in need of advice, please......


New Member
So i am new to LHCF and I am attempting to grow my hair out. It seems like my hair has been shoulder length forever. I moved to a new area 2 two years ago and have not been able to find a salon that i like. This has resulted in having to get my hair cut because it was damaged or unknowingly getting in the chair of a scissor happy stylist. I am at a point where I don't know what to do. I am considering trying to do my hair at home, but i am a little nervous about this. When I have tried before I have ended up looking like a puff ball. Does anyone have any suggestions? Do I continue to search for a salon or do I try to do my hair myself? If i try to do it myself, how? Or do I try something like micro-braids?
Greetings Brown Eyes,

:wave:Welcome to the board! I am sure you will love it here and become addicted (um...did I say that:look: ) to this site just like a few of us who are here ocassionally! ;)

As far as advice goes, I shall defer to one of our resident hair gurus, DontSpeakDefeat. She made a New Comer's Guide To Starting Out thread that is a 'sticky' at the top of this forum. You will easily find it as it is the third thread down.

We are happy you have joined us and are looking forward to some progress pictures in the near future!

Happy Hair Growing!
Give it a go! Taking care of you own hair isn't as hard as you think...:yep:

I agree with NubianQueen. Read the instructions that DSD lay in the beginners guide. Don't jump ahead, but follow carefully. If need be, get your touch-ups done at a salon until you learn more and feel more confident to do them yourself. Btw, when you are ready, pull up LondonDiva and Southerngirls threads on self-relaxing they give great tips and techinques....

Happy Hair Growing!!