In need of suggestions


This is my regimine shampoo w/ Cream Of nature once a week follow with evoo hot oil treatment and follow that with Lekair cholestorol do deep conditiong with plastic cap for 30-45min wash then follow with nexxus humectress conditioner

And then the conditioner wash once a week one time I used le kair and the last time I didn't I might do it next conditioner wash

after I wash I usually let it air dry unless I don't have the time I put Wild growth oil on my hair then I put Profectiv Megagrowth on my ends even though water isn't it's first ingredient it helps until I get a better moisturizer and once a day I put megagrowth on my ends mixed with kemi oyl and i do a scalp massage with kemi oyl I keep my hair in a ponytail mostly since it's too uneven for a bun
But I recently purchased profectiv root health and scurl mositurizer so I started using that instead and I mix the root health with wgo and put it on my ends my hair pics are located in my signature any tips suggestions are welcomed I also began taking Gnc hair,skin&nails formula 2 times a day along with 1000mcg of biotin and the gnc formula already has 2500mcg of biotin in it so that is 3500mcg of biotin a day
The link to my pics are posted with my signature my sides had broken off and now are growing back in a little slower than I like and I am still dealing with breakage in my hair and all my million split ends lol I am thinking of cutting it sometimes I feel like chopping it all off
You're off to a good start!


1. Apply Surge to the scalp daily to accelerate hair growth. I mix my Surge with Sta-Sof-Fro and put it in an applicator bottle such that it can be applied directly to the scalp.

2. Consume a teaspoon of MSM powder with juice once or twice daily to increase the growth rate.

3. Drink a LOT of water daily (1000mL in a Nalgene bottle x 2 throughout the day if you can).

4. Use the MILDEST relaxer strength available in the product line that you've chosen. You might consider quitting the relaxer for 3-6 months while your new growth on the sides fills in. L'Anza Strait Line shampoo and conditioner will help manage the new growth.

5. Eat more protein daily (egg whites, kidney beans, tuna). I make a salad once a week out of the above ingredients for convenience.

6. Sleep on a silky pillow case or wear a silky head wrap at night.

7. Try to leave your hair alone between washes. I wash, condition, and style just once a week. I leave my vaselined braided bun in all week long without taking it down for 7 days. Cornrows or a ponytail also serve this purpose. Hands off!

8. No brushing.
Just use a comb.
Yes I stopped relaxing I am somewhere between 15-18 weeks post relaxer I had forgot to write it down so that is my guesstimate
Your regime sounds good to me.Some ladies have had a problem with a Cream of Nature buildup over time so be sure to clarify once in a while (I do it once every 2 months).I would also suggest trimming off the splits.You can do it gradually.
Also as megonw said you can up your growth rate.You said your sides grow slow?Have you been paying extra attention to them when you massage?My sides grow slow too so I massage my sides only and they are now catching up to the back.Exercising at least 3 times a week also helps you up your growth rate.
Happy Hair Growing!
megon thanks for the suggestions I will look into the msm if I can find the powder and cheap somewhere here then I will give it a try but I can't buy it over the net right now I already sleep with a satin scarf I do need a satin pillowcase I try to drink a lot of water and since i'm not working right now my hair is covered with a scarf 99% of the time and bobbie I am a few months post relaxer now my mom has been relaxing my hair since I was little I am 18 and still live at home she was still relaxing it I think she was overprocessing it but not sure was using no lye relaxers but switched up from time to time and I am trying to wait as long as possible until I relax again just having trouble keeping my new growth moisturized hopefully the products I recently purchased will help with that
Thanks katie I do try to do the scalp massages concentrating on the sides and I do clarify in my signature are my hair pics I took pics of the sides I can tell they are growing in
tiffy said:
just having trouble keeping my new growth moisturized hopefully the products I recently purchased will help with that

[/ QUOTE ]

I think you've chosen some good products. Deep conditioning with L'Anza Strait Line under a bonnet dryer for an hour always helps moisturize my hair. Sta-Sof-Fro (applied daily with the Surge) retains moisture better than any product I've tried so far. It's $3 at CVS. I also use vaseline on my ends -- I prefer it to Profectiv Breakfree.

If my hair is confined in a bun all week, it tangles up less than if it's hanging loose and shifting around all week. Plus I'm much too lazy to wet and comb it all very often.
The ladies have all given great tips. Another thing I wanted to add is that not everyone's hair can handle relaxers. If nothing you do is stopping the breakage, you might want to consider going natural. Of course, this is a big decision to make, but I just thought I'd put it out there.
I will try to find the surge and sta sof fro I have never seen either of them before and I live in a predominantly white neighborhood so I may have to do some searching
Hey Tiffy. Megon's tips were right on point. If you have problems finding the Surge, let me know. I'll help ya out
megonw Sta-Sof-Fro

we don't have a cvs at least none I have ever seen I will have to check the besuty supply stores when I can
Re: megonw Sta-Sof-Fro

Since you're 15-18 weeks post-relaxer, you might be experiencing breakage along the demarcation line. Just keep it moisturized and be extra careful when detangling.
Your regimen sounds fine as it is.
I'm also 15 weeks post-relaxer, and I have to be extra careful when detangling my hair or the relaxed ends would break off.

Hope this helps, and Good luck!
Re: megonw Sta-Sof-Fro

Thanks bobbie you are right this is why I say I can't just leave my hair alone it will get badly tangles I have 4a/b hair I think more 4b I used scurl yesterday along with root health mixed with wgo but I think the scurl will work best on wet hair today when I went to moisturize again my hair felt really dry but I don't know if that means the products aren't good enough or that my hair is just soaking up all that moisture lol my new growth was hard and tangly but I know better than to comb it while it's dry so i just used the root health mixed with wgo I might try it with kemi oyl tomorrow thanks for replying
Re: megonw Sta-Sof-Fro

Girl, I know what you mean! I think I've given up on the combs and am just using my fingers.

It maybe that your newgrowth is much rougher to deal with, but as it grows in, it should get much softer and respond to moisture much better.
I heard this being referred to as "scab hair". Do a search on the forum to see some threads on the topic. It means that when growing out your relaxer, some people may get new growth that is very hard and rough because your scalp was affected by the relaxer.

As more new growth comes in, the rough texture would become much softer as it grows out. Some people have this and some people don't. My new growth also soaks up moisture like nothing else!

Give it time, you're doing fine, just remember to detangle ONLY when your hair is wet, otherwise you have breakage and a tangled mess in your hands.
Re: megonw Sta-Sof-Fro

Thanks again bobbie I have another question I usually moisturize and comb out my hair once a day should I stop this now since I have so much new growth right now I have it in two pigtails except some of the side that were too short usually I keep it in a ponytail but wanted a change was wondering should I not comb it out everyday anymore and just moisturize it as is?
Re: megonw Sta-Sof-Fro

I've heard good things about the Denman brush. It's supposed to be good for detangling.
Try to come your hair less frequently than once a day. You'll need to use your fingers and the shower more since you're dealing with quite a bit of natural hair.
If your hair can stand not being combed daily without getting massive tangles, than by all means do it very carefully with your comb (the kind of comb you have makes a BIG difference). If you hit knots, work from the end of your hair up with your fingers to get rid of them.

If you still get massive breakage with combing daily do this less frequently, detangle in the shower when you're conditioning your hair or while the water is running through your hair.
As your hair grows out, it may help to trim off the weaker ends that break off as you're getting more healthy hair.

Keep moisturizing!
Re: megonw Sta-Sof-Fro

Thank you bobbie and I do think I will see if I can get a wider tooth comb than the one I already have