

New Member
I've been a registered user since last April, but only subscribed last night. This site and you ladies have been lifesavers for my hair and the hair of my daughters. And your pictures are so inspirational. I've learned soooo much!

Well, I'm Monique, I've been married to David for 14 yo, I'm a homemaker and a homeschool mom of 6. Well, technically 5 since the youngest is 18 months old. I have 3 girls and 3 boys who range in age from 18 mo - 15 yo. I've been struggling with my hair for years - alot of breakage and dryness - but it's getting better. Hope to get to know all of you alot better. :)

Six kids, how do you do it??


Where do you get the homeschool materials for your kids? I'm fascinated by this.
Welcome and Hello Monique!
vevster said:
Six kids, how do you do it??
By God's grace. No other way or else I'd be in a loony bin. :spinning:

vester said:
Where do you get the homeschool materials for your kids? I'm fascinated by this.
Well, I don't use one curriculum. I get my materials from alot of sources:, math-u-see, abeka, and shekinah curriculum.