In Need of Natural Info


New Member
Hi, I'm new to LHCF and I'm so impressed with all of the knowledge the ladies here posess. I need a little help. For the first time I will be caring for my natural hair. I'm not quite sure of its type (or if it even matters). I would also appreciate any tips to help manage it. I would like to alternate between natural styles and pressing it straight. :yep:

Here is a pic of my hair dry and two of it wet.

Thank you ladies!!!


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co-washing will really help keep your natural hair moisturized 2x a week. This is the best advice I received when I went natural.
Welcome to LHCF planet:grin:! I believe your hair type is 4a/b, like mine (I'm not an expert on this though). How long have you been natural? And how are you taking care of your hair now?
Welcome to the forum!! you will find TONS of info here. try the search feature, it's a biiiig help. And you can subscribe to the threads you really love.
Welcome to the forum. As others have stated, there is a ton of information on this site. The search engine will be your best friend. Someone gave me a good bit of advice about straightening. Use a flat iron instead of a comb. The temperature will be regulated with an electric, ceramic flat iron. Use a hair serum containing silk instead of oil to flat iron your hair so that it won't burn and dry out. Try as many shampoos and conditioners as it takes to find the ones your hair loves. Believe me you will know when your hair loves a product. It will be soft and moisturized. Look at tons of fotki's to get ideas for styles and regimes. Most of all have fun on your journey to healthy hair. HHG
:yawn: Thank you so much for the info ladies!!!

A bit about my past hair care: I had my natural hair in braids for 12 years. I got my first relaxer at 18 (big mistake). It broke my BSL hair to about shoulder length, and I ended up with a ring around my head 1' long. My last relaxer was in Nov 2006. I'm currently wearing braids, but I plan to take them out soon and work with my hair on a daily basis.
From your pic we look like hair twins...though mine hasnt gotten that long yet...I just started my journey...geez i think last april or may (check my ticker) ...i've been in kinky twists since... my texture is TIGHT koils...mostly i've learned to use creams and oils - no liquid b/c it just frizzings (for when you want to do roller sets) ... I'm still learning more and more each day.

My regimen is really basic when Im on a braid break... I just wear it out...I cowash 3x a week (since I been in braids I have to go buy some conditioner) and I DC 1x a week... when I do wash I do the baking soda wash... or an acv rinse and i always condition to comb out. ... Considering I had a TON of relaxed hair when I started...I braided and cut and braided and cut...and now here I am... (I wasnt brave enough to do the big chop) ...

I am tender combing leaves me with headaches, which is partly why I decided to go natural... LOL (i know its sad, but my mother tore me up too much when I was little) ...Im hoping to get the courage to have it pressed out ... but we'll see... if anything just to check the length and cut any straggly ends...
-Co-washing is your friend.
-Some of the best hair products you will find are in your kitchen.
-Stretching your hair in braids or twists will make it easier to product in your hair.
-Your hair is the boss, not you. She'll tell you right away if you're doing something wrong.
-Coconut Oil and Vatika Oil are my new gods (lol, j/k). They do wonders.
-When you find knots, try to work them out slowly by hand. If they don't budge, get a pair of hair shears, and cut them suckers off. It's just shed hair.
-Experiment with styles when you start getting bored. That'll stop you from reaching for the nearest straightening device or chemical.
Just echoing what everyone has already said and would also like to add that finding a hair buddy is important. for those days when your hair is driving you crazy, you will need a buddy to vent to.

Hi! I am new to growing hair long techniques but not natural hair so here I go running my mouth!
I have to say this first: YOUR HAIR IS BEAUTIFUL! Those pictures just made me want to touch your hair; so purty. :lick: Okay am not a natural hair pervert so I don't go around touching folks hair but it looks so thick rich and chocolaty that I was like "She has a blessing on her head" :yep:
This site is great! Also, is great too. Check out CURLTALK and the 4a/4b sections too. Just for good measure until you got down your own thang and that will come in time give it at least 3-6 months until is starts flowing and you be like "I got this!"

My best advice is to Keep It Simple Sista (KISS)!
--Silk/Satin Pillowcases are a must everynight. Shoot, if you don't sleep bad like I do try a silk/satin cap

--Find a conditioner you love and use it. I use one conditioner for moola that way too and it works. Watch the ingredients cuz that love could turn into a hate if it has build up products in it that your hair doesn't like. Conditioner washes are the way to go. Also a bunch of conditioner and a tbl of baking soda gets the hair clean and you don't need a shampoo AND conditioner to save some dough. I buy shampoo once a year! That is mainly for DD & DS.

--Think about it too do you really need: gel, deep conditioner, leave in, 5 different oils, and tons of other product to have healthy hair?:nono: Just make sure you have some filtered water and some kind of moisturizer and KISS your troubles away. Now if you want to have 5 different styles every week, I find that is not part of the KISS routine. I currently twist with two products conditioner and humectant. I use the same conditioner to leave in, condition, DC and rarely use gel anymore as in maybe 2x year. So rock that twist, twist out, pony puff but KISS. Try to make styles last.

Well enuf of my advice. Here I am looking at all these products for hair growth and saying oooh I want that or I should try that...when it comes down to KISS routine should be good enough...well maybe with some MEGA-TEK thrown in. :lachen:

WELCOME and I am loving your hair! --TQ
Welcome to LHCF! Your hair is nice and thick, what styles are you doing currently?

Thanx! Currently, I have braids, but I plan to take them out soon to start working with my hair on a daily basis.

Your hair looks very healthy. Do you use any curl styling creams on it?
Very pretty hair. Looks like you and I have about the same texture 4a/b .

After all these years I'm still trying to perfect a regimen but I too think that keeping it simple is best.

I'm a product Junkie but I find that my hair loves Miss Jessies curly buttercreme for moisture and great twists and twist outs.

Thanks to Pinkskates I recently found that coconut oil is also good on my hair. I use it when I try her tension method of blow drying (occasionally) and I use it to seal my ends. I also started washing my hair in 2 sections in the shower and using a lot of conditioner to detangle . I don't lose 1 hair like that.

There are tons of other tips to be found. Have patience with your hair and enjoy the journey. Looks like you already have a great start.