Initial review:Garnier Fructis Deep Conditioner

Well well well. Looks like there's a new man in town. And his name is Fructis. Garnier Fructis

I used this for the first time tonight for a conditioner wash after Aubrey Organics GPB. I left the GF in cold while in the shower for a good 4 mins ish and on rinsing, yes there was slip. Alot. I ran my wide tooth comb through and the tangles were zero. I have to say though that I did just get a touch up last Friday which adds to the less tangle factor. Plus I used GPB before hand which detangles too but I did feel a difference. A nice smoothing slippery feeling that, dare I say it. LUST gives too.

After squeezing out excess water I put a teeny bit more GF all over as a leave in and picked up my fine tooth rats tail comb and did a quick test:

When I rollarset, I know how good the rollarset will be from how easily the fine tooth comb glides through my sectioned hair. The better the conditioner, the smoother the glide of the fine tooth comb through the hair. So I proceeded to section approx 3 sections of hair, rollar size and combed with the fine tooth comb and as I followed the comb smoothing my hand up the hair, it felt reallllly smooth right to the very tip (which is what I REALLY look for; smoothness to the hair tip). I got that

So I put down the comb and continued to do my 2 pigtail thing. So in short, this stuff is good. No, its REALLY good. I still love LUST but I do, at this stage, have to say I love this GF too.

Dang. This stuff works. I've found a new slip keeper from a drugstore!!! My first!!! You can't beat the under $5 price tag too

ps. My hair's not dried yet so I'll see how it looks tomorrow to see if it feels/looks any different. So this review is just a wet one

I'll definitely try this for a rollarset and post a review of its performance from that. The year's not yet over but this may well be added to the 2003 Poll for Fave Product Discoveries alongside LUST and GPB.

Thanks ladies for helping me find a drugstore product with superior results (so far)
Re: Initial review:Garnier Fructis Intense Conditioner

finally, i can exhale! lol nahhhh... but i'm glad you liked brh; and for 3.50 it is good to know that theres a stand in for lust if on any given day it's hard to get to...

i mentioned in the original post that it has the same ingredients as the regular garnier conditioner, but no one seems to like that one. could our bias be all in our minds; what do you think?
Re: Initial review:Garnier Fructis Intense Conditioner

Nope I had an open mind to it if anything I desperately wanted it work just as good because it is more for the money 16 ounces compared to 5 ounce. I can only get 3 maybe 4 uses out of the deep fortifying conditioner and can't find it for less than 4.99.
Re: Initial review:Garnier Fructis Intense Conditioner

sylviaetc said:
i mentioned in the original post that it has the same ingredients as the regular garnier conditioner, but no one seems to like that one. could our bias be all in our minds; what do you think?

[/ QUOTE ]

Where i live i was only able to get the regular GF. I do not know the consistency of the deep conditioner. The one i got was quite thick even though its in a bottle and not a tub. . I bought the one for dry/damaged hair(suppose to give maximum moisture)and it worked. My new growth was very soft and i like the smell.I would say that the Regular GF compares to Pantene smooth n sleek or could be even better
Re: Initial review:Garnier Fructis Intense Conditioner

sylviaetc said:
finally, i can exhale! lol nahhhh... but i'm glad you liked brh; and for 3.50 it is good to know that theres a stand in for lust if on any given day it's hard to get to...

i mentioned in the original post that it has the same ingredients as the regular garnier conditioner, but no one seems to like that one. could our bias be all in our minds; what do you think?

[/ QUOTE ]

You know I'm stumped on that. I can only think that the ratio/amounts of the ingredients differs between the two. I'm not taking the chance with the regular one since I'm more than happy with this Deep Masque. It is strange though that the ingredients are that similar.

I just compared GF to LUST and notice they share some of the same ingredients too. Not all but alot. It has the same consistency as LUST too.
Re: Initial review:Garnier Fructis Intense Conditioner

Your review was too funny.
BRH...I don't even know what to say except that you are such a PJ. LOL
Re: Initial review:Garnier Fructis Intense Conditioner

shinyblackhair said:
Your review was too funny.
BRH...I don't even know what to say except that you are such a PJ. LOL

[/ QUOTE ]

What? what?
I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about...
Re: Initial review:Garnier Fructis Intense Conditioner

L'Oreal should be a sponsor on this board. Glad you liked it BRH!
Wow BrownRelaxedHair. I was wondering how you'd compare GF to LUST. I hope you won't push LUST aside.
If I ever try GF, it will be some time in 2004. Thanks for the review.
I've been using the GF for some time now ... as a deep conditioner. It's funny - I just bought LUST last week and used that as a deep conditioner this past weekend. I like the LUST a little better than the GF. I've used the GF right around the time when I REALLY need a touch-up and the slip isn't as good. I'm hoping the LUST slip is excellent around touch-up time. Another drawback - like many of you have mentioned, the GF deep conditioning ingredients are the same as the regular conditioner. Like BRH said, some of the ingredients may be doubled in the deep conditioner.

Thanks Tammy!
Allandra, let me know what you think when you try it. My hair is completely dry now and it looks and feels soft and not at all dry.

A great alternative to LUST. Dontspeakdefeat, yes this is def. a keeper!
I'm glad it worked for you. I didn't like it, my hair was tangled. I needed a touch up when I used it and I didn't use anything else with it. So it could be the way I used it. I love the GPB, doesn't matter if I need a touch up with it either.

I used the regular conditioner. After reading another post I realized that I may have been talking baout a different conditioner.

Now that I've reread the title I realize I was mistaken. I haven't tried the deep conditioner. I will since it is totally different than the regular conditioner.

ms_kenesha said:
BRH, I just wanted to say that your most recent hair pic looks great

[/ QUOTE ]

I will be inviting this new man over this weekend.
Cant wait to meet him.

I want to see what GF has in mine for me.
LABETT said:
I will be inviting this new man over this weekend.
Cant wait to meet him.

I want to see what GF has in mine for me.

[/ QUOTE ]

Let me know if he does it for you

Also, thanks ladies for the lovely compliments.
BRH...big hello!

Thanks SO much for the terrific review. I am glad that you posted it as an "initial" review because I really want to see what you think of this product over time.

This has been on my to try list for a long time and the only thing I wondered about was whether the product could stand the test of time. I remember some British ladies posting that over time, the stuff dried their hair out. That made me wonder whether the UK formula was the same as the US formula because I know several folks who truly enjoy this conditioner.

Much, much Love to you,

Hi Jade!

Now that's interesting to hear that UK girls said it dried their hair out over time. I do wonder if the formulas are the same or not.

From those here on this board that use it, none so far has said the same so I'm hoping therefore, it doesn't do this for the US version. I'll try it sometime soon for a rollarset and will post again on how it is. I'm such a PJ though that I only use a single conditioner for one month at the most then I move onto another one
(so for me, the conditioner wouldn't have a chance to start drying

I'll keep you updated.
I have to say that my hair is REAllY soft afert the GF. I ahev never used LUST so I can not compare but I will give a report in the morning on how my hair turns out. I also gave myself a protein treatment.
Re: Initial review:Garnier Fructis Intense Conditioner

well i just used mine , and i cannot give this product any xtra raves......
i mean dont get me wrong it did its job as a conditioner but, there was no extraodinary occurances here, and the slick was not all that for me...i always get the same amount of slick in all the conditioners that i have used thus far....not so tangaly that my hair comes out, but my comb is not sliding thru it either....i dunno,,,maybe i just have stubborn hair....i still have to try lust if i could ever find it..maybe i will have more luck with that....