Infected Fotkis?? or is the entire site infected?

OMG!!!!! Reading through this thread took me back to a flashback. This is exactly where my PC got it's virus. I would get this Security Tool pop up telling me I was infected with like 50 problems, and that I needed to pay for them to clean it. I had to go into safe mode to fix my pc. Now I know what's its from and won't be on there until I catch wind that it's fixed.

I tried Shutterfly and for some reason it was too confusing..or something...there was something I didn't like about it.
I haven't noticed this. Those having the issue, what browsers are you using? Do you have some music sharing software on your PC? Anyone with Norton Internet Security (not just the Antivirus) having issues?

I have Norton 360 and use Mozilla and I honestly haven't seen the things y'all are talking about and I'm always on Fotki. Odd...:scratchch
Ohhh geez! That's too bad. I will not click on that site just in case it does have a virus. Just make sure you all save your pics in other areas. Good luck! :)
I'm downloading Malwarebytes right now!!!!
I've bee experiencing this for some time, Glad to see a post about it and a cure.

Thanks OP
Hmm? I've been reading posts and trying to check out progress pics and hairstyle ideas on some of your fotki pages. I typically click through, but within the first minute of being on the site, I either get a message from my AVG(antivirus program) telling me the page is infected or I get that fake popup antivirus scanner . I think is called Personal Antivirus or something like that. I have to close my entire browser so it won't install a virus. Is it just me or have any of you been having this problem with fotki lately?

By the way, if your computer has been infected by this thing, Malwarbytes' AntiMalware program cleans it off!

It happened to me on more than once when i click on links. I haven't been visiting fotkis because of it. I was wondering if it was happening to others too. I used to visit peoples' fotkis but now i just rely on the pictures posted here.
I haven't noticed this. Those having the issue, what browsers are you using? Do you have some music sharing software on your PC? Anyone with Norton Internet Security (not just the Antivirus) having issues?

I have Norton 360 and use Mozilla and I honestly haven't seen the things y'all are talking about and I'm always on Fotki. Odd...:scratchch

I don't remember which browser I was using, although I think it was IE. I was going back and forth between IE and Mozilla. But lately, I've only used Mozilla and I just don't visit Fotkis anymore. As far as music sharing software, I think we have iTunes, but I don't use it. I don't use Norton Security either.

I found that if you click OK on the malware when it pops up it will install itself as an AntiVirus software on your system. I've had to completely shut down my pc because the program wouldn't let me X-out of the screen and I didn't want to click anything on it. If installed, it shuts down your antivirus software (doesn't matter the name, I've heard from others that it shuts down Norton, McAfee, AVG and Avast). It also starts doing weird stuff when you try accessing the internet.

Just be careful everywhere. There were a few games on Facebook that had this thing popping up a while ago. That's how I knew about it prior to the fotki issue.
I've been having the same problem on fotki. My boyfriend accidentally put this virus on an old computer of ours from another site thinking it was our viruscan software. That virus was hard to remove but I finally had gotten it removed.
I"ve been having the same problem. This sucks because there are pics on there that I don't have saved anywhere else. Is it safe to move the pics or could that transfer a virus to my computer?
I got the virus message too, while trying to look at someone's fotki. I said forget it. The link is not worth clicking on. I'll keep getting my hair care tips and inspirations from LHCF.
This happened to me yesterday when I went to view someone's fotki and open their album..a virus opened up instantly on my laptop and said I had 73 infected files w/ just opening up their album. I had a McFee antivirus program and I don't know why it didn't pick it up before hand. So I had to restore my laptop and I downloaded Norton which I have on my desktop and it deleted all infected files that I got from that fotki and its back to normal. I thought I was the only one with this experience.
I'm going to try one more time so be patient.

Fotki isn't the virus. Fotki.exe IS the virus/trojan horse. They name it that to fool people.

You picked it up "some"where. More than likely it is NOT fotki but something @ fotki (a particular ad) is trigging it.

