Info from BlacTress Magazine


New Member
They had an article about China Jesusita who is on the Tv show Boston Public and she gave her conditioner recipe. She siad she mixes flower water, snake oil, Aceite de Mas-ka, shark oil and sesame oil. Then she mizes Manzanicle leaves and boils the mixture for 10-15 mintues on low heat. Once it's cool apply and sit under a dryer for 20 mintues.
I always thought that "snake oil" was a joke. Then in the Rite Aid ethnic hair section a while back, I spotted little bottles of what else 'snake oil.' LOL

If you live in NYC and want to try her recipe, I've seen rose flower water, snake oil, Aceite de Mas-ka and shark oil in the ethnic section of Rite Aid. All the oils come in little bottles. I have read the ingredient list of most of these oils and the main ingredient is usually mineral or vegetable oil, though.

Manzanicle leaves?? Did you mean "Manzanilla" leaves? That is chamomile in Spanish. BTW, you can also find a latino brand of chamomile tea in that ethnic HAIR section of Rite Aid. It will say "Te de Manzanilla" or something like that.

I wonder if that actress is from NYC? /images/graemlins/smile.gif