Insecure men


Well-Known Member
Okay so this weekend my guy confronted and asked me if i used to date my homeboy apparently someone called him and told him this. so i said yes like 10yrs ago he got upset because i didnt tell him. he was so mad and asked me if it was him would i get mad i told him no because the guy and i are really just friends.

The thing is i dont like having women friends it just does not work out for me they always stab me in the back and he knew when he met me i had a lot of men friends of course i only dealt with like 2 of the ones i am friends with they know not to pass any boundaries with me because i will tear them a new A$$hole. All friends treat me like im their younger sister even a homeboy i know all their girlfriends and whatsoever so i dont see the problem.

Anytime i go somewhere with them he had a problem so i cut it out i dont go as much as i did before and now he is on fire about this. Here is the kicker he wants me to stop talking to my friend for him no not at all i will not because if i cant count on anybody else i surely can count on this friend no matter what and i refuse to give up a friendship that i have for any man im just not doing it i will lose my so called relationship for this one.

i was with my kids father and i cut offf people because of him and i was alone and miserable in my relationship while he was having the time of his life with his home girls and i promised after i broke up with him never to let another man choose my friends again.

Ladies do you think im wrong for this and its not like this man is doing everything for me for me to cut my good firend off because he doesnt like the dude anyway
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Breaking your posts up into paragraphs would make them much easier to read!

But to answer your question, seeing that you don't seem to post anything positive about this man you're with, I think you have your answer.
No really he makes me happy we get along really great but he is just too much with the friend situation its like he doesnt want me to have any friends except for him. if i want to go out with a home girl of mine he wants me to invite him oh hell no then he would say oh i invite u everywhere so i say but its just us 2 girls i dont understand then he would get mad.

he is very insecure he always asking questions mind you im outside at the store around the corner he would ask so how long will it take you to get in the house lol its crazy.

he doesnt even want me wearing certain clothing without him around. you know when you are on the run you drag on a pair of tights and a tee shirt this man dont even want me to wear that when im not with him so he gets on my nerves with that. i push my own key in my door and pay my own bills and take care of my 2 kids so why in blue blazes i have to go through this.

He can shoot the breeze cause i will 29 yrs old in november coming god spear but at the stage im at in my life to hell with a man i dont need any drama/problems with and man and an insecure one at that. I DONT LIKE PROBLEMS i think i am suppose to get old in a rocking chair by myself cause i cant deal with men porblems
Who wants to deal with a man that constantly questions you about every.little.thing. I don't deal with men like this, they're toxic.
I've had problems with people being friends with people they used to be involved with, if they lied or concealed this information, so I can see where he's coming from.

At the same time, you really don't want him, no matter how "great" he is, otherwise, this wouldn't be an issue... esp. since you said you will dump him
Why don't you have any female friends? I don't mean to lash on you but if you end up with back stabbing friends all the time maybe you need to inspect yourself. All the backstabbers have something in common, YOU.

So far as your man, IDK.
I understand the frustration that he has from not knowing and then being informed later on. But it sounds like dude has control issues.

I HAD a male friend since the age of 19 and I"m darn near 40. We are both now married to people who don't like the idea that we were friends. We both made the decision to end the friendship to keep our marriages sacred.

Having said all that, you and dude aren't married and like you said, he's insecure. You know what should be done, it's just a matter of doing it.