International Jobs and Relationships


New Member
Have any of you ever been offered a career/job/fellowship that requires you to move abroad for a year or more (temporary/permanent)? If so, how did your SO/DH respond? Members of the armed forces can definitely respond to this, but would you let me know if your husband/significant other is also in the military?
When DH and I got married, we talked about whose career would be "THE" main career. Based on the fact that his mobility was faster than mine (he's in Finance), and my career is beyond flexible (I'm a RN), we decided to make his career the main career. In 2005, we got word that an amazing opportunity opened in Japan. Initially, I was a bit upset b/c unfortunately for me, I could no longer work b/c of the language barrier. However, we looked at the opportunity as a once in a lifetime experience, and decided to take the plunge. I came to Japan w/ an open mind, and told myself and I would do whatever I could to keep myself entertained in order not to stress out my husband. It will be 3yrs in Jan, and I have totally loved the experience.
When DH and I got married, we talked about whose career would be "THE" main career. Based on the fact that his mobility was faster than mine (he's in Finance), and my career is beyond flexible (I'm a RN), we decided to make his career the main career. In 2005, we got word that an amazing opportunity opened in Japan. Initially, I was a bit upset b/c unfortunately for me, I could no longer work b/c of the language barrier. However, we looked at the opportunity as a once in a lifetime experience, and decided to take the plunge. I came to Japan w/ an open mind, and told myself and I would do whatever I could to keep myself entertained in order not to stress out my husband. It will be 3yrs in Jan, and I have totally loved the experience.

Congratulations on your experience. Do you think he would have done the same thing for you? Personally, I have known a lot of women who have moved for their husbands, but I want to know if it is reasonable for a woman (when she first gets married or is dating that will lead to marriage) to ask her mate to move for her if the chance of a lifetime came along.
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My husband moved with me to Barcelona, Spain.

I am in IT and an opportunity came up for an assignment here. He is an electrician. So we decided to do it.

It is NOT easy. He is in school full time, but when he gets mad he does throw it up in my face. He says he did this to support my career because he never wanted to stand in my way and supports me. But there are times when it is strained.

Right now, we are not going through a good phase(I talked about it in previous posts), but I know it was the right decision for me. It has been a tremendous experience and it has opened a lot of doors for my career.

I love being on an international assignment and I think it has truly expanded our world. Also, I have a son and for him it is tremendous. He is 12, fluent in spanish and now working on french. So if you have the opportunity I do think it is worth it.
Congratulations on your experience. Do you think he would have done the same thing for you? Personally, I have known a lot of women who have moved for their husbands, but I want to know if it is reasonable for a woman (when she first gets married or is dating that will lead to marriage) to ask her mate to move for her if the chance of a lifetime came along.

I think he would if the opportunity was "RIGHT" for our family. However, I would be LYING to you if that I did not state that of the 4 couples that we are close to who have done an internationally role via the wifes job, only 1 is still together :( Now, I am SURE that there were other issues going on, however, I just think that the man being the trailing spouse was a bit too much for them to handle.

Guess what? Maybe that is the reason why God allowed my previous relationship to fall through...I still have a desire and ability to one more thing internationally. With that said, I do not want a broken marriage at all if I can help. Maybe this is my chance to do it before any relationship that I am in/going to be in becomes super serious... Thanks to everyone who responded.