Inappropriate progress pics ?

Fine 4s

Well-Known Member
Do you consider naked back shots or pics with bras showing to measure hair length inappropriate?

A male friend told me that I needed to delete a picture I posted using my bra to measure length.
I'm so used to seeing bra shots in the hair world that I forget what the "real" world may think. Of course he has no clue what goes on the hair boards....

I'm going to be making a t-shirt anyway...

What say you?
Do you consider naked back shots or pics with bras showing to measure hair length inappropriate?

A male friend told me that I needed to delete a picture I posted using my bra to measure length.
I'm so used to seeing bra shots in the hair world that I forget what the "real" world may think. Of course he has no clue what goes on the hair boards....

I'm going to be making a t-shirt anyway...

What say you?

Personally I think the naked back shots is a little too much. Bra straps is not too bad because it kinda reminds me of a bikini top. But you still most be careful especially if you have a good professional career. You don't want pics to come back and haunt you.
Good point about career.

I see why it may shock some. Maybe the safest way to measure is the t-shirt after all.
I will say that if I post a naked back shot pic, most friends who comment make jokes like "turn around!" Lmao

Why does it sound possessive to you?
Naked back pics always weird me out but not bra pics. A bikini top is essentially a bra so I don't and never did get why people have such an issue with bras showing but are ok with bikinis. Ummm same thing, different material. And most bras cover more than bikini tops so I don't see what the problem is.
You can put on a non black shirt or whatever your hair color is get the opposite and we'll be able to see your length. Also. most times you can see the imprint of your bra through your shirt. What I'm saying is, there is really no need to go shirtless or nude to show a length check so I'll assume those that do it simply want to because they can
I dont see an issue with a bra shot or bare back shot.

You're not seeing any part of the body that would need to be censored with a black bar. As another poster stated, as long as side boob or butt crack isn't showing than you're not seeing anything but hair and flesh.

And the reason some take pix in bra or bare back are mainly those trying to get a measurement between mbl and wl and crackin. Those lengths can sometimes be hard to see with a t-shirt on if you have a not so defined waist.

In addition I dont see how a picture of your back with a bra on would negatively effect a career if by chance your boss got a hold of it (and unless they troll hair boards I dont see how they would even get it). I'd be interested to see how an employer can justify firing someone over the back of a bra showing when you have people posting "turnt up" pix all over the IG.

But I'm a little less sensitive to stuff like this. I was confused the 1st time I saw a poster say something negative about a bra shot some years ago. I still get confused. I see WAY worse in commercials.
Good point about career.

I see why it may shock some. Maybe the safest way to measure is the t-shirt after all.
I will say that if I post a naked back shot pic, most friends who comment make jokes like "turn around!" Lmao

Why does it sound possessive to you?

I think it sounds a little possessive because he's telling you what you NEED to do. I'd expect that maybe from a spouse, but I don't have friends who would order me to do something unless they somehow take it personally.
Well if we're talking non-hair boards and non-hair platforms (i.e your personal ig vs the ig of a hair guru) then I guess some might find it weird but I still dont think it's offensive. Though I also dont get posting progress pix on a personal ig either, like, my friends dont hair that I'm apl since they dont know what an "apl" is :look: lol
I prefer to measure in a t-shirt because I am not comfortable with naked back or bra pics for myself. Looking at naked back and bra pics makes me uncomfortable when lurking from work for various reasons. Therefore, I try my best to not click on threads where these pics may be posted unless using my personal devices.
Umm, idk. For me it depends. It bothers me when there is too much cleavage. Without saying any names, but there are a couple of subscribers who consistently post pics where their breasts are on display; especially in their profile pic.

I never thought of it to be an issue with wearing a bra or bare back to do length checks ; due to the known objectives and the intent of the post and the fact that you pay a subscription for a hair board; however you do encounter a couple of bozos whose intent or objective may not be the same. So with that said, moving forward, I think I'll start using a shirt to measure my length.
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I'm with you pelohello...
I post hair pics mainly on my IG.
I feel a tinge of discomfort when I do it so maybe I need to listen to that feeling. Although I don't see an issue with it...consciously I should say lol
I see nothing wrong with either one as long as there isn't side boob or butt showing. I like to wear fitted tank tops for length check pics so you can see where my hair falls at on me (eg: at my waist, etc) and I stay covered :yep:
I had a length check picture taken in a tank top. I posted it on Facebook and they cited me for nudity. The straps were not real visible because the hair was past the shoulder:perplexed
I think it also depends on how long and thick the hair is -- APL or even BSL not a big deal.

But I have seen some MBL to WL pics showing the full length of the torso that were more revealing than I would be comfortable with.

One day I seriously hope to have that problem :lachen: :lachen:
I don't do the bra shots because nobody needs to see my back fat! But the fact is that with a bra on it can still be more covered up than some of the chicks who show their cleavage and *** crack. Your friend was probably turned in by it. A woman's back is very sexy, especially in a low or bare back gown.
I remember a year or so ago this guy was sharing women's photos from here with another forum......

I don't think they're inappropriate, but I'd never do it because I wouldn't want my naked back or bra shot out there for that reason alone.
I don't have a problem with bra or back unless I see crack or boob. I use a cami because it gets the job done w/out all that extra.
I don't mind bra shots. Naked back pics are too revealing, imo, and unnecessary. I would never post a LC pic of any kind on FB. My friends would think I was weird.

On LHCF I always take my pics in a tank or fitted t-shirt.
I don't really care what people post. I can always click away if needed. I just want to see the hair.

Now that I'm so close to bsl, in my last length check, I took my shirt off to verify if I hit see if my hair was indeed at my bra....I didn't post those photos and now I guess I won't. Lol! I don't want to offend anyone with my bra strap fabric and the skin on my back. ;). I really don't see the big deal, but to each her own. I guess some people are offended more easily than I am, but that's not a crime.

I normally use a light colored shirt or a sports bra in pictures I post. I do feel that as u get to longer lengths, u need to measure according to body parts. Body parts don't typically move so they are a good indicator for women who have longer hair. Once I passed apl it got harder for me to gauge my progress with my shirt on.

I will probably make a length tshirt this weekend. The lines will make progress clearer. I wish I had started my journey with one.
I must not be detailed oriented enough or I just don't care because when people do LC I never think about their bras or backs. When you compare cleavage to backs that's something different to me because you're not doing a length check, so that's definitely noticeable but I'm still not like look at her boobs because that doesn't interest me.