Indus Tips for Henna and Greys


New Member
There are women in India with curly hair texture who shy away from henna because it dries up the hair. I believe they do add oil to it. It probably all depends upon the individual. Please find article below:

Henna is a very good natural conditioner for hair. Henna leaves hair soft,shining. It is supposed to cure dandruff, hair fall, hair greying.
Here is the way i prepare henna and it really works. This tip was suggested by a beautician to me.
Make a paste of henna powder with 1 cup yogurt, 1/2 cup string tea decoction.Mix the paste well so that there are no lumps. Store the paste in a iron vessel(kadai) overnight. The iron kadai will oxidise and add color.Dont skip this step if you want to get a good color after the application.
The next day just before application add 1 egg, 1 teaspoon lemom juice(if you have dandruff problems) and mix the paste well.If the hair is dry add a teaspoon of olive oil or cocunut oil to the paste.
Apply the paste in sections to your hair. better ask someone else to apply it for you since it is easier that way. Cover your head with a shower cap. Leae it for minimum 3 hours if you want to condition and for 4 hours if you want to get a good color too.
Henna removes impurities from the scalp.You wont see the color effect your hair imemdiately. It requires 3-4 application of henna.
Wash hair normally followed by shampoo.
-Make sure you use a superior quality henna to start with. Most products available in market are adulterated and they generally mix other ingredients with it. Make sure the color of the henna powder is green in color and has no shades of brown or black in it.(See the image attached)
-if you dont want the stink because of egg, just add egg white to the paste
-make sure you dont have oil on your head whenn you apply henna.
-towels used for drying your hair may catch the henna color. So beware of that.


Grey hair treatment from Shahnaz Husaain
Tue, 2007-03-20 11:01 — SreeDevi

Beauty tips for grey hair from Shahnaz Husaain

Massage soaked tea leaves or concentrated tea water on the scalp and leave on for about 10–15 minutes after shampoo. Regular washing of hair with tea extract twice a week helps in converting grey hair to black or brown.

Make your own hair mask! Mix olive oil and a mashed banana and apply it on your hair. Leave it on for 10-15 minutes before a wash. Apply this hair mask once a week for about two months and then stop. You can start this routine again after two months.

Henna leaves if boiled in coconut oil can be applied as a paste in the hair and washed after an hour of application. Coconut oil and henna make hair black.

There are women in India with curly hair texture who shy away from henna because it dries up the hair. I believe they do add oil to it. It probably all depends upon the individual. Please find article below:

Henna is a very good natural conditioner for hair. Henna leaves hair soft,shining. It is supposed to cure dandruff, hair fall, hair greying.
Here is the way i prepare henna and it really works. This tip was suggested by a beautician to me.
Make a paste of henna powder with 1 cup yogurt, 1/2 cup string tea decoction.Mix the paste well so that there are no lumps. Store the paste in a iron vessel(kadai) overnight. The iron kadai will oxidise and add color.Dont skip this step if you want to get a good color after the application.
The next day just before application add 1 egg, 1 teaspoon lemom juice(if you have dandruff problems) and mix the paste well.If the hair is dry add a teaspoon of olive oil or cocunut oil to the paste.
Apply the paste in sections to your hair. better ask someone else to apply it for you since it is easier that way. Cover your head with a shower cap. Leae it for minimum 3 hours if you want to condition and for 4 hours if you want to get a good color too.
Henna removes impurities from the scalp.You wont see the color effect your hair imemdiately. It requires 3-4 application of henna.
Wash hair normally followed by shampoo.
-Make sure you use a superior quality henna to start with. Most products available in market are adulterated and they generally mix other ingredients with it. Make sure the color of the henna powder is green in color and has no shades of brown or black in it.(See the image attached)
-if you dont want the stink because of egg, just add egg white to the paste
-make sure you dont have oil on your head whenn you apply henna.
-towels used for drying your hair may catch the henna color. So beware of that.


Grey hair treatment from Shahnaz Husaain
Tue, 2007-03-20 11:01 — SreeDevi

Beauty tips for grey hair from Shahnaz Husaain

Massage soaked tea leaves or concentrated tea water on the scalp and leave on for about 10–15 minutes after shampoo. Regular washing of hair with tea extract twice a week helps in converting grey hair to black or brown.

Make your own hair mask! Mix olive oil and a mashed banana and apply it on your hair. Leave it on for 10-15 minutes before a wash. Apply this hair mask once a week for about two months and then stop. You can start this routine again after two months.

Henna leaves if boiled in coconut oil can be applied as a paste in the hair and washed after an hour of application. Coconut oil and henna make hair black.

