In support of relaxed hair . . .

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
I went to a happy hour yesterday. As lounges go, it was pretty dark and hard to see folk. I was waiting on my best friend who recently started the process of dreding her hair. While waiting, I thought I saw her come in . . . but it turned out to be another sistah with a similar build and the exact. same. hairstyle. Her lil' dreds/twists were the same length, parted the same way, etc. Looking around I realized that most of the women who had dreded or twisted hair pretty much had this same style. (No one there had really long dreds.) This made me feel glad that I wear my hair relaxed. Not because I don't like the dreded style my friend rocks -- it is very cute! But I guess I just love the versatility that I have with straightened hair. (Of course, the most versatile of all is probably natural hair that can be pressed for a straightened style every once in a while.)

Don't know where I'm going with this . . . just posting random thoughts. To the dred-locked/twisted sistahs (:lol:) please don't throw tomatoes!
It's O.K., we feel ya'. Different strokes for different folks.

I think it's cool for people who like that and that's their personal style and all but I would get frustrated wearing the same style all the time. I like being able to switch it up.

To all my dred-headed sistas, I'm not hatin'. If that's your style it's all good! It's just not for me that's all.
I don't like dreads at all.

My brother had them, so it's not about the person. I don't want to offend anyone but that's my personal opinion. Even though you CAN be versatile with dreads, I don't like the look along with other things.
Actually, locs are a lot more versatile than folks give them credit for. Much like a short relaxed cut, there's not much you can do with them when they're really short. As they grow, you've got tons of options. I wore locs for almost ten years (cut them in March '06, much to the horror of my more pro-natural sisterfriends) and I was able to wear them straight, wavy, curly, ponytailed, bunned, french twisted, half-up-half-down, and on and on. Just like as my relaxed hair gets longer, I can wear it straight, wavy, curly, ponytailed, bunned, french twisted, half-up-half-down (you get my point).

Obviously, I missed wearing my hair straight and flowing or I wouldn't have relaxed it... but loced sisters do enjoy a great deal of versatility.
Yep, I'm feeling the versatility thing, but in reality naturals have the most versatility because they can do cool natural styles like twists, fros ect and then straighten their hair with heat for straight styles.

I suppose the only drawback would be the hair reverting in wet conditions, but I still love those kinky twists. Sometimes I wish I could do big long twists.:yep:
