Indian Grocery Directory!

This resource is probably a great one for big cities. However, I live in a small town bordered by a medium city and the three (3) Indian groceries we have were not included. I think it is probably a good idea to keep looking for an Indian grocery in your area even if you don't get a name from the directory. This is a great starting point though, thank you for the link.
metalkitty said:
Here you can find a Indian Grocer near you. Someone posted a link to this before, but I thought it deserves it's own thread.

Thank you girl!!! Because of your directory, I actually found a store in my area. I bought some almond oil, rose water, coconut oil, and amla powder. I wanted some henna, but they only had dark brown. I guess I could have purchased it since I'm not trying to dye anyway, but I wasn't sure if it was BAQ Henna. THANKS AGAIN!!
Thanks for the links ladies!! I was struggling trying to find an Indian grocery around here, there is one right down the street from me! :D
Cleve_gryl said:
Thanks for the links ladies!! I was struggling trying to find an Indian grocery around here, there is one right down the street from me! :D

LOL. I went so far as to ask the gas station guy where I could find one... :lol: He's from Nepal, but he still knew.
Thank you so much! I tried looking for Indian groceries in my phone book, but I didn't know where to start...:confused: Thanks to you, I found 4 in my city! :D