Input Request: Detangling & Shed Hairs

When do you detangle?

  • Poo day only

    Votes: 19 35.8%
  • Poo & C/W day only

    Votes: 16 30.2%
  • Daily jus makes it easier

    Votes: 12 22.6%
  • Other, plz explain

    Votes: 6 11.3%

  • Total voters


Instagram: adaybyjay
Subject #1 - Detangling Weekly vs Daily
Since joining LHCF, I've adopted a low manipulation reggie AND LOVE IT!!! It inlcudes bunning 6 of 7 days and detangling on poo day (Sun) only, to include occasional mid-week (Thurs) c/w. I lose just as much hair (through shedding) on poo and/or c/w day as I would if I detangled daily. Not detangling daily saves time day-to-day but I'm starting to think that detangling daily might save even more time on wash days, which I dread anyway, since I won't be dealing with a week's worth of buildup of shed hairs. :rolleyes: Just a thought to ponder. What's your thoughts?

Subject #2 - C/W without Detangling
I rarely mid-week c/w b/c I hate having to detangle my hair. I usually save that dreaded task for Sun since I have more time in the day to fool with it. If I don't detangle, my cuticles won't lay flat, even with using Roux PC. For those that don't detangle when c/w'n, what's your reggie?
Subject #1 - Detangling Weekly vs Daily
Since joining LHCF, I've adopted a low manipulation reggie AND LOVE IT!!! It inlcudes bunning 6 of 7 days and detangling on poo day (Sun) only, to include occasional mid-week (Thurs) c/w. I lose just as much hair (through shedding) on poo and/or c/w day as I would if I detangled daily. Not detangling daily saves time day-to-day but I'm starting to think that detangling daily might save even more time on wash days, which I dread anyway, since I won't be dealing with a week's worth of buildup of shed hairs. :rolleyes: Just a thought to ponder. What's your thoughts? When I do my baggie bun for 4 to 5 days at a time, my hair has to be detangled before I'm able to do any other process. I use my trusty Quidad double datangler comb before I go back over it with my median sized comb.

Subject #2 - C/W without Detangling
I rarely mid-week c/w b/c I hate having to detangle my hair. I usually save that dreaded task for Sun since I have more time in the day to fool with it. If I don't detangle, my cuticles won't lay flat, even with using Roux PC. For those that don't detangle when c/w'n, what's your reggie? Before I decided to transition I would just do a quick detangle with conditioner on while in the shower rinse and won't detangle again.

My answers in red
I detangle my hair when I co-wash (3x a week) and when I deep condition (1x a week). Therefore, I detangle 4x a week. If I did it less than that, I'd have much more tangles.
When I get to about 10 weeks post, I have to detangle 2x a week or the matting and tangles would kill my progress. So, I detangle with my shampoo and when I CW mid week at that point. Up until then, I can do my mid week CW and my hair doesn't tangle at all (so I detangle once a week).
i only detangle in the shower w/ my fingers on wash day...when i co-wash mid-week, i dont detangle....i used to detangle w/ my denman every co-wash which used to be like everyday or every other day and it was way too much manipulation, and i think even a lil breakage...ever since i switched up i noticed more length retention, no breakage, and more defined curls/clumping...i dont have any knots either
I wash my hair once a week so that would be on a sunday. Each time I wash I detangle & poo my hair. I fingercomb gently first to get out the shed hairs, and I usually do this with my pre-poo in, which is coconut oil. Some shed hairs are still hanging on by thin hairs so after I fingercomb I hop in the shower to rinse out the coconut oil and I smooth my hair downward then. I don't detangle with my denman knock off or comb until my hair is loaded with a detangling conditioner, so after pooing my scalp.
I detangle before I pre poo, and at the end of the DC (I blow dry with a comb attachment - so then also) and flat iron using a tail comb. I also wash in sections now so the detangle after the DC is minimal. I don't use a comb again for the week. Doing it this way I don't have much detangling to do at poo time either really. I guess I'm realizing that it was how I was washing that was causing all my tangles. Now even when I detangle there is hardly any shed or broken hairs, even during my blow dry:)
I poo wash every 2 weeks, before I get my hair re-twisted ... thats when I detangle

method 1

finger detangle as I undo twists using either olive or coconut oil
add condish and comb with shower comb, then denman
twist up each section as I finish detanging

Method 2

shingle DC into hair while undoing twists (I dont try to deal with any tangles I may feel at this time)
twist up each section as I finish shingling
DC overnight
comb with shower comb/denman in the morning

Method #2 has proven to decrease the detangling session to only 15 to 20 mins, as my hair "marinates" in the DC overnight and the tangles pretty much melt away.
I finger comb daily when I m&s. I've gone 100% comb-less. I haven't used a comb in about a month. I detangle by sectioning hair in 4 sections. Then I section those 4 sections in 2 seperate sections and end up with 8 sections total. I use olive oil to saturate hair to aide in removing shed hairs as I finger comb for my pre-wash routine. The hair stays pretty detangled post-wash if I've taken my time and detangled real good pre-wash and didn't disturb the hair too much while washing. I then separate into 8 sections again and finger comb and run hands over strands to make them lay down during my post-wash m&s process.
I detangle whenever I cowash or wash. I think that shedding is a natural stage that hair goes through and I don't see how detangling less will keep you're hair from shedding hair that has reached the shedding phase. Please enlighten me if i'm wrong. .. Now if you are getting breakage from detangling I would think that would be a different story.

On the flip side I don't know what a normal amount of shedding looks like. I try not to freak out but I don't know what's normal and what isn't.
I detangle whenever I cowash or wash. I think that shedding is a natural stage that hair goes through and I don't see how detangling less will keep you're hair from shedding hair that has reached the shedding phase. Please enlighten me if i'm wrong. .. Now if you are getting breakage from detangling I would think that would be a different story.

On the flip side I don't know what a normal amount of shedding looks like. I try not to freak out but I don't know what's normal and what isn't.
Didn't mean to make it seem like I'm concerned with the amount of shedding, as I'm not. I just find that working with days upon days worth of shed hairs slow me up on poo day. So I was just thinking, perhaps if I finger combed and detangled more often throughout the week, that could speed up my detangling/poo sessions. I don't know what normal shedding looks like either. As long as I don't see breakage, I'm good.
I only detangle on wash day, once per week...after pooing and oil rinsing I load my hair with conditioner and detangle every section under running only takes minutes..I sometimes DC mid week but no detangling then and I whole-head baggy a couple of hours in the evening a few nights per week but no detangling then either