Indian Oils

I had a couple of questions on these. Well i just bought the biggest size of the amla oil and i wanted to know how you guys were using this?
Do you do an overnight treatment?
Pre poo with it for an hour? Or what?
And i also saw another oil by Dabur. It's not on their website but it is called Dabur special oil, i think. I know it has the word special in it so i was wondering; does anyone have a a review of this oil. It has hibiscus as the first ingredient, then lemon and some other stuff. I think it only has about 5 or so things in it and it smelled really good. I wanna know some reviews before i buy it or should i be the guinea pig for you all?:lol:
God's Anointed said:
I had a couple of questions on these. Well i just bought the biggest size of the amla oil and i wanted to know how you guys were using this?
Do you do an overnight treatment?
Pre poo with it for an hour? Or what?
And i also saw another oil by Dabur. It's not on their website but it is called Dabur special oil, i think. I know it has the word special in it so i was wondering; does anyone have a a review of this oil. It has hibiscus as the first ingredient, then lemon and some other stuff. I think it only has about 5 or so things in it and it smelled really good. I wanna know some reviews before i buy it or should i be the guinea pig for you all?:lol:
I haven't done any overnight treatments, but I use the Amla (the Lite version) on my scalp and hair on a regular basis. I've prepooed with the Dabur Vatika oil before for about an hour before I shampooed (I really don't like the smell and cannot stand to have it on my hair in large quantities for an extended period of time). There are several who prepoo with Amla though and they say it's been working well.

Hmm...I find this "special" oil interesting, especially if it smells good. I may have to order some.
God's Anointed said:
I had a couple of questions on these. Well i just bought the biggest size of the amla oil and i wanted to know how you guys were using this?
Do you do an overnight treatment?
Pre poo with it for an hour? Or what?
And i also saw another oil by Dabur. It's not on their website but it is called Dabur special oil, i think. I know it has the word special in it so i was wondering; does anyone have a a review of this oil. It has hibiscus as the first ingredient, then lemon and some other stuff. I think it only has about 5 or so things in it and it smelled really good. I wanna know some reviews before i buy it or should i be the guinea pig for you all?:lol:

Hey God's Anointed, I use my amla as a prepoo overnight. This Dabur special oil sounds really good...and the fact that it smells good. I'm intrigued!:) Let us know how it works out.
I mostly use it as a prepoo for about one hour or so but have use it several times as an overnight treatment and saw no difference.

I have not use the Special oil, let us know how you like it if you order it.
Is this the oil you are talking about?

I'm off to reasearch the ingredients
This is all I could find ladies:

Dabur Special Quick Absorbing Light Hair Oil – Its natural formulation along with Hibiscus helps in quick absorption, while Lemon and other active ingredients strengthen roots, thereby giving that special shine to your hair with the no-oil look. Key Ingredients: Hibiscus, Lemon & Iso propyl myristate. Store away from sunlight * Net Vol: 100ml.
I have that oil. It does smell good. I use it for daily oilings, scalp massage and I add it to my henna or other conditioning treatments. Good stuff. Not sure if it has mineral oil.. I can look though.

EDIT: I looked on my bottle: mineral oil, sesame oil (herbalized with hibiscus), isopropyl myristate, rosemary oil, lemon oil, color, anti-oxidant, fragrance.

People tend to demonize mineral oil but I've never had a problem growing hair with it... different strokes for different folks. This oil is light, gives a nice shine and smells pleasant.
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keluric said:
I have that oil. It does smell good. I use it for daily oilings, scalp massage and I add it to my henna or other conditioning treatments. Good stuff. Not sure if it has mineral oil.. I can look though.

EDIT: I looked on my bottle: mineral oil, sesame oil (herbalized with hibiscus), isopropyl myristate, rosemary oil, lemon oil, color, anti-oxidant, fragrance.

People tend to demonize mineral oil but I've never had a problem growing hair with it... different strokes for different folks.

Thank you for posting that. I have a question for you, I know you are into the whole indian oils and henna. I notice your hair is a beautiful black, which I think I remember yo saying you henna to get it that way. Well I am not looking into henna yet, but I was wondeirng if there was any indian oils that make the hair darker? Maybe any oils that are black in color. I know of Amla and I didn't get the darkenin effect with it. Are there any other you suggest besides henna and amla oil?

