Ion Repair Solutions Hair Reconstructor-Review


New Member
I picked up some Ion Reconstructor at Sally's a few weeks ago out of the sale bin and used it yesterday.

My hair is almost even SL, texlaxed, variety of textures from wavy in the front to kinky in the back.

I used two packets of this and on first impression it's very creamy, smells kind of funny but not bad. I pre-pood overnight with coconut oil under my shower cap and shampoo'd with Tresemme for damaged hair (the one with silk etc in it) then parted my hair and applied the reconstructor.

First impression, if your hair is prone to tangling like mine is make sure you detangle first or just don't try to comb. My hair got very tangly with this in it so I couldn't comb it through. I used my fingers to spread it down into my NG.

I kept it on my hair for 10 minutes then rinsed with White Rain Tropical coconut con (out of habit).

I don't know if this counts as a hardcore protein but my hair reacted like that. My hair felt a little hard but overall it did a really good job. I've had some breakage lately and it stopped it in it's tracks.

If you are having some light breakage I absolutely recommend this one. I will probably pick up a few more because I like to do a medium protein treatment once a month or so between henna applications.

I also noticed that it brought out some more of my texture in a few spots and I had two ringlets!!

Next time I will probably DC afterwards because I had a heck of a time detangling my hair both during the rinse in the shower and afterwards trying to get my leave-in all through my hair.

If your hair is less thick you can probably get away with 1 packet, if your hair is past chin length and thick use 2 or more.
yea i like ion's reconstructor. however...i thought they changed the formula. whenever i bought the pak, the product inside was white and creamy. and that was only 2 months ago. Now, i bought another pak just this week, and the product inside is different. its more orangy looking...and the consistency was that of shampoo. (it basically is the same product that is in the Ion reconstructor bottle).

i liked the white creamy product better *sigh