

Well-Known Member
Intercessor...intercessing....interceding...I have been hearing these terms lately and I would like to know there meanings. What is an intercessor? What do they do? Does an intercessor speak in tongues? Also what is speaking in tongues? And what is it's origin? I believe God is placing these terms on my heart for a reason....
Intercessor...intercessing....interceding...I have been hearing these terms lately and I would like to know there meanings. What is an intercessor? What do they do?
Hey sweetie,
I think I can help you out with this one. First we'll talk about those words in general, and then we'll talk about 'em in a religious context.
According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, here's what we get for "intercession" and "intercede":

intercession: the act of interceding; also prayer, petition, or entreaty in favor of another
intercede: to intervene between parties with a view to reconciling differences; also mediate.

in the interest of making that clear, here's what we get for "mediate":

mediate: 1: occupying a middle position 2 a: acting through an intervening agency b: exhibiting indirect causation, connection, or relation

So, an intercessor, when you're talking about the term in a Christian context, means someone who speaks to God for you/on your behalf. Some good examples of this would be... Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and/or anyone you ask to pray on your behalf.

There was for a long time much contention between Protestant and Catholic Christians because of the Catholic practice of confession; one of the "bones to pick" so to speak for Protestants was the presentation of the idea that a person would need a priest to speak to God for them.

HTH! :giveheart:

Does an intercessor speak in tongues? Also what is speaking in tongues? And what is it's origin? I believe God is placing these terms on my heart for a reason....

"Speaking in tongues" is something entirely different, and different Christians have different views on that, so I think I'll let someone else help you out with that one! I can only say on this topic that it is most often viewed as one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit/a spiritual gift from God.
You're welcome, doll. I can at least on the matter of speaking in tongues share a story from a missionary. He was going to Belarussia in the 90s to spread the word of Jesus Christ to the people there. He did not speak any Russian.

From the times he set foot on Russian soil until he left, he and everyone with him could speak fluently in Russian. As soon as they came back to America, they could no longer do this. It was, they said, a gift from God that they be able to speak this language to talk about Him with the people there.

That also aligned with the view of speaking in tongues taught by my parents' church -- that in order for it to be a true gift, it must be useful, and so it must be understood by someone. They did not, for example, believe that someone speaking in a language no one could understand was the spiritual gift of speaking in tongues.

But I know beliefs on that subject differ. Hopefully someone else will come share their views or stories with you on this matter. :giveheart: