*Inverse Weave Check*- Has It Happen to You???


New Member
A lot of Ladies mention being weave check because someone is in disbelief that their hair in NOT a weave.....

But what about having to prove to someone your weave IS a weave???

This happen to me 3x....... One girl I actually had to show her a track!!!
(I knew her) :lachen:

Another just continued talking about how pretty my hair was, and how jealous she was after I told her it was a weave :look:

Any other weave wearers experience this???? Any stories???

(I had a dream I created a thread and no one responded):hide:
Yes, whenever I wear a half wig I get asked and complimented.

If it's a stranger I'd just say thanks and keep it moving but if it's somebody I know then I'll go through the whole spiel and tell them (women only of course) :grin:
Yes, whenever I wear a half wig I get asked and complimented.

If it's a stranger I'd just say thanks and keep it moving but if it's somebody I know then I'll go through the whole spiel and tell them (women only of course) :grin:

Right! :lol: If its a dude, Im just like "Thank ya" :infatuated:
I had a weave with an afro type texture, and when I told people it was a weave they mostly thought I was joking, I guess they thought I had that "good hair", LOL. That weave may have looked good, but it was a tangled mess if I didn't braid it before going to bed.
(I had a dream I created a thread and no one responded):hide:

LMAO! :lachen:

I used to have a phony pony back in the early 90's that looked so much like my hair that nobody believed me when I would say it was fake. Didn't help that I was attached to that damn thing like if it were my only child :grin:
I went to visit Chapel Hill for the weekend, in an effort for them to diversify their school (so there were about 300 other students, at least half of which were black) and EVERYBODY including my roomate, thought my sew-in was my real hair. Everyone. One girl checked the tracks after I corrected her, lol.

It did look good though.

ETA- by everyone, I just mean the people I spoke to, so it was like 20 people, lol, im dramatic.
I had a man think that my strand by strand weave was my hair. He went on and on for about 10 minutes while I was waiting for my ride about my hair being so long & pretty and how women need to let their hair grow like me. I never told him that it was a weave.

It was 18 inches too.
People always think my wigs are my real hair. Always. And I have to lift them up to show them (only close friends/family). I always pick wigs that match my hair well though.