Ingredients in protein/moisturizing shampoos and conditioners


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone! I'm still a bit new so the information is a bit overwhelming, but I'm trying to organize it so that I can build a nice, strong hair regimen.

The number one thing I've learned about hair is that you need to balance protein and moisture. So I've been trying to see if I can DC every week with different products interchangeably (one protein-based, one moisture-base). I have LeKair Natural Cholesterol Creme with Olive Oil and Creme of Nature Nourishing Conditioner with Chamomile and Comfrey. I don't think the LeKair one has protein, but I'm sure the Creme of Nature one is a moisture one.

So, I've been wondering what key ingredients are used to differentiate protein-based and moisture-based products. I think keratin = protein, and humectants = moisture, but are there any others that I should keep a look out for?

Thanks for the help :)