Ion Hair-Dryers


New Member
I know we are not supposed to blow dry our hair but...

Just wondering if any of you ladies here have used one of these new negative Ion hair dryers?

How it works is it the "negative ions reduce the size of water droplets so more moisture is infused into your hair. This helps to prevent the frizzies, add volume and make hair soft and shiny."
It also claims to dry your hair faster.

I have one (From Vidal Sasson) and use it from time to time and I must say it makes a big difference in my hair. It doesn't zap all the moisture out of it like a regular blow dryer does. and my hair does dry faster

Does anyone else have one of these?

Hey Valleygirl, I've been wondering about the ion blowdryers. I'm gonna do some internet research so I can understand the whole Ion concept and how it affects our hair. I think eventually I'm gonna purchase it to use from time to time.

BTW thanx for the tip of the Damage Free and the flat iron. I got both of these on your recommenddation and used it to flat iron my daughter's natural hair. It came out great!!
glad you liked the New's great stuff isn't it?

There is a ton of info about ion hair dryers online. I was gonna cut and paste some but like I said above I don't want to encourage blowdrying.. But depending on the replies I will post some of the stuff I found.

PS Check out the reviews at about the ion dryers.
Valleygirl, please post. I blowdry a lot (once a week). I know it's supposed to be bad on hair, but I've never had a problem with heat usage. I'm waiting for my hair the top of my hair to reach chin length before I start wearing it curly again since my hair is two distinct textures.

I use a helen of troy hairdryer with a comb attachment and lots of WGHO to keep my hair from being fried to oblivion when I blowdry. One of these hair dryers sould interesting to me.
OK here goes some stuff I found over on epinions about the Igia:

The Product:
The Igia Ion Turbo dryer has a sleek design. I found that it is not too big or too small. It has two speeds and three heat settings. It is 1200 watts and has a rubberized grip.It also has an attachment that you can put on for a more directed airflow.

Product Claims:
This product claims 50% less drying time, soft, shiny and manageable hair. It also claims that it nourishes and conditions the hair. How you ask? Well this dryer generates negative ions which are particles that bond to the hair shaft and breakdown moisture. The negative ions reduce the size of the water droplets on the hair shaft, which makes the water more able to penetrate the hair shaft, thus nourishing and conditioning the hair. When the hair shaft is able to retain moisture, the result is a sleeker look with less flyaways and frizzies which result from dryness and lack of moisture.

***Note that all of this information about how this product works was taken directly from the infomercial that I watched***

Ok this was all very interesting but does it work you ask. Well I must say that it most definitely helps. This dryer does cut dryer time in half! (I actually timed it). It also reduces flyaways and frizzies drastically. Does it make them totally go away? No, but I figure any improvement is worth it.

I am a curious person by nature and got to thinking…this is great but what the hell is an ion! A friend of mine is a science teacher at my old high school so I called him up and asked him! (He told me I should have learned this info in science class. I reminded him it has been a while since I took science and since I hated science, I probably tuned out that day anyhow.) This is what he told me:

An ion is particle of air that is either positively charged or negatively charged. When an atom of oxegen gains an electron this is a negative charge. When it loses an electron this is a positive charge. Negative ions create desirable conditions for many things…hair included while positive ions create non-desirable conditions. Apparently positive ions can be responsible for poor health, allergies, depression and a lot of other things besides a bad hair day! In fact, he told me that many scientist believe that “negative ion therapy” can help sick people get better. I will spare you the scientific details…..I stopped listening to my friend at this point anyway!!

This all makes sense if you think about it. Regular hairdryers generate positive ions. Regular hairdryer damage the hair, causing it to lose moisture and dry out which in turn causes flyaways, frizzies and a bunch of other undesirable traits. The Igia Ion Turbo Hair Dryer utilizes the “desirable” ions which causes the hair to maintain moisture. Can it get much simpler than this?

All in all this product delivers what it claims to. Better looking hair! The only thing I would caution one about is the price. I paid $39.95 for this dryer and I understand from looking around that many other Ion dryers exist out there that cost far less than this one. Vidal Sasoon sells one for $19.95 Oh well, maybe this one works better. I will wait until somebody writes a review for another ion dryer and compare notes.

So now that you are informed about this revolutionary concept in drying hair.....go forth and fight the frizzy fly aways!!

Please also note that this is not the dryer I have. This just has a very thorough review on ions and what they do.

Also another thing I noticed is most of the Ion dryers do NOT come with a comb attachment and the nozzle is too big to fit an attachment on.
I found one by Hot Tools that comes with a comb attachment to fit on the nozzle. And also a hatchet style dryer that you can attach a comb or brush.
here is the link.