In the spirit of Thanksgiving


New Member
So don't kill me if someone's posted something like this already, but I was thinking it'd be fun to state what we're thankful for as far as our hair is concerned.

So I'll start, for me, I'm thankful that I'm natural and that I can finally do two strand twists and rock twistouts :grin:

Ok ladies, what are you thankful for since this is the season of thanks giving?
cool thread!
I'm thankful for 2 things: finding this forum &bhm, and also deciding to transition (from relaxed to natural) :)
oh I like this thread :D

I'm thankful for my length and thickness. I'm thankful for no major setbacks. <3
I'm thankful for my length, my new texture (via transitioning), and the general ease of my transition.

Please forgive me, LHCF sisters. I forgot to thank you. I'm transitioning by myself here in Southern California. The women of my family are back in Philadelphia where they are natural as well. I'm thankful to have a network to support and help me throughout the transition. I love you all! :yep:
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I am thankful that I can complain about how thick my hair is, I am sooo thankful for my LHCF sisters, who can always make me smile.
What a great thread OP.
I'm thankful for overall healthy hair.
I'm thankful that my hair isn't high maintenance so I don't have to spend a lot of money on products
I'm thankful for lhcf for helping me get my hhj going in the right direction
I am thankful for all of you on this forum who take the time out to give advice encouragement and just overall support.

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I'm so thankful to be WL. That was my goal for 2010 and I made it! :yay:
I'm thankful that my ends look good. I'm thankful to my hair for sticking with me these past two years.
I'm thankful for all the lovely people I've met through the forum and all the non-hair related things I learn here.
I am thankful that I have found a great leave-in that has "cured" me of my product junkyism (Kimmaytube leave in).

I am thankful that my hair growth is on track and that I am retaining length.

I am thankful that my hair is thick, lush, and naturally beautiful!

I am thankful that I transitioned and took the time to learn about my hair.
I'm thankful that I finally kicked the pj'ism....thank you Giovannia SAS

I'm actually thankful for my setback. It taught me so much about what my hair likes and doesn't like. Without having that experience I'd probably be close to WL with hideous hair right now.

I'm thankful for the overall health of my hair, and the progress I've gained since my setback

And last but not least...I'm thankful for LHCF!
1. First off I am thankful for all the people who work in the commercial or natural hair Cosmetic Product Industry. With out them I think a lot of us would be LOST!!!

2. I am VERY thankful to all the men, women and children who work out side in the hot sun in Africa chopping and busting up Shea Butter Nuts to help make Shea Butter for me (and ya’ll) and send it to the BSS around the corner on Harper and Cadieux in Detroit all the way from Ghana, Africa. You didn't have to get up and go to work that morning in the hot African sun but you did and because of that I was able to make me some coco-shea butter whip for my hair which was dry due to the brutal weather here in Michigan. Thank You!

3. I am thankful for the HE Hello Hydration chemists who put that formulation together. Perfect!

4. I’m thankful I found the hair boards and the YT hair community! Sometimes I feel like "I was chosen" lol because I could be one of those girls with busted up heads, but I am not! I am thankful that I am on my way to WL hair. Never in my life did I think MY hair had that kind of potential to grow past BSB or MBL let alone WL. It blows my mind. I cannot wait to do a length check.
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1. First off I am thankful for all the people who work in the commercial or natural hair Cosmetic Product Industry. With out them I think a lot of us would be LOST!!!

2. I am VERY thankful to all the men, women and children who work out side in the hot sun in Africa chopping and busting up Shea Butter Nuts to help make Shea Butter for me (and ya’ll) and send it to the BSS around the corner on Harper and Cadieux in Detroit all the way from Ghana, Africa. You didn't have to get up and go to work that morning in the hot African sun but you did and because of that I was able to make me some coco-shea butter whip for my hair which was dry due to the brutal weather here in Michigan. Thank You!

3. I am thankful for the HE Hello Hydration chemists who put that formulation together. Perfect!

4. I’m thankful I found the hair boards and the YT hair community! Sometimes I feel like "I was chosen" lol because I could be one of those girls with busted up heads, but I am not! I am thankful that I am on my way to WL hair. Never in my life did I think MY hair had that kind of potential to grow past BSB or MBL let alone WL. It blows my mind. I cannot wait to do a length check.

Same here. This is one of the few places in life where my nosiness has paid off, lol.
I am thankful for this site which is teaching me how to take care of my hair. I am thankful that I actually like my hair. I miss it when I am protective styling. I love that it has lots of body and is big!
Im thankful for

  • making it through 1 year natural with no setbacks
  • the internet through which I support my PJism and gain knowledge abt hair
  • my job, so I can be a PJ with a slightly clear conscience
  • the support and info from hair boards and youtube

I love this thread!
I am thankful for finding LHCF and for all the lovely ladies who have taken the time to answer my questions and support me.
As far as hair, I am thankful that I am natural, have had no setbacks, and that my natural "bang" has FINALLY grown out and can reach the crown of my head (I see LOTS of phony buns and puffs in my future as a PS!)
I'm thankful for amazing growth, length and thickness, a healthy scalp, great retention and no setbacks.
I'm thankful for all of the wonderful ladies I've met on this forum.

I'm thankful for all of the hair growth I've had this year.

I'm thankful that I finally gathered up the courage to use hair sticks. Hair sticks are awesome.
Im thankful for the ladies I have met on the forum, oyin hair products and Nikos (for helping to make this board).
1. The info and cool peeps on LHCF!
2. Ceramides :yep:
3. Fixing my porosity
3. The success of my 9 month stretch
4. Henna
5. Healthy SL
I'm thankful that I found ths board and that my hair FINALLY past APL! I had BSL on in the very back one time in my life but the rest was mushroom (the mullet from the 90's). My sides have NEVER been this long in my LIFE!

Thank GOD for LHCF! :heart2:
Wow..where do I begin? I am thankful for hairveda and Sparkling Flame for boundless tresses.It works! I am thankful for Hairfinity .I would like to give a special thanks to Blackaster piece, Gabanna girl ( Moptopmaven), Westindian beauty, and Southernbella , and Pinkskates for demonstrating all the wonderful things our hair can d without a relaxer..:yep: ok. Why am O gettin chocked up yall? Happy Thanksgiving ladies!
I'm thankful...

That my edges are now thick again :yay:

That I can still roller set without breakage and I'm currently 17 weeks post

That my reggie is solid and I have all my staple products

That overall my progress has been amazing and inspiring to people who once doubted me
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This is cute!

I'm thankful that I reached BSL, a length I have never reached before, and one I was told by a few people I would never see.

I'm thankful for that setback in June, so I could see I am NOT invincible and I CAN'T trust everyone...but I am equally thankful it grew back in three months.

I'm thankful that my hair regimen is on auto-pilot and I can diagnose when my hair is weak, dry, or style-challenged and give it that quick fix.

I'm thankful for an SO who supports me on every step of my hair journey.

Lord willing my hair stays intact on my head until 12/13, I will be thankful for 2.5 years of all natural hair.
I am thankful that I have been able to retain all of my length this year and that my hair is finally starting to look and feel healthy.:yep: