Interview/work hairstyles for natural hair please


Well-Known Member
Ok ladies I need some help. I have been transitioning for almost three years now. I know that is long,lol. Anyway my hair is now about 90% natural now. I have been lazy lately and just putting on Samantha(my wig). Well she done had it and I need to embrace this natural head of hair I have now. My hair is basically a lil below shoulder but not APL yet. I am about a 4a texture. What are some good styles for interviews, especially with staffing agencies or professional enviorments? I am looking for a job but need to do something nice with my hair. I have an old pic in my siggy its just longer/more puff now. I do not really want to straighten it. I have been posting from my cell so you do not have to post pics cause I can't see them at all unless they are really small, but links or descriptions would be great. Thanks so much in advance ladies.
I would do the good old-fashioned bun for interviews. After you get the job, you can assess the work environment (how conservative/laid-back/how other women wear their hair) to figure out what styles to wear, but it would seem like after you have the job, you could do braid-outs, twist-outs, buns, or whatever works for you.

Good luck with your search!