Inflammed hair follicles


New Member
I suffered with psoriasis for years. I finally got it under control, however the Dermatologist told me at the time that the hair follicles were inflammed and gave me the proper meds to get rid of it. My scalp is now fine, but the hair that grows in that area is really tight and rough and breaks off. I keep it moisturized and oiled, but nothing seems to help. It is at the nape of my neck, so all of my other hair grows well, except that area. Does anyone have any recomendations. I am relaxed. Thanks in advance
No, I haven't been back to the Derm since it cleared up. I have tried coconut oil,tea tree oil,Keracare essential oils, Jojoba oil, Grapeseed oil, almond oil, ans Kemi oil. I swear the hair in that area is almost primitive :)
I'd try using a potent essential oil on the scalp. Tea tree, rosemary... anything that has antifungal properties/gives that tingly feeling.

I have eczema myself... not the same problem, but similar in the way the skin becomes irritated and inflammed.

I find that tea tree oil is great for when my scalp flares up. Just a few drops in a heavier carrier oil does the trick.

I would go back to the derm too. Seems like it's a little more serious than just a flare up like I'm used to dealing with.

Good luck! :)
primitive hair :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

If an oil can help, I would think Emu oil would be one of your best bets. It is said to penetrate all (7) layers of the skin and heal. It's a little expensive ($20) but if it can help...

Coconut and jojoba oils should both be beneficial too.

Do you think the follicles are damaged or the shape of them has changed?
primitive hair :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

If an oil can help, I would think Emu oil would be one of your best bets. It is said to penetrate all (7) layers of the skin and heal. It's a little expensive ($20) but if it can help...

Coconut and jojoba oils should both be beneficial too.

Do you think the follicles are damaged or the shape of them has changed?

I agree with trying the Emu oil
I'd also try regular (daily/twice daily) massages of that area - maybe if you can encourage a better bloodflow, the follicles will return to health... :yep:
primitive hair :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

If an oil can help, I would think Emu oil would be one of your best bets. It is said to penetrate all (7) layers of the skin and heal. It's a little expensive ($20) but if it can help...

Coconut and jojoba oils should both be beneficial too.

Do you think the follicles are damaged or the shape of them has changed?

A.B.S.O.L.U.T.E.L.Y. :yep::up:
You guys are all so helpful. Thank you so much! I'm not sure if they have changed shape or not. The hair that grows in is really rough and hard, more so than the other areas of my scalp. The hair then breaks, and when I wear my hair down it is shaped like an upside down "U". Very frustating. I will try emu oil and in the meantime I will use my tea rtee oil and mix it with a carrier oil like someome suggested. Oh, and I will try massaging the area as well. I have had psoriasis for over 15 years as well as eczema on my arms and legs, but it is well controlled.