Inauguration Day Big Chop (PICS)


New Member
I had been transitioning since February 08 and I chopped on January 20 so I had 11 months of growth. My for most of my transition I kept my hair in ponytails and the breakage was minimal. Then all of a sudden December hit and my hair was breaking all over the place and I decided that something had to give. So i planned on BC'ing on Inauguration day since America was changing for the better, I would too :grin:.

I loaded my hair up with conditioner and went to work. When i first looked in the mirror after i was done I cried. I didn't think i would shed a tear but i cried like a BABY. I thought i looked like a little boy. So i decided to throw on a headband and some earrings and it was a litle better. Now, after the shock, I LOVE MY HAIR!!! :drunk: Its so soft and curly it looked just like it did when I was a little girl.

Pic 1-Last Relaxer
Pic 2- Relaxed ends
Pic 3- Back of Head
Pic 4- Happy Me

P.s. If anyone has hair like mine i welcome any advice. :yep:


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Cute cut, purdy lady! I cried when I BC'd, too. :lol: Then I learned to enjoy my short natural while I'm waiting for growth. Congratulations!
You look cute as a button...not a little boy! It really looks quite lovely and I'm glad you've grown to love it. What a great day to BC!
