Intercessor...intercessing....interceding...I have been hearing these terms lately and I would like to know there meanings. What is an intercessor? What do they do?
Hey sweetie,
I think I can help you out with this one. First we'll talk about those words in general, and then we'll talk about 'em in a religious context.
According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, here's what we get for "intercession" and "intercede":
intercession: the act of interceding; also prayer, petition, or entreaty in favor of another
intercede: to intervene between parties with a view to reconciling differences; also mediate.
in the interest of making that clear, here's what we get for "mediate":
mediate: 1: occupying a middle position 2 a
: acting through an intervening agency b
: exhibiting indirect causation, connection, or relation
So, an intercessor, when you're talking about the term in a Christian context, means someone who speaks to God for you/on your behalf. Some good examples of this would be... Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and/or anyone you ask to pray on your behalf.
There was for a long time much contention between Protestant and Catholic Christians because of the Catholic practice of confession; one of the "bones to pick" so to speak for Protestants was the presentation of the idea that a person would need a priest to speak to God for them.
Does an intercessor speak in tongues? Also what is speaking in tongues? And what is it's origin? I believe God is placing these terms on my heart for a reason....
"Speaking in tongues" is something entirely different, and different Christians have different views on that, so I think I'll let someone else help you out with that one! I can only say on this topic that it is most often viewed as one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit/a spiritual gift from God.