Here's some chatter from a hackers site:

7.Nazwa file. Here give the name under which the file will be saved "Trojan". If you write for example: C: \\ program.exe this "Trojan" will be created on your C: drive called program.exe. If you write the same file name, eg Fotki.exe this "Trojan" is saved (in the same directory where the program Gadu-Wireader) under the name Fotki.exe.

Attention! Mobilization of the "Trojan" causes the ejection of error: [file name] is not a valid Win32 application. This error is so for the eggs to the victim thought that just got a corrupted application - in fact, "Trojan" is doing his.

Of course, test the fit of this "Trojan"! If the "Trojan" was written under the name of the Fotki.exe-run this file by clicking on it twice with the mouse (I will not explain how to start programs). Now, if everything is OKEY it to your e-mail address (the true) should come message with your password Gadu-Gadu. If the message does not come it means that other people also do not stretch as passwords and you will not get the message.
If you already have completed all the fields correctly, and you create and run "Trojan" on your e-mail came e-mail with your password gadu-gadu can start their victims under surveillance. "Trojan" will send you a password and gadu-gadu numbers on your e-mail address for each individual (PC), for which he was running.

So do not waste time - just send the "Trojan" (eg: file: Fotki.exe) all my friends. It is recommended to send this file to the foreign e-mail address in order not to arouse suspicion. Of course, sending a "trojan horse" to someone - write that, for example, sending him their photos in the file samorozpakowywalnym (then name the file: fotki.exe) or, for example, that sent him VPlayer-installing the latest (then name the file: Vplayer12.exe) or, Crack that sent him into some games (then name the file eg Crack_Sims2.exe). I will not explain more - I believe that if you take to crack passwords Gadu-Gadu you are thinking (very clever) man, and come up with a way to persuade someone to run this "Trojan" on your computer.

Remember that the "Trojan" sends passwords Gadu-Gadu the computer that is running. Be sure to run this "Trojan" on your computer to view e-mail with your password GG and format in which they are SENT to your post. If you do not - you'll never have the certainty that this "Trojan" is working properly.

Before you create a file "trojan horse" in this program, fill in correctly all the text boxes and press the test button - another way of verifying the correctness of the data. !! Note - the Test button to malfunction in this version!!

Additional chatter:

Click "Create a Trojan horse" created on your c: file Fotki.exe. Of course, he ran to see if my password gg disk send me to my Emails.
E-mail message came on with passwords!
Everything is COOL.
Now all my friends that powysyłałem Trojan file (Fotki.exe).

Now go GOOGLE fotki.exe and see others with the same issues. The name fotki.exe is coincidental, it can be named anything the hacker choses to name it.

I could be wrong so YMMV.
Thanks, LynnieB. I kept wondering why I haven't had any issues and I visit Fotki at least once a day. I think y'all need to kick IE to the curb and then just be aware of programs that aren't legit so you don't click OK on anything you didn't initiate.

If Fotki photo website was infected, then everyone who goes there would be getting viruses or warnings of them, but since some of us aren't, it's got more to do with something else than the site.
Glad to see I am not the only one having this issue. When it first happened, I thought I accidently clicked on one of the ads running on the site. But I've been back quite a few times and it happens as soon as I open a photo album. I even tried on a another computer and ran into the same issue. So I too will be staying away for now.
Ok, this has been happening to me ONLY when I visit Fotki. Thanks OP for posting because I needed to hear that it wasn't just me. I thought it was my laptop so I switched to my husband's laptop. It worked wonderfully... or so I thought... then I went back to Fotki on his laptop... and BAM!!! Same virus, pop up crap! It only happens when I visit Fotki! So frustrating.

Is there another site that you ladies are recommending? I thought Shutterfly was in case you're ordering pictures, which I never do with my hair photos? Also, is there a site that allows you to store pics and print as cheap as Fotki, which is like 8 cents per 4x6 color print? I'm definitely open to move from Fotki, especially since I need to renew my family premium account on there within the next week... Wait, they already locked my account for non-payment so I guess I need to make a decision immediately.

