

New Member
hey everyone. just wanted to introduce myself before i get all up in y'alls conversations! i'm aregee, from richmond, va. i think i'm a 3b or 3c, very curly hair. i don't usually wear it loose and curly because it gets too big. my face is very thin and curly hair makes me look very mousy. however, i do wear twists and twist outs. when i press (flat iron) my hair its just below my bra strap. the problem with that is that it won't hold any curl so i end up wearing it in buns alot which has probably contributed to its length.

why am i here? basically to talk to others who are as fixated on hair as i am and to find better ways to take care of my hair. i look forward to talking hair with y'all!

Your hair sounds gorgeous! Do you have an online album?

Your regimine sounds like it has gotten you pretty far. Why type of products do you use?

Great to meet a new member.
you'll definitely find many people here to "talk hair" with
welcome to LHCF -- jainygirl
i don't have an online album...i'm not that sophisticated! i experiment with shampoos and conditioners. i like to use products for dry hair (eventhough mine's isn't.) right now i'm using motions conditioning shampoo and i use that 5X stuff as a leave in. i have some infusium 23 that works ok, but i'm not a huge fan. it does wonders for my daughters hair, which is similar to mines but is much thinner. i use kemi oyl religiously!! gots to have it. i use either light gel or pomade on my twists but they still get frizzy after a day or two. the bun has been my hair savior. i make sure that i oil my ends with kemi oyl before i put it up. when i take it down, my hair has a nice curl on the end. my friends give me such a hard time about my bun. they say "girl if i had your hair i would..." they don't understand that wearing this bun is what has helped me keep my hair healthy and long.

Welcome. I would love to see your hair. I'm going to be putting an album together soon myself. Enjoy, definately a lot of educated, informed hair ladies (and a few men) here.
thanks everyone for the warm welcome. quick question...was this board called something else in the past?
aregee said:
i don't have an online album...i'm not that sophisticated! i experiment with shampoos and conditioners. i like to use products for dry hair (eventhough mine's isn't.) right now i'm using motions conditioning shampoo and i use that 5X stuff as a leave in. i have some infusium 23 that works ok, but i'm not a huge fan. it does wonders for my daughters hair, which is similar to mines but is much thinner. i use kemi oyl religiously!! gots to have it. i use either light gel or pomade on my twists but they still get frizzy after a day or two. the bun has been my hair savior. i make sure that i oil my ends with kemi oyl before i put it up. when i take it down, my hair has a nice curl on the end. my friends give me such a hard time about my bun. they say "girl if i had your hair i would..." they don't understand that wearing this bun is what has helped me keep my hair healthy and long.


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I cannot WAIT until my hair is long enough to put in a bun!

Again welcome...looking forward to your tips and advice.
Welcome Aregee!! It's funny but your screen name is like the one I used to use but mine was actually Argee.. Anyways enjoy the board;)