International Hair Recipe Secrets


Well-Known Member
I don’t know if this is illegal. I wanted to share some all natural hair recipes with you guys that I got from this book, Passport to Beauty.
Yes, We Have Even More Bananas!
Following their Caribbean sisters, women in South America often use mashed bananas to help relieve dry skin and hair. A banana mask leaves a hydrated complexion after a quick rinse. You can also combine a few drops of almond oil with mashed bananas to relieve damaged hair. Massage into your hair and then allow it to work its wonder for about fifteen minutes. Because the oils and bananas are quite heavy moisturizers, rinse, shampoo, and condition as usual afterward.
Instant Hair Luster
Filipina women add luster to hair with aloe. These light green, speckled stalks line a well-known path to nourishment. The gel-like molecules help hair reflect light, while the numerous vitamins and minerals including vitamins C, E, and zinc help fortify hair shafts. Apply fresh aloe gel to the hair as a mask before shampooing once a week.
A Sweet Hair Treat
A South African hair treat, this hair mask really gives your hair body and shine while helping with split ends. To get rid of the goo, give your hair a good lather, rinse, and repeat. If you have longer hair, increase the amounts a little.
Honey Hair Mask
2 tablespoons of olive oil or sunflower oil
1.5 tablespoons of honey
1 egg yolk
Mix together and then smooth on your hair. Wear a shower cap for thirty minutes. Then rinse with warm water. Shampoo hair, and apply your normal conditioner.
Soften Dry, Brittle Hair
Egg and avocado is a popular African treatment for making hair soft. If you’ve ever been to Africa, then you know how large the avocados grow there! Take one soft avocado, and mush it up into a paste. Add an entire egg, and beat it until creamy. Rub the mixture over the hair and scalp, and wrap in plastic. It can be tough to wash out, it’s so worth the effort!
More Secrets of the Green Globes
In Puerto Rico, women love to use avocados as hair mask. You know the benefits (moisture, nourishment, protection from the sun), but here is the secret of ultrashiny, moisturized hair. My friend Hilda shares her mother’s two favorite beauty recipes from glistening, soft hair.
Hilda’s Avocado Hair Mask
1 avocado
1 cup of rosemary water (not for blond hair) (see the following recipe)
Take a ripe avocado, mash it up, and then push it through a sieve to get a smooth cream. Massage it onto your hair and scalp; tie a scarf around your head, and leave it on from several hours. Follow by washing your hair with a mild shampoo, and then use rosemary water for the final rinse.
Rosemary Water Hair Shiner
Place one bunch of fresh rosemary in a pot with water, bring it to a boil, and immediately let cool. Strain the rosemary water into a small cup or bottle.
Even More Avocados…
Women in the Dominican Republican know that these gorgeous green fruits have more to offer than just a taste sensation. They use the mashed pulp to brighten their skin. The avocado’s vitamin A-rich oils penetrate skin cells, leaving them silky smooth and nourished. And there’s even more to this green mush then meets the eye. According to The Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, avocado has the highest amount of sunscreen effectiveness when compared with other naturally derived oils.
Mash Away Split Ends
Dry hair and split ends are a common beauty challenge that many South American women face. Luckily, they can rely on the buttery, sweet avocados (a staple of the Latin American diet) to remedy the problem quickly.
Find a ripe avocado, and mash it up in a bowl. Apply to the hair, starting at about mid-shaft and concentrating down the ends. Let the avocado sit on your hair for thirty minutes, and rinse. Voila! Your hair will feel softer and look shinier, and the avocado will help seal and hydrate those nasty split ends!
I’m Nutty for Shiny Hair
The women in the Cayman Islands use castor and nut oils in their hair for a high shine. Spend an evening at home and pamper yourself with a hot-oil scalp massage. Apply enough to coat your hair and scalp.
Shine On!
Shiny hair is a definite fashion must in China! Take 1 teaspoon of rosemary oil and mix it with cup of green tea. Pour it over your head as a final rinse for hair that really shines.
Shinier-Than-Shiny Locks
In India’s very cosmopolitan city of Bangalore, it’s common knowledge that the secret to ultrashiny locks lies within the delicate white petals of the hibiscus. Dry these beautiful flowers, and boil them with coconut oil. Apply the oil once a week, and leave on overnight. Wash in the morning, and walk out of your bathroom with jaw dropping shiny hair. You may want to lay a towel over your pillow to keep your linens clean.
Lush Locks of Indian Beauties
With such shiny tresses, Indian women should rub it in… coconut oil, that is. It’s the trick to getting full, thick, shiny hair. It’s also great for strengthening thinning hair. For to-die-for shiny hair, Indian women give themselves a hot coconut oil scalp massage once a week to promote growth and wash away tress stress. Coconut oil is one of the richest oils in the world, and it’s great for making hair shiny, strengthening follicles, sealing the cuticles, helping with split ends, and stimulating hair growth.
Solving the Dandruff Doldrums
In India most beauty secrets start in the kitchen. Methia, a spinach-like vegetable also known as fenugreek, is one of the healthiest staples of the Indian diet, known to aid digestion and help with allergies. Within its dark green leaves also lies southern India’s secret to keeping dandruff at bay. Here are two great tips from my Indian friend Manjiri using the plant’s seeds, which are available at your local Indian grocery store:
1. Boil fenugreek seeds with coconut oil. Apply and massage mixture onto the scalp. Wrap your head in a shower cap, and leave on overnight. Wash your hair in the morning.
2. To treat a dry and itchy scalp, soak the fenugreek seeds for a few hours, and grind them into a paste. Apply to the scalp one hour prior shampooing. The paste will soothe an itchy scalp and help control dandruff.
Doesn't sound illegal to me; I have read some of these before and they sound like they'd be great to try; thanks for posting, prettyfaceANB! :yep:
BTW, I have tons more to share but I wanted to give you guys this at least for now.

I will post as I type them up.

Maybe i'll do a daily hair treat thread from now on.
Hey there. Thanx for the recipes but I should warn you, my mom's a lawyer and this may fall under copyright infringement. Just wanted to give you a heads up if you were posting more :yep: