Increase in shedding as hair gets longer?


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies

Does hair shed more, or 'appear' to shed more as your hair get longer?

I remember when I could comb my hair all day long and be able to count the strands I lost, cause they were so few.

Now, every time I comb my hair (1-2 times a week) I lose so much hair, it's crazy. I wondered if this is normal? Or whether long strands make it look like ur losing more (than when ur hair was short)?
I agree not too worry. You mentioned that you only combed 1-2 times a week too. So, you're just seeing that hair all at once.
My experience has been that longer strands look like more shedding. I wouldn't worry.


The longer my hair is the bigger that ball of hair looks. I bet if I counted the strands they would be the exact same amount as what I shed when I was shorter. The strand is just longer, so the volume is more.