

Hello everyone. I stumbled across the board and am amazed at all the information here. It's not everyday you come to a board that not only have hair care tips but also skincare and fitness tips. This site will definitely be added to my favorites. A bit about me...I'm 26 a mother of one in Dallas, TX. For the last two years I've been growing my hair out. Before then I wore a short texturized style but b/c hubby preferred longer hair, I grew it out. I have 4a/b hair and live on the use of my flat iron (I know bad). Right now I do not really follow a regimen. I just wash twice a week using either CON, Pantene, Nexxus or whatever I have handy. I cannot honestly say that I like any of the above products but I am the type that cannot waste money. I try to deep condition and since I have problems with breakage, I will soon begin using a reconstructor. I also have about 15lbs to lose so I will be posting on the fitness board as well. I cannot tell you how amazed I am at this board. I look forward to getting acquainted with each and every one of you.
I cannot honestly say that I like any of the above products but I am the type that cannot waste money.

[/ QUOTE ]

Buy hair products... buy hair products...


Another Texan. So glad you found us. You'll really love this board, I promise. You'll find more than just a few hair tips. I found some wonderful friends.
Welcome Melvy!!
It's great to have you here. We love new members as it helps our LHCF network grow even bigger. I joined the board in November or December and I've been hooked since. I know you'll find a lot of helpful information and meet some great people here.

Happy growing!
Boy do you all know how to welcome a sister!!! You all are just too much. I'm sure I will be hooked on this board from now on. Just hope my supervisor doesn't catch me on here everyday