Introducing myself


Well-Known Member
I have been a member of LHCF since July 2005 and a consistent reader of the forums. I never usually post but I am always reading and taking notes. I do not have long hair, nor fabulous hair so I didn't see the need to post my album. However, I tried Sylver2's hair drying techique and it really worked to make my new growth neat. I am currently 5 months post relaxer and always use braids to avoid the overwhelming new growth. Now, I am following Sylver2's technique of managing my 5 month old roots without braids and succeeding. I thought it would be a good idea to introduce myself and also take the time to thank all the many posters of the LHCF for giving me and so many other members the opportunity to have long hair at a minimum cost.

Please view the Aug 2005 album to see how Sylver2's technique makes my new growth looks like nice.
PW: see profile
Welcome :) :) :)

I do not have super long hair either, but I find the information and albums from the other women on this site to be such and encouragement.

I trust you will find all the helpful hints you may need to achieve you hair goals on this forum.

Happy Hair Growing and may you achieve ALL of your hair goals!
SherryLove..., even though I emailed the password, for future reference:
Click on my name and it will show you options of what you want to view. Click on the one that says "View Public Profile" - you will see password there.
Welcome! I love your phony pony! I wish I'd done that over the summer. Since I was washing so frequently.
Welcome to the board. You have some versatile hairstyles in that album! Work it! Happy hair growing to you! :newbie:
Thanks for the compliments everyone; you all are so cool. Once again, I must thank Sylver2 for the tie down technigue after washing. Washing is now so easy and quick and my root now feels like #3 hairtype and soooo manageable.

Imani97, RJ is a permanent treatment that is applied to the hair to keep it healthy and minimise/stop breakage; That is why whenever I wash, the hair that comes out is so little or next to none. All you do is wash and go, no conditioning or DC. I tried the wash and go method (didn't use conditioner for 3 months) but, either I didn't apply the RJ to my hair properly or something, my hair, as you can tell in the July album, looked dry. The hair felt very soft, etc, but it looked dry so in Aug, I started to use conditioner - just a little bit and it seem to make the hair looks healthier. You can do some reading about RJ. The website is:
Hey! Welcome, we are glad you decided to post.:) Also, glad to hear about your results.

BTW, Girl, I know where B.C. is. My dad lives in Ardmore near Haverford College (as a matter of fact we use to go to camp and walk over at Haverford). I go up there (I live in NC) about twice a year. Small world sho' nuff! Did you go to Lower Merion High School or Harrington High School? ;)

ivanay said:
I have been a member of LHCF since July 2005 and a consistent reader of the forums. I never usually post but I am always reading and taking notes. I do not have long hair, nor fabulous hair so I didn't see the need to post my album. However, I tried Sylver2's hair drying techique and it really worked to make my new growth neat. I am currently 5 months post relaxer and always use braids to avoid the overwhelming new growth. Now, I am following Sylver2's technique of managing my 5 month old roots without braids and succeeding. I thought it would be a good idea to introduce myself and also take the time to thank all the many posters of the LHCF for giving me and so many other members the opportunity to have long hair at a minimum cost.

Please view the Aug 2005 album to see how Sylver2's technique makes my new growth looks like nice.
PW: see profile
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Isn't it amazing how small the world is! Yes, Ardmore is about 10 mins or less from BC. I went to Drexel University. I go to Haverford College to play tennis. So nice to hear from someone who knows my area!!!
Also, I like your puffy curly pony! It's cute. When I go back to Armore, I am taking my step mother a Caruso roller set. She could use it. She has pretty and healthy hair, she could just use some help in the styling department. She like convience. She really takes a really nice rollerset. These will work perfect. Again, welcome.
Thanks for the compliment Keziah. I am a native to the area so I only went to college there.

I have the Caruso roller but for some reason, my hair will not dry in the 20 minutes. Also, my hair gets wet when I put the rollers in so maybe the required time to let the roller stay on the steam is too long. Have you had success with the steaming rollers? If yes, what is your technique? Do you leave it in for 20mins?
I am currently in the process of re-purchasing the curlers. I used use them some years ago, when they first came out under the name Caruso (apparently they had another type some years ago. My mother said she used to use something like them when she was a teenager. Now that was some years ago :lol: !) Anyhow, I love them and don't remember why I stopped (probably because I had cut my hair.) I used wrapping papers. I didn't experience the wet hair. A good person who have also had a good experience with the curlers and good sets is SerenityBreeze, I think she has them in her portfolio (I like her portfolio because her hair looks exactly like mine). We have found that we have the same length and similiar texture hair and are aiming toward some of the same goals). HTH. Happy Growing!
Welcome to the board and thanks for sharing the pics. :)

I'm glad you posted because although sometimes people might think, "Oh, my hair isn't that long. They're not interested," We are an encouragement to each other as we look at everyone's journey, no matter what the starting point.

The people who are the MOST dramatic and helpful are the ones like Dontspeakdefeat, Lorraine, JenniferMD, Carlie (to name just a few) who shared their photos from Day 1 and we were able to watch their hair thrive and grow and become FABULOUS.

Anyway, I'm sure that you will be an encouragement to someone, too, so keep those pics coming ;) You've already got a great start!!
Nay said:

The people who are the MOST dramatic and helpful are the ones like Dontspeakdefeat, Lorraine, JenniferMD, Carlie (to name just a few) who shared their photos from Day 1 and we were able to watch their hair thrive and grow and become FABULOUS.

She is right, those women are the MOST helpful and have come a long way on the board, their albums are awesome as well as Nays...I have just only joined the board last year.....but I am sooooooo glad the scarf method is working for you. It was interesting trying new tricks to see how to stretch my relaxer. I am so glad my album has helped you.
ivanay said:
Thanks for the compliments everyone; you all are so cool. Once again, I must thank Sylver2 for the tie down technigue after washing. Washing is now so easy and quick and my root now feels like #3 hairtype and soooo manageable.

Imani97, RJ is a permanent treatment that is applied to the hair to keep it healthy and minimise/stop breakage; That is why whenever I wash, the hair that comes out is so little or next to none. All you do is wash and go, no conditioning or DC. I tried the wash and go method (didn't use conditioner for 3 months) but, either I didn't apply the RJ to my hair properly or something, my hair, as you can tell in the July album, looked dry. The hair felt very soft, etc, but it looked dry so in Aug, I started to use conditioner - just a little bit and it seem to make the hair looks healthier. You can do some reading about RJ. The website is:

Love that Pony. Welcome to LHCF and thank you for shouting me out, I'm glad I can be of help to you. LHCF was a godsend for me. So many inspirational albums and great hair, I'm sure it will be for you to:-)
Well, you know what, all of you guys are the best!! I so mean that and I hope, a year from now, my hair can be an inspiration to someone else - the same way being here has been for me. It's just that I felt intimidating to post my hair pic because I thought, compared to the gorgeous hair of most of the ladies here, mine was insignificant. I do not feel that way anymore though because the responses and encouragements that I have been receiving is such a motivation to do everything to have long healthy hair. I feel so liberated! and I cannot wait to share my progress - both high and low.