Just some information for you ladies, I called the 1-800 # for Puritan Pride Biotin and I asked the rep if there were any location here in Austin Tx where they may sell their product. She told me Vitamin World had the exact same ingredients that Purtain Pride had the only difference was the label. I was a little skeptical about that so I called Vitamin World to confirm and one of the sales clerk told me that was not true. She told me that they were owned by Purtain Pride but they did'nt have the same ingredient
. I was also interested in the Freeda biotin so I called the 1-800 # and they told me that the 10mg(250pills)is $55.92
. I think I remember Jade saying that this brand was stronger that PP. I took PP long time ago (thanks Jade
) and believe me PP is no joke this stuff works. I remember the feeling I got, it felt like a thousand bugs crawling in my scalp and at that time I had a sew in and I promise you I got a least an inch sometimes an inch and half of new growth or even more. Londondiva I can say now that's what contributed to my growth at the time. I was thinking if I got those results I wonder what would I get with the Freeda
. I don't want to spend that much money but all the set backs I have experience I'm ready. I think I'm going to order some today. The rep told me it should only take 4 days for the product to reach me. WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK SHOULD I TRY IT[/b. The only thing I did'nt like about the PP is having to take all of those pills but It was worth the length that I gained. So just a quick question do any of you ladies know about Vitamin World and Purtain Pride having the same ingredients
. I don't have any of my old bottles so I can't compare. Thanks in advance