Interview Tomorrow


Well-Known Member
Hi Ladies, I have an interview tomorrow at noon, and expect to get called about another 2. Please pray for me. I desperately need a job. But I am trying not to let my desparation overshadow God's will because I know when He blesses, He brings it good.

I am taking things one day at a time and I KNOW God is working on something.

Thank you for your prayers.
I have prayed in Jesus name that He guides you through your words during the interview process. That if this is His will, it shall be done.

Be Blessed during you interview, as well as throughout the day.
I have prayed in Jesus name that He guides you through your words during the interview process. That if this is His will, it shall be done.

Be Blessed during you interview, as well as throughout the day.

Thank you Cherokee, this is exactly what I needed. The interview is at 12:30. I will let you all know how it goes.

God bless you all.
I'm praying for you too madamdot.:yep: I have also been looking for a job and I am praying that God will help me to be patient and allow His will to be done.
Thanks for your prayers ladies. The interview went OK . . . but I am not sure this job is right for me. I know if I get it then its a miracle and God wants me there. Otherwise I am going to look for something else.

I am disappointed, but again trusting that God will lead me in the right direction.

I'll keep you ladies in the know.
Well, when one door closes another opens. The job from yesterday called and told me they liked me but I did not have enough health care experience. But I found someone that my husband can talk to about a problem he has been having . . . one of the people at the hospital's husband go to the same school that mine does and they are going to get together and talk. It really is a load off my mind . . . but God works things out always.

So, it turns out the job I was not able to accept in September, that the business has another opening. . . and I have applied for that. I am way more excited about this one and I pray the price and situation is right.

Please keep praying for me.
Well, when one door closes another opens. The job from yesterday called and told me they liked me but I did not have enough health care experience. But I found someone that my husband can talk to about a problem he has been having . . . one of the people at the hospital's husband go to the same school that mine does and they are going to get together and talk. It really is a load off my mind . . . but God works things out always.

So, it turns out the job I was not able to accept in September, that the business has another opening. . . and I have applied for that. I am way more excited about this one and I pray the price and situation is right.

Please keep praying for me.

I missed the opportunity to pray for your interview yesterday. I am happy to have this opportunity to pray for the new Job opportunity you have applied for. I am hoping for your very best and thank God for all that he has done and all that he is doing to orchestrate the right career for you.