Intense Moisturizing Homemade Deep Conditioners

Everything Zen

Well-Known Member
Okay- so I'm used to DIY concoctions. I've done hot oil treatments with EVOO, safflower, coconut, etc. I've DCd with mayo and eggs. I've made an avocado and honey hair mask. I like using up things around the house to avoid wasted food products and to save money.

The only problem that I'm having is finding intensive moisturizing recipes. All of the others are heavy on the protein and my hair loves the moisture treatments- whenever I use them my hair feels a little rough afterwards. I know honey, oils, and avocados are supposed to be moisturizing but I'm not getting the super soft supple results that I'm looking for. What are some other household ingredients that could be used to improve these treatments?
Castor oil and a bit of irish moss and rosewater (except I don't know if you have those things handy) should do the trick although castor oil alone should do it, but you said you tried oils, so I did not know if you had tried CO. What I do know is that when I added it, for the first time just on a whim, last week to my homemade yogurt treatment conditioner, my hair came out so soft, silky, supple and detangled that I did not do what I always do no matter what -- my final conditioning rinse with a moisturizing conditioner...

ETA: Sometimes my hair comes out super soft and detangled with coconut milk and sometimes just the opposite and I have not quite put my finger on what the problem is when it comes out hard. My new love, though, is CocoReal cream of coconut from the beverage aisle of the grocery store. It comes in a squeeze bottle and is thick, creamy, pearly and lasts for months in the frig. This I will never be without.
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coconut milk, castor oil and honey makes my ahir really soft but i use this as a pre poo on dry hair. sometimes the oils change to avocado or EVOO but they are all moisturizing for my hair.
I know this one might sound crazy but I enjoy using cream. Like the stuff u bake with, heavy cream especially. I've got curls popping all over the place and soft hair afterwards. To me I don't think you need to add oils to it because it already has oils in it. Especially if it hasnt been shaken up there's like a layer of oil at the bottom.
I just use a whole can on my head as a DC