Also, which Indian oil do you find that makes yor hair the most silky and soft?
There's a castor oil that a lot of Indian markets carry.. I think they add mineral oil and red dye. It's supposed to darken the hair.. can't say I've had those results but that's the claim. They also say amla powder is supposed to darken the hair but I can't attest to that either.

It's funny because I have so many oils that claim to darken the hair but Indigo is really the only thing that has given me the black I want. You can try the Sunsilk black shine shampoo with amla.. I haven't tried it yet but I picked some up.

My favorite indian oil for my scalp is Navaratan oil and my favorite for the length of my hair is coconut oil mixed with the dabur special oil. There's a perfumed coconut oil that I think is just heavenly.
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keluric said:
There's a castor oil that a lot of Indian markets carry.. I think they add mineral oil and red dye. It's supposed to darken the hair.. can't say I've had those results but that's the claim. They also say amla powder is supposed to darken the hair but I can't attest to that either.

It's funny because I have so many oils that claim to darken the hair but Indigo is really the only thing that has given me the black I want. You can try the Sunsilk black shine shampoo with amla.. I haven't tried it yet but I picked some up.

My favorite indian oil for my scalp is Navaratan oil and my favorite for the length of my hair is coconut oil mixed with the dabur special oil. There's a perfumed coconut oil that I think is just heavenly.

ooooh, have the sunsilk amla shampoo, and it was really good at making y hair extra shiny and black. my hair doens't like castor oils, so maybe i will look into adding amla powders to my oher oils. i got to get my hand on that special oil! thank you so uch for replying!
keluric said:
There's a castor oil that a lot of Indian markets carry.. I think they add mineral oil and red dye. It's supposed to darken the hair.. can't say I've had those results but that's the claim. They also say amla powder is supposed to darken the hair but I can't attest to that either.

It's funny because I have so many oils that claim to darken the hair but Indigo is really the only thing that has given me the black I want. You can try the Sunsilk black shine shampoo with amla.. I haven't tried it yet but I picked some up.

My favorite indian oil for my scalp is Navaratan oil and my favorite for the length of my hair is coconut oil mixed with the dabur special oil. There's a perfumed coconut oil that I think is just heavenly.

Do you know the nae of it by any chance? Brahmi?
You ladies are awsome. Thank you for your quick replies. Well, i guess i have to go back to that store to pick up some of the special oil now that i heard about it. :look:

Locksofluv- yes, that the oil i'm talking about

Keluric- when i read the ingredients, it didn't have mineral oil as part of it. Maybe they have a new formula but the one i saw had hibiscus ad the first ingredient. Then lemon i think was the second ingredient. Since i'm washing my hair sat (hopefully) i will let you guys know how these indian oils work.

dlewis- i might have that parachute oil too!! I have to check when i get home

LocksOfLuV said:
Thank you for posting that. I have a question for you, I know you are into the whole indian oils and henna. I notice your hair is a beautiful black, which I think I remember yo saying you henna to get it that way. Well I am not looking into henna yet, but I was wondeirng if there was any indian oils that make the hair darker? Maybe any oils that are black in color. I know of Amla and I didn't get the darkenin effect with it. Are there any other you suggest besides henna and amla oil?

Also, which Indian oil do you find that makes yor hair the most silky and soft?

Perhaps if you use your Amla oil with heat that would help with the darkening effect. I got good results when I used it under the hood dryer. Also it may be more of a progressive darkening effect and not the dramatic effect that indigo gives. I'm going to start experimenting with amla powder see how that works.
Ok....... yall know I'm a PJ right? :lol: I was doing so gooood tooooo :lachen: :p

I liked the amla oil alot and it really started to darken my hair.... but I had just had highlights so I decided to give it to my sister. :look:

I have another red oil that has menthol in it.... It feels grand on the scalp but I ADORE this stuff for massages (I have fibromyalgia so this soooooooo fabulous for my sore muscles and joints.)

Where can I get the jasmine scented coconut oil? I love indian oils... I also love castor oil. It works better for my hair than evoo.