Invited to another party - HELP!


Well-Known Member
So, the man who shall remain nameless as his name is no longer to be spoken of on LHCF has decided to invite me to a party at his place. I went to one a few weeks ago and that was when he decided to kiss another girl in front of me!!!! I thought he was interested. But anyway, he mentioned the party earlier in the week and I told him I have a date. So I guess I'm not going....since I don't really have a date. I could go, but I just don't have time for the games this boy plays, but he may have some good food. And some of his friends are really cool....Ugh! Help me make a decision! I don't want to go b/c I felt disrespected at the last one when he was giving me hints, but at the same time, I do want to go b/c I want to get out of the house. Ladies, help me! I don't know if I'm being too sensitive or not.
And I'm leaning towards that direction. I just think going would indicate that sort of behavior towards me is okay and I'm not down for that, you know?
He's wasting your time. He's shown that he's into game playing and not into you. You can go out with your girlfriends somewhere else. You go you'll be setting it in his mind you are some kind of easy girl.
I chose not to go. I went to a bookstore and just read for several hours, which is one of my favorite things to do. Now I am back home. I have to get up early anyway.

Thanks for being supportive and real.