Interesting article re hair growth


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Karen Marie Shelton's Secret Long Hair Growing Tips

I have been continuously dedicated to growing my own hair long since 1988.

Although I played with having long hair as far back as 1975, as I have confessed, I was addicted to coloring my hair platinum blonde with Nice n' Easy pale blonde which resulted in my hair stalling just below the middle of my back.

Finally in 1988 I got serious about growing long, healthy tresses. Which meant the agonizing first chop to remove 6” of distraught tresses, stepping away from the hot tools and learning to really take care of my hair.

Over the years my hair has settled to approximately 6-8" below my waist. When I wear it straight (it has natural waves and curls) it brushes the tops of my thighs.

No, I have never been able to grow it much past its current point, but in all fairness I have not really made the commitment to do so and I do believe growing hair to mid- thighs, knees or calves does require a specific diligence. I also believe some people are not genetically predisposed to grow their hair past a pre-determined length.

I do take exceptional (and fanatical) care of my hair and practice everything I preach from taking hair vitamins to only allowing my ends to be trimmed by long hair friendly Hollywood hairdresser Robert Hallowell who I see approximately two times a year.

In between visits with Robert who respects my long hair beliefs, I trim my own edges with a pair of professional scissors I purchased when I was in cosmetology school. My hair continues to grow but at a much slower rate which I attribute to my workaholic lifestyle which entails time spent on seven days a week, 15 hours a day.

I also have a long hair color expert, Rose Zuniga who pampers my hair with carefully applied highlights only three times a year. Rose is also a long hair expert and I trust her completely with my tresses.

General Long Hair Growing Methods

Whether you agree with my own holistic beliefs or not is up to you. I believe everyone has to find their own way, but it never hurts to consider other options.

Over the years I have discovered several alternative therapies which work for me helping my hair continue to grow and remain healthy despite my stressful schedule.

I follow all the standard hair growing techniques from drinking lots of water, taking hair vitamins (I developed HairTopia for my own original hair growth mission), making a point of getting 7-8 hours of nightly sleep and eating the best food plan I can.

The important thing to remember about growing your hair is that you have to give yourself permission to cut some slack. If you're too rigid you may get frustrated and stop pursuing your long hair goals.

I also keep the ends lightly oiled to prevent breakage, only cleanse my hair with Diluted Shampoo Only (DSO), or Conditioner Only (CO) or Water Only (WO). I use a boar bristle brush but only for careful detangling. I also use my fingers instead of a comb.

In addition I have experimented with just about every long hair growing tactic known to the long hair world over the past twenty (20) years.

Holistic Hair Growing Tips

Listed below are some of the alternative techniques I have used to keep my hair lush, healthy, shiny and continuing to grow:

1. Acupuncture - A big fan of alternative medicine, I have been visiting a Chinese health care provider for many years. At various points he has popped a few needles into my scalp and face (painless I promise) to help amp up my scalp circulation.

Indeed, I notice a tingling for a period of time afterwards and my hair does seem to have a growth spurt.

2. Acupressure - A great alternative to acupuncture treatments are acupressure massages which work on the same principles of stimulating the points of the scalp which will help the roots become strong, healthy and energy infused.

The key point to remember with either acupuncture or acupressure is to be consistent. One treatment every six months won't do the trick. You need to have ongoing treatments but they will help.

A well known Hollywood actor who shall remain nameless grew back a lot of his thinning scalp with weekly acupuncture and acupressure treatments. If I told you who it was you would be shocked but his hairdresser working on his hair the entire time, knew he was growing his hair back through holistic treatments.

3. Massage - A combination of full body massage and scalp massage will increase the overall circulation of the body amping up energy flow to the roots of the hair.

Whenever possible I either have a deep tissue massage or a Rolfing treatment which are both designed to keep the body balanced. When the body is balanced and working optimally, the hair and skin will respond in kind with healthy circulation.

The results? Glowing skin and nutrient engorged hair roots. Not only does massage, rolfing or related body work keep our body healthy and minimize the impact of stressful situations, it helps keep hair healthy, vibrant and growing.

4. Basil Oil Scalp Massage - In 1990 I lost a major amount of my hair due to extreme dieting. I was able to grow the hair back longer and stronger with bi-weekly Basil Oil hot oil scalp massages.

It is important to obtain 100% authentic Basil Oil and mix it with a carrier oil. Do not ever use Basil oil undiluted. It can singe the scalp and cause irritation as well as peeling.

