapping/overprocessing does not become an issue.

Good luck to you!

ITA with this.
I think 10 wks is a pretty good stretch, provided you have enough new growth. I think I read a while back in Lisa Akbari's book that as long as there is at least 1" of new growth, the hair should be fine in terms of avoiding overlapping. So for me as long as I wait at least 8 wks, I feel good about my retouch anytime after that b/c I know I have at least 1" to work with. And I super-base anyways, so I'm never too pressed a/b the overlapping issue.

I don't see myself ever stretching longer than 12 weeks, as I like straight hair (being that I relax, that's what I signed up for :look:) so all those extra months of stretching I can't have straight hair due to the 2 textures, so it'd be pointless for me.

crlsweetie912 said:
Outside of LHCF, 10 weeks is EXCEPTIONAL! But, around here, I feel guilty if I don't go 12- 14 weeks. :lachen:

I KNOW!:lachen:

Sidethought: Everytime I see you, I remember I can't wait to try Motions Moisture Plus!:lol: You got my hypnotized!

Anyways thank you ladies. Yall got me feeling all confident.:D My hair grows about .5 inches a month, so I think 10 weeks will be over 1 inch like Artemis said.
LocksOfLuV said:
I KNOW!:lachen:

Sidethought: Everytime I see you, I remember I can't wait to try Motions Moisture Plus!:lol: You got my hypnotized!

Anyways thank you ladies. Yall got me feeling all confident.:D My hair grows about .5 inches a month, so I think 10 weeks will be over 1 inch like Artemis said.

Thanks Locks! MMP is the bomb, I almost cried when I touched the bottom of my bucket this weekend. :eek: :eek: :eek: I gotta rescue that tub I gave my mom cause she hasn't even used it!:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

What is this extra stuff that you do when you relax your hair?
I plan on doing it today, I put on my silk protein on my hair, and I plan on doing a protein treatment before neutralising... is that ok?
seraphinelle said:

What is this extra stuff that you do when you relax your hair?
I plan on doing it today, I put on my silk protein on my hair, and I plan on doing a protein treatment before neutralising... is that ok?

That sounds good to me.

I base my scalp with a vaseline base.

Then I base it again with oil.

Then I coat the strands with conditioner.

THEN :sleep8: I seal those strands with vaseline.:lol:
crlsweetie912 said:
Thanks Locks! MMP is the bomb, I almost cried when I touched the bottom of my bucket this weekend. :eek: :eek: :eek: I gotta rescue that tub I gave my mom cause she hasn't even used it!:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

I hope it works for me like it does for you.

I used to use it a while back but I don't remember the results.
LocksOfLuV said:
That sounds good to me.

I base my scalp with a vaseline base.

Then I base it again with oil.

Then I coat the strands with conditioner.

THEN :sleep8: I seal those strands with vaseline.:lol:

Chica, you know I'm taking notes? LOL...

So vaseline then!!
*checking you updated fotki*
LocksOfLuV said:
That sounds good to me.

I base my scalp with a vaseline base.

Then I base it again with oil.

Then I coat the strands with conditioner.

THEN :sleep8: I seal those strands with vaseline.:lol:

Wow, um, I thought I uber-base that head, huh? :lachen:
Girl I think anything past 2 months is good. Especially if you were like me and relaxed at 5-6 wk mark. I will be 13wks Wed, so for me anytime now. I think I'm going to try for wk 14 (next Wed). That means I will only have to poo and cond 2 more times. I did a rod set Sat so the thought of having to do this over on Wed (my regular wash day) makes me tired. If I could push this out until Friday I plan to try a braid out for the wkend.
amr501 said:
I think 10 weeks is fine as long as you can avoid the overlapping, like keen said :yep:

I have a hard time not overlapping if my hair's not at least 6 months post. :yep: But I also don't have much experience with touch-ups.
artemis_e. said:
Wow, um, I thought I uber-base that head, huh? :lachen:

Girl I wasn't trying to have NO burning! I had a bad experience with a relaxer (silk elements) and it left me with perm sores for like 3 weeks. And on top of that they kind of oozed.:eek: :nono: Never again will I let a chemical burn me like that.

OhI almost forgot, lemme post a review on the hits and Misses of Profectiv!
janeemat said:
Girl I think anything past 2 months is good. Especially if you were like me and relaxed at 5-6 wk mark. I will be 13wks Wed, so for me anytime now. I think I'm going to try for wk 14 (next Wed). That means I will only have to poo and cond 2 more times. I did a rod set Sat so the thought of having to do this over on Wed (my regular wash day) makes me tired. If I could push this out until Friday I plan to try a braid out for the wkend.

You can do it girl! :yep:

Sareca, I think it is impossible to steer 100% from overlapping. Well atleast for me it is. But whatever you are doing you do a good job of it so keep it up.
I just don't know how you guys avoid overlapping. I stretched 12-14 weeks last time and even though I texlax I want to avoid overlapping. But the relaxer really does tend to go up higher than I'm planning. I generally only leave it on for 5-7 minutes, but I don't want that relaxer going up my hair strands three inches when I only have two inches of new growth. How are you guys avoiding overlapping. I base my scalp and then I also put oil or conditioner on the hair that I don't want to relax, just as a precaution.

Someone let me know how you do this. :)
lana said:
I just don't know how you guys avoid overlapping. I stretched 12-14 weeks last time and even though I texlax I want to avoid overlapping. But the relaxer really does tend to go up higher than I'm planning. I generally only leave it on for 5-7 minutes, but I don't want that relaxer going up my hair strands three inches when I only have two inches of new growth. How are you guys avoiding overlapping. I base my scalp and then I also put oil or conditioner on the hair that I don't want to relax, just as a precaution.

Someone let me know how you do this. :)

For me I just take my time. Also base my strands with conditioner and then coat them with something thick like vaseline. Really that's all you can do because you can't escape it 100%.:ohwell:
LocksOfLuV said:
You can do it girl! :yep:

Sareca, I think it is impossible to steer 100% from overlapping. Well at least for me it is. But whatever you are doing you do a good job of it so keep it up.

Will do
I truly believe that trying to stretch my relaxers 12 weeks has hampered my growth. I will no longer go past 9-10 weeks. Increased shedding & breakage DOES NOT = Healthy hair! :) I'm battling whether to wait till my June date now, cuz my last relaxer was slightly underprocessed and my new growth is thick now. Pre-BT!:eek:
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