Actually you don't have to buy pics to use Shutterfly just like you don't have to buy pics to use Fotki.

What you do is go to the site (here's the link):

Click on the SHARE tab at the top

Scroll down to the middle of the page where it says,"CREATE A SITE"

and from there you can either share your album (just like you would in Fotki) or do even more like set up a site.

I actually like Shutterfly way more than Fotki because it's simple to use and it allows you to more if that's what you want. :yep: If you want an example you can take a look at mine. I haven't finished it yet and gawd knows I'm one of those women that are way cuter in person than I am in a picture :rolleyes:but you guys are more than welcome to take a look at it to get an idea of what you can do. My shutterfly link and password is in my siggy.

Stay blessed ladies! :peace_sm:


Ms. Kain
I cant believe FOTKI site is still virus infested, you would think its admin would have corrected this problem by now uggh!
I'm going to try one more time so be patient.

Fotki isn't the virus. Fotki.exe IS the virus/trojan horse. They name it that to fool people.

You picked it up "some"where. More than likely it is NOT fotki but something @ fotki (a particular ad) is trigging it.

Here's some chatter from a hackers site:

Additional chatter:

Now go GOOGLE fotki.exe and see others with the same issues. The name fotki.exe is coincidental, it can be named anything the hacker choses to name it.

I could be wrong so YMMV.

Thanks for posting this!:yawn: This means the easy remedy may be to just use a different browser ladies, like Mozilla Firefox or Netscape. They are free to download and use!
I cant believe FOTKI site is still virus infested, you would think its admin would have corrected this problem by now uggh!

Fotki site is NOT infected. :rofl: Did you read the whole thread? :rolleyes:

You need a better browser and better Internet security. Fotki.exe virus has NOTHING to do with Fotki photo hosting site.
Well Fotkie.exe still needs to be fixed. Is that the IE site? I don't like Mozilla because I can't ever watch movies or see pics on there. I will try again though. Netscape reminds me of school as this was the browser they used when I was in school.
Well Fotkie.exe still needs to be fixed. Is that the IE site? I don't like Mozilla because I can't ever watch movies or see pics on there. I will try again though. Netscape reminds me of school as this was the browser they used when I was in school.

Fotki.exe is not a site but a virus. Anything that ends with .exe is an executable file meaning it installs a program into your computer. So Fotki.exe should not be fixed but removed/blocked/destroyed so it's not on your computer. Hence the need for a good security suite that detects it and blocks it or destroys before it infects your PC. And my suggestion to use a different browser is because IE tends to be attacked more than other browsers coz seems there are people who just can't stand it that Bill Gates is the tycoon he is so are out to bring down anything he's had a hand in.

ETA: Here's a bit of info on what Fotki.exe does:

BTW, I'm not suggesting you download the program recommended at that link, or even send them any info as they ask. I just wanted you to read about this virus.
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I've gotten the message too, and my work PC blocked the virus.

Guess I can't look at fotkis anymore until it's gone. :(
I really need to find out more about computers. I downloaded Mozilla and will be using it from now on. Now what about this ad block thing. Where is that at?

I also downloaded that malware(sp) mentioned in the OP. It detected and got rid of 4 infections.
I'm giving you the original websites so you can check them out (and see they are not fakers/scammers/spammers) as well as the Firefox Add-on site. It's simple and easy just to use the Add-on site.

Original AdBlockPlus website:

AdBlockPlus ADD-ON for Firefox:

Original NoScript website:

NoScript ADD-ON for Firefox:

Hopefully some other ladies can list any other good ones they've been using.
Wow that's a lot going on up there Lynnie. Do I only need one or do I need them all? Also what is this add on site you speak of. Is it in one of the links?

ETA- I think I get it. i am going to use thee firefox add on site.
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This has happened to me a few times too. I just immediately close the window, and my computer has not been affected.