I would apply organic Basil Oil diluted in organic jojoba oil to my scalp and do an acupressure or finger massage.

Note: Be sure to read all the warning notes against using Basil Oil including avoiding use when pregnant.

5. Reiki - Years ago I took several Reiki classes and was amazed at the impact of the energy on the scalp and roots when directing healing and cleansing Reiki to my scalp.

Any type of energy work from Reiki to polarity or similar can help keep the roots and scalp vibrant and full of life. A good book on Reiki or energy healing can get you started to experiment on your own scalp.

6. Flower Essence Therapy - I am a big fan of Bach Flower Essences and California Flower Essences which are both often sold at Whole Foods or similar health food stores. The Rescue Remedy fo
rmula from Bach is wonderful to use either added to jojoba oil or alone as a scalp massage treatment. Not only does Rescue Remedy help to heal scalp related issues, it provides balance and a wonderful flow of energy.

I do a Rescue Remedy scalp massage before every cleanse. I alternate between using the Rescue Remedy alone and dropped into 100% organic jojoba oil, which is my favorite oil other than organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO).

7. Homeopathic Options - Bioplasma is a combination of the all 12 major cell salts including Silicea 6X which is specifically designed to help with brittle hair and nails or delayed growth. I have taken both the Bioplasma and the Silicea 6x at various times when my growth seemed stalled or my hair is feeling dry, damaged or brittle.

8. Thyroid Supplements - One of the key reasons hair may stop or slow down during growth stages is due to a sluggish thyroid. If you suspect you have thyroid issues be sure to have it checked by your health care provider.

Some thyroid tests are not reliable and may provide negative results when in reality you do have a slow thyroid. To help keep my thyroid humming I take Natural Sources Raw Thyroid tablets (Thyroid Tissue, Adrenal Tissue, Pituitary Tissue, Thymus Tissue, Spleen Tissue, Kelp and Rice Bran once a day.

I also take a combination of Kelp, Irish Moss, Parley Root, Dulse and Cayenne Fruit which helps to keep my thyroid healthy and amped up.

9. Thyroid Supporting Foods - Besides taking herbs, vitamins, nutrients and other hair strengthening supplements I make a point of eating foods known to support the thyroid including seaweed related products.

Over the years I have learned to eat a wide range of sea vegetables which I often grind up and sprinkle over salads.

I will be the first to admit I am not a big vegetable fan but I force myself to eat hair supportive veggies as often as possible.

When I initially started on my hair growing quest back in 1988 I had an actual hair growth planner which included daily nutritional tips and a list of hair healthy foods. As I have said earlier, growing your hair long does require a commitment. Since I tend to have a compulsive personality which fuels my workaholic tendencies, focusing on growing my hair was a nice diversion.

10. Trace Mineral Drops - Trace Minerals will also help keep the body functioning at optimal health. Some of the key minerals include Magnesium, Chloride, Sodium and Potassium.

Any type of vitamins, supplement, herbs or similar which strengthen the body and the circulation will help with hair growth acceleration.

11. Astrology, Feng Shui, Meditation and Manifestation - This area of holistic hair growth methods might be considered borderline black arts.

I have experienced good results with trimming my ends during the best phases of the moon and following planetary transits to determine best timing for scalp treatments, highlights and any other hair or scalp treatments.

Annual and monthly Feng Shui cures can also assist with growing healthy hair. Knowing your Feng Shui base number and honoring best life placements for having a healthy body, scalp and accelerated hair growth has proven helpful to me.

Meditation, affirmation and manifestation exercises may be helpful with strengthening your hair growth process.

12. Other Hair Growth Methods

Exercise is always beneficial for assisting in triggering hair growth. Yoga and Pilates are especially beneficial along with walking, running and aerobics which help to improve circulation to the scalp.

Deep breathing is also excellent for aerating the roots. Healthy hair needs a consistent and plentiful supply of oxygen.


Growing long lush hair requires a commitment. You may or may not wish to try some or all of my own personal hair growth methods.

If you are totally committed to growing your hair and take hair growth vitamins, eat healthy (good balance of protein, carbs, fruits, vegetables) drink lots of water and follow best long hair care practices you will make progress.

However, if you indulge in cigarettes, participate in extreme dieting, take recreational or excessive prescription medications or other documented body weakening practices, you may cancel out your other good hair growing efforts.

Keep in mind that it's important not to make any changes to any prescription medication therapies without consulting your health care